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Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes 2023

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Meeting Minutes

01-17-2023 Waterworks Board

January 17, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney, and Ken Gembala

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison, and Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering.


Mr. Czarnik nominated Ken Gembala for President. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Czarnik nominated Joan McInerney for Vice-President. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve the December 20, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. The motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


A. Motion to terminate Professional Service Agreement with Attorney Angela Jones and direct the Town Manager to send notice of the same
Mr. Wiszowaty explained that the Town Attorney would represent the Water District. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to terminate Professional Service Agreement with Attorney Angela Jones and direct the Town Manager to send notice of the same. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Motion to approve a Professional Service Agreement with Cender Dalton to serve as the Financial Advisor for the Water District for 2023
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve a Professional Service Agreement with Cender Dalton to serve as the Financial Advisor for the Water District for 2023. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
C. Motion to approve a Professional Service Agreement with Robinson Engineering, Ltd. to serve as Engineers for the Water District for 2023
Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve a Professional Service Agreement with Robinson Engineering, Ltd. to serve as Engineers for the Water District for 2023. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
D. Motion to approve Peerless Midwest, Inc. Request to Purchase in the amount of $155,972.00
Mr. Wiszowaty reported that this is for Well 9. Mr. Pondinas explained the amount difference from the original purchase price and eventually, the production increased in that well. Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve Peerless Midwest, Inc. Request to Purchase in the amount of $155,972.00. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
E. Motion to approve water utility write-off in the amount of $297.17
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the water utility write-off in the amount of $297.17. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Nagle reported they have seven (7) projects they are working on:

1. The Acorn project design is done and sent to IDEM for permit. They are ahead of schedule on it.
2. The computerized hydraulic model is about 50% done and plan to be done around May 1st.
3. Wells 7, 8 and 9 pilot studies are in progress, with an issue on Well 9 as the ground is not frozen.
4. Wells 8 and 9 well house is moving forward with the design.
5. They’ve reviewed the SCADA contract and have a meeting with the contractor.

Mr. Gembala mentioned about posting the Acorn project progress on the website. Mr. Dravet responded that the project is still in the permit phase so there is nothing yet to report. Mr. Wiszowaty stated that the office will send letters to the residents affected. Mr. Nagle added that the idea of holding an open house for the residents once the contractor is selected.

Mr. Pondinas added a few additional updates with the SCADA system, Lift Station One, and the Gates Treatment Plant.


A. Water Utility Docket in the amount of $517,640.11
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Water Utility Docket in the amount of $517,640.11. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Water District Docket in the amount of $17,737.97
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Water District Docket in the amount of $17,737.97. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.

Ms. McInerney asked what the process would be to establish the round-table meeting. Mr. Nagle suggested having it in the afternoon so that Public Works could participate. Mr. Wiszowaty added that since it would be a Study Session, it would require at least 48 hours for notice. Mr. Wiszowaty offered to coordinate the schedule for the Board. Mr. Nagle suggested discussion on the Acorn project be addressed at the Study Session first and invite the residents to attend.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 21st Day of February, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

02-21-2023 Joint Waterworks Board and Sanitary District

February 21, 2023 Joint Waterworks and Sanitary District Study Session Minutes


Ms. Krull called the Joint Study Session with the Waterworks Board and the Sanitary District to order at 5:36 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Kim Krull, John Schaefer, Ken Gembala, and Joan McInerney

Board Members absent: John Kennedy, Patricia Sims-Smierciak

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison


A. First Group – 93rd Avenue / US 41 Project and Bid
Evan Laviolette, First Group Engineering, Designers of the W. 93rd Avenue Improvement Project. He referred to a presentation distributed to the Board Members and described the two (2) phases of the project. He explained the process of the water main movement and replacement and how the properties will continue to access water throughout the process. He displayed the list of costs directly related to the water main. He reported that F.H. Paschen was the low bidder at opening and after engineer’s review and is currently pending award. The low bidder’s cost to the Water Board came in at $889,585.71. The Engineer’s Estimate was $1,120,350.00. Phase 1 is to be completed in 2023 for $889,525.71. Phase 2 is assumed at a cost of $200,000.00 scheduled for 2024. Discussion about the funding of the projects ensued.
B. Robinson Engineering Project Updates
Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering, referred to a presentation of the current projects in the Town.

Sanitary Sewer Agenda:
1. Schererville Wastewater Billings – He provided a chart of the annual costs.
2. Inflow and Infiltration Strategy Inspection Areas study revealed that the older parts of Town have the most problems. He addressed the costs estimated to be associated with locating the problems in each zone area, which is about $1 million in total.
3. Acorn Drive Lift Station Abandonment – He reviewed the IDEM Rules and Regulations and an alternative method.
4. Five-Year Roadway Improvement Plan – He asked the Boards to interlay the improvement plans as the Town as a whole and referred to a map of the roads for improvement for each of the five (5) years.

Water Agenda:
1. Schererville Water Billings – He provided a chart of the annual costs which is driven by the consumption of the population. A discussion on altitude valves ensued.
2. Acorn Water Main – He expects the IDEM permit to be available in the second week of March. Once received, the project will be going out for bid. Once the permit is in place and the cost is determined and funded, there will be a town hall meeting with the contractor and the residents within the neighborhood.
3. Interconnecting Water Mains – He described the 18” raw water mains and the locations for placement to Wells 8 and 9 as well as a new regional treatment plant. 2,500’ of 12” water main will be installed at US 41 in 2024. A discussion about low rate loans and financing ensued.
4. Hydraulic Water Model – The process includes hydrant testing for calibration and workshopping the model.
5. Wells 7, 8 and 9 Pilot Study – He described the studies as verifying the Town can hydraulically load more water at each well on the new filter media in lieu of building more water treatment plants.
6. Well Houses Wells 8 and 9 and Regional Water Treatment Plant – The well houses are being designed and should be operational in 2024. For the new Treatment Plant, there is an issue with the property and the Town is resolving it.
7. SCADA – He presented the list of items remaining on the SCADA system.
8. Altitude Valves at Killkenny and Hack Street Tanks – Install two new altitude valves to improve the operations of the water system to occur in fall/winter 2023.
9. Replace high maintenance water mains one year prior to roadway jobs.

Mr. Schaefer suggested more joint meetings as finances are discussed for prospective projects combining both water and wastewater. Mr. Valois reported that the SCADA system cellular cost for the Town is about $7,200 annually.


A motion was made to adjourn the Joint Waterworks and Sanitary District Study Session at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board
St. John Sanitary District

Approved This 21st Day of March, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

Approved This 21st Day of March, 2023:

Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Sanitary District President

02-21-2023 Waterworks Board

February 21, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney, and Ken Gembala Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison, and Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the January 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


1. Motion to waive the $126.11 in water penalties assessed in January on all Lake Central High School Corporation accounts. Ms. McInerney made a motion to waive the Lake Central High School Corporation penalties in the amount of $126.11. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.



Wayne Pondinas, Town Liaison: Mr. Pondinas reported that he received estimates to clean the water towers. Mr. Pondinas reported that the SCADA system just about complete. Ms. McInerney referred to the review completed by Robinson show some gap areas that need to be done. Mr. Wiszowaty added that having Matt Austgen at a meeting would be helpful. Ms. McInerney read off a list of the incomplete gaps as identified by Robinson. Discussion about the retention of payment ensued. Ms. McInerney questioned the 10 year Verizon contract for $70,000 and asked that it be further investigated as well as the cloud storage. A discussion about the Verizon contract ensued. Mr. Dravet suggested the Town not prepay for the cellular and bring it back to the Town to process month to month. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the Town could possibly get the $70,000 credited.


A. Water Utility Docket in the amount of $1,502,001.75
Mr. Czarnik questioned some of the items on the Docket. Ms. McInerney requested a bond schedule. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Water Utility Docket in the amount of $1,502,001.75. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Water District Docket in the amount of $20,480.87
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Water District Docket in the amount of $20,480.87. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


Mike Aurelio, 8895 Overlook Point – Mr. Aurelio stated that he had some questions about the SCADA system. He stated that Gasvoda Associates responded to the RFP with a bid amount of $375,000. He added that Austgen Electric met the criteria of the RFP for $1.192 million. Mr. Aurelio asked Mr. Pondinas about the difference and why Austgen was awarded the bid. Mr. Pondinas responded that if a contractor used proprietary software, it makes it more difficult to maintain. It was under Baker Tilly advisement and the Water Board to select the bid that did not include proprietary software. Mr. Gembala added that there were other issues that arose and that Austgen had a good track record from the systems installed in surrounding communities. Mr. Gembala added that intangible factors went into the decision. Mr. Aurelio stated that based on the decision it appears there was only one bidder. Mr. Aurelio asked why the RFP was not altered to justify the $800,000 difference.

Ms. McInerney asked for a copy of the RFP. She also asked if there was a comparison matrix completed. Ms. McInerney asked about the status of the American Relief Act funds.


Ms. McInerney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 21st Day of March, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

03-21-2023 Waterworks Board

March 21, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Ms. McInerney called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik and Joan McInerney

Board Members absent: Ken Gembala

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison


A. February 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
B. February 21, 2023 Joint WW and SD Study Session

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the February 21, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the February 21, 2023 Joint Study Session Minutes as presented. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


A. West 93rd Avenue/US-41 Project – First Group Engineering, Inc.
Evan Laviolette, First Group Engineering, presented the Consultant Engineers Agreement for the West 93rd Avenue project for $80,378.40. He explained how the agreement and cost was divided between the Town and Waterworks, based on pay item costs of the entire project. The amount is based on a worst-case scenario. Mr. Laviolette confirmed this agreement is not for construction, but for the inspection part of the project. Mr. Czarnik asked if the Board had the money to do the project, although he noted the need for the project. Discussion on the split percentage continued. Mr. Wiszowaty informed the Board that there was a balance of about $1.4 million in the water maintenance fund, in addition to the ARPA funds from Lake County, confirming the money is there. Clarification of the total Consultant Engineering cost was discussed and determined that it is roughly 9% of the total construction project cost. Mr. Czarnik stated that any project beyond this one will require scrutiny. Mr. Pondinas asked how the Acorn project is being paid for and Mr. Wiszowaty confirmed it was through the water bond. Mr. Wiszowaty stated he will provide an update on the water bond projects to the Board. Ms. McInerney expressed concerns with not having a budget in place. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that he is working with Robinson Engineering and Cender Dalton on the Capital plan and will be building budgets for both the Waterworks and the Sanitary Districts for adoption. He also added that the Town has never budgeted for utilities and it is not a statutory requirement. Continued discussion ensued and a timetable discussed.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Consultant Engineering Agreement with First Group. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Task Orders – Robinson Engineering
Mr. Czarnik had questions on some of the new Task Orders. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to table Task Orders 22-07, 22-08, and 22-09. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Pondinas asked about the Pilot Study cost. Robinson Engineering referred to the Scope of Work and everything that is entailed on the estimate.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve Task Order 22-04 with Robinson Engineering. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve Task Order 22-05 with Robinson Engineering. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve Task Order 22-06 with Robinson Engineering. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


A. SCADA – Austgen Electric, Matt and Mike Austgen
Mr. Austgen referred to a report he provided to the Board. Mr. Czarnik asked about the Verizon support charge for the next 10 years. Mr. Austgen responded that it was added into the total cost so it could be included in the water bond. Austgen will pay the ten years of support to Verizon in advance and include it with the final balance due to Austgen, through the retainage. Discussions on the process for managing the Verizon support expense continued with multiple questions and answers. It was determined to remain as part of the SCADA contract, whereby, Austgen will pay the Verizon communications support for the next ten years and the Town will pay Austgen against the water bond as per the contract. Austgen will then close out the SCADA job. A discussion about the final inspection ensued. Austgen will be testing all of the sites next week. Ms. McInerney asked about the final punch list that was necessary to close out the project. Mr. Austgen reported on the items being completed over the next week, to include training. Mr. Wiszowaty asked Mr. Austgen to collect signatures on any employees completing the training. Ms. McInerney asked that the Public Works water employees sign off on the completion of the project as well. Ms. McInerney asked about incidental items discovered. Mr. Austgen reported that they fixed things along the way and that there does not appear to be anything else remaining besides adding more wells online. He listed off some of the items that Austgen fixed throughout the project at incremental cost outside of SCADA. Mr. Dravet suggested adding water transducers tied into the SCADA system at the lift stations with water service to maintain pressure monitoring of the water system.


A. Water District Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $11,703.61
Mr. Czarnik asked about the difference between the Water District and the Water Utility. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that the Water District is the taxing body with revenue generated through the taxes. The Water Utility revenue is generated from the utility billing. Generally, the expenses from the District are significantly lower.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated March 21, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $11,703.61. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Water Utility Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $414,014.34
Mr. Czarnik questioned the Dell Microsoft license on the Docket. Mr. Dravet explained that the Town has a Microsoft agreement with an annual fee that the Town has been paying for the past 12-13 years. The expense is split between Town Council, Water and Sanitary. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated March 21, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $414,014.34. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


Gerry Swets, 9490 Joliet Street: Mr. Swets mentioned the SCADA system and that the charges will be appearing on all of the dockets. He asked that each of the Boards review their dockets carefully to avoid any over-runs. He asked for the documentation to ensure accuracy in the billing.  


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0. The Waterworks regular meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 18th Day of April, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

04-18-2023 Waterworks Board

April 18, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik and Joan McInerney Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney, and Ken Gembala

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison


A. March 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the March 21, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


A. Task Orders – Robinson Engineering
Mr. Nagle, Engineer with Robinson Engineering reviewed the open Task Orders. He referred to the task order for the Regional Treatment plant and reported that the location could change. Because of that, the task order for the Interconnecting Raw Water Main would change as well. Robinson has continued to move forward with the well houses and reported on the status of that task order.

Mr. Nagle provided an update on the pilot study of the well houses. The property owner granted permission to access the property to continue. The pilot study will provide the volume of treatment plant capacity after changing out the media in the two (2) filter plants. It is anticipated that the capacity will increase by fifty percent (50%). Mr. Nagle explained the process steps to complete the project and a general timeline of about four to five months after the start of it. He also reported that similar processes will continue at the other treatment plants to eventually come off of the Schererville water.

Mr. Nagle reported on the Acorn project to say they are on schedule and will be ready to advertise. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the letter to the residents is about ready to go out, once the project goes out for bid. Mr. Nagle explained the resident outreach process that will take place.

Mr. Pondinas asked about the project with the 600 feet from Redeemer Church to the treatment plant, which is part of well 8. He added that the Town had the permit, therefore, it had to already be engineered and they have the pipe and the valves as well. He wondered why it was not getting done. He referred to some plans created by Haas from 2018 and 2019. Mr. Nagle responded that this is considered a low quantity job and could possibly lump it with some of the other work. He added that they need to get wells 8 and 9 running first. Mr. Nagle asked why the job was stopped 600 feet short at that time. Mr. Pondinas provided an explanation. Mr. Nagle explained that they would not be able to use the plans created by Haas in 2018. Mr. Nagle agreed to review those plans and contact IDEM about a permit and report back to the Board.

B. Utility Budget
Daniel Dalton, Financial Analyst with Cender Dalton presented a projected 2023 and 2024 budget for the Water Utility. Mr. Dalton provided descriptions of the Water Utility, which is based on water meter charges and fees, and the Water District, which is property tax funded. He stated that the Water Utility Operating fund historically has not been budgeted and believed it would be a good practice to implement. Mr. Dalton referred to a document displaying the last three (3) years’ expenses for combined Water District and Water Utility. He reported that for 2023 and 2024, he assumed a three percent (3%) increase over the 2022 fiscal year. A discussion about the Capital Improvement Plan ensued. Mr. Dalton reported that, with Board approval, his intent was to prepare a Financial Management Plan which would have greater detail. He reported that he could prepare an estimate for the cost to prepare and maintain the plan. Ms. McInerney asked if the Board will receive monthly financial statements. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that the Clerk-Treasurer provides monthly Appropriation Reports that provides the expenses for the previous month and the year-to-date. Once created, the budgeted numbers could be populated into the financial software. Mr. Dalton explained that the 2023 budget would be a beta test and a good practice to nail down the process for the future years. Ms. McInerney expressed concerns with the projects and how they will be funded. Mr. Gembala asked about the bond issue, the status with the current projects and requested a report for that information. There would be an operating budget and a capital budget. Mr. Nagle asked if the expenses for water purchased from Schererville would be included in the operating budget, to which Mr. Dalton confirmed. Mr. Nagle reported that in 2025 the Town should be off of the Schererville water which would result in a $500,000.00 a year savings.


Board Members:
Joan McInerney – Ms. McInerney asked how the Board could obtain a professional opinion on the outlook for the summer with regards to water. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that it is difficult to gauge at this time and would have to see how it is once it warms up. He also stated that it may be possible that the Town implement the even and odd sprinkling schedule. Mr. Wiszowaty continued to explain the water usage in additional detail. Ms. McInerney continued to ask for a more specific response considering the money spent on improvements. Mr. Nagle added some perspective to addressing the anticipation of actions based on the water modeling. Mr. Czarnik asked about the peak flows to which Mr. Nagle responded that he has that and can provide it to the Board members. Mr. Gembala added that some of the solutions for solving the water issues are still in the works.


A. Water District Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $26,528.07
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $26,528.07. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Water Utility Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $297,341.09
Ms. McInerney asked about the SCADA software renewal. Mr. Dravet explained that it was for the Wonderware software renewal. Mr. Czarnik asked about the Robinson invoices. The Clerk-Treasurer’s office provided the details from the invoices in question. Discussions about Task Order 22-09 ensued. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $297,341.09. Ms. McInerney made a revised motion to approve the docket with the exception of the Cline Avenue Park Place February 23rd warrant number 16778 for $9,550.00 for & 16770 for $9,550.00 until the appropriate research that Task Order 22-09 had been approved by the previous Board. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that task orders are a new process and the work was approved, but not the specific task order. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks regular meeting was adjourned at 6:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 16th Day of May, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

05-16-2023 Waterworks Board

May 16, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.


Board Members present: Joan McInerney and Ken Gembala, President

Board Members absent: Jim Czarnik

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering


A. April 18, 2023 Regular Meeting
Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve the April 18, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays. The April minutes were presented, however, the incorrect date was provided to the Board. The March meeting minutes were previously approved on April 18, 2023.


A. Task Orders – Robinson Engineering, Ltd.
1. 22-07 Wells 8-9 Well house design
Mr. Wiszowaty explained that in an effort to reduce costs, and as Haas and Associates started the design on this project, it would be best for Haas to complete the project. Mr. Wiszowaty is in contact with Haas regarding this project. That being said, Robinson will hold off on any additional progress on it. Mr. Wiszowaty explained the ethical issue of Robinson using Haas’s plans. Mr. Nagle provided some information about the preliminary results of the study and how they could affect the actions needed. The pilot study will play more on the 22-08 project. Mr. Nagle reported that they had already done the preliminary design. Mr. Wiszowaty asked that the Board authorize the work already done on it in order to pay Robinson.
2. 22-08 Regional Water Treatment Plant
Mr. Wiszowaty suggested halting on this as the actual location had not yet been determined. He added that they have three (3) options being considered. They met with Mr. Lotton, who presented the Town with the options. Mr. Nagle explained the steps that would follow the study, to include response from IDEM. The results could determine the treatment plant size required.
3. 22-09 Wells 8-9 Interconnecting Raw Water Main
Mr. Wiszowaty suggested waiting on this until they know where the treatment plant will be located. He added that Robinson has done some of the work on these task orders already. Mr. Wiszowaty reported that he had already shared these changes with Mr. Czarnik and that he is in agreement.

Mr. Wiszowaty stated that they will table any further action on all of these task order, but authorize the payments for the work already done.

B. Financials - Cender Dalton & Town Manager
a. 2023 Financial Management Report
Daniel Dalton explained that the report covers historical and projected financial information to be used as a tool. Mr. Dalton referred to page 8, Exhibit D, reflecting the Receipts and Disbursements for 2023 to 2027. He explained that this exhibit is the most informative and provides a good outlook of forecasted balances, receipts and disbursements over the next five (5) years. He led the Board through the content of the exhibit. He then referred to Exhibit F, schedule of forecasted Capital Improvements. He reported that they have bond proceeds from 2021 that need to be spent down within the next couple of years. Ms. McInerney asked Mr. Pondinas which projects were tagged to the 2021 bond proceeds. Mr. Pondinas named the Route 41 Water Main, possibly the New Well Drilling, possibly the Pilot Testing Wells 8 and 9. He also named off several other projects not listed on the exhibit. Ms. McInerney asked for a list of projects that the 2021 bond for $7 million was supposed to be used for. Mr. Pondinas was naming off some of the projects they addressed in the past. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that some of the projects were reprioritized since the Town has more projects than the bond could pay. Ms. McInerney asked that the list be emailed to them for review. She said that if the $7 million is already committed to other projects, they’ll have to look at all of the projects and prioritize. Discussion about the various water main projects ensued. Mr. Nagle explained how some of the projects were moved up on the list and why. He added that there are water improvements needed that weren’t even considered when the bond was issued. Mr. Nagle offered to provide some of the costs to help in the planning. Ms. McInerney said that the follow up to this meeting are to get a list of the projects associated with the bond, the cost of those projects and add them to the list on Exhibit F. The Board will then determine the priorities that will come out of the bond fund, what could potentially come out of ARPA, and then what remains. Mr. Dalton will send a recap of the discussion.
b. Proposed 2023 Budget
Mr. Dalton reported that the budget is based on the actuals from the last three (3) years. The report is broken down by appropriation line item. Mr. Wiszowaty suggested raising the rate for the bulk water. As a better way of tracking financial activity, Mr. Dalton recommended approving this budget. Mr. Wiszowaty stated that the Town had not had Utilities approve a budget in the past, therefore, would like to defer to legal on what body would approve this budget, then return the determination to the Board. Ms. McInerney asked if the Clerk-Treasurer had reviewed this packet. Mr. Wiszowaty will share the document with the Clerk-Treasurer for input.


Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering, reported on the Acorn project and provided updates. On the Pilot Study, they are waiting for the final report. Mr. Pondinas continued to report on the progress of the study and the transition lines. The Water Model is about done and he will prepare a report for the Board for discussion. Mr. Nagle reported on the status of the altitude valve installation project.

Mr. Gembala asked Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison, about the cleaning of the water towers. Mr. Pondinas informed the Board that it is too costly to do at this time, based on the estimates provided to the Board. Discussion about the cleaning and painting of the water towers ensued. Mr. Nagle suggested an internal review of the inside and outside of them and come up with a recommendation and cost. Painting and paint colors were discussed as well as action to be taken in the fall.


A. Accounts Payable Voucher dated May 16, 2023 (document is incorrectly dated March 17, 2023) representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $44,895.35

Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $44,895.35. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated May 16, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $1,090,721.37

Ms. McInerney asked about transactions for Lake City Bank. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that those are the reinvestments and are balances on the balance sheet. Mr. Gembala asked about the KorTerra line item. Mr. Dravet explained that KorTerra is the software used by Public works for locates and is an annual renewal. Mr. Dravet added that the cost will be going up significantly next year. Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher in the amount of $1,090,721.37. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Ms. McInerney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0. The Waterworks Board regular meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 20th Day of June, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

06-20-2023 Waterworks Board

June 20, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:16 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik and Ken Gembala, President

Board Members absent: Joan McInerney

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering


A. Watermain Extension in Gates East
Mr. Pondinas explained there was a meeting today and that there are three Requests to Purchase for $375,308.30, however, following the meeting with Robinson, two will be held as the plans have changed. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that there is a portion of water main/sleeve that might be a critical component that needs to get done, due to the schedule on the roadway. Mr. Nagle suggested waiting on the project updates until Ms. McInerney arrives.
B. New Vactor 2100i Sewer Cleaner
• Motion to approve and authorize Town Manager to proceed with purchase process

Mr. Pondinas reported that this is a different truck than what Mr. Gembala had viewed before as this truck doesn’t have some of the bells and whistles. This truck could take one and a half to two years for delivery and that the purchase is done through Sourcewell, therefore, there is no need for three bids. It is a basic truck that does everything we need it to do. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the split would be thirty percent for Water, forty percent for Sanitary and thirty percent for Storm Water and figured into the next year’s budget. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that they are looking for authorization to move forward on the purchase. Mr. Czarnik stated that his understanding was that the current equipment is failing and requires $200,000.00 of repairs to which Mr. Wiszowaty confirmed and that it is part of the five year capital plan. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve and authorize Town Manager to proceed with the purchase process for the Vactor. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion.
(Ms. McInerney entered the meeting at 5:18 p.m.)

Motion carried with the following roll call vote: Mr. Czarnik – Aye, Mr. Gembala – Aye, Ms. McInerney – Abstain


A. May 16, 2023 Regular Meeting

Ms. McInerney made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from the regular meeting of May 16, 2023. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with the following roll call vote: Mr. Czarnik – Abstain, Ms. McInerney – Aye Mr. Gembala – Aye, Ms. McInerney – Aye


Town Engineer: Mr. Nagle reported that he distributed the plans set for the Acorn Water Main project. He updated the Board on the status of the permits. He informed the Board that he needed Water Board approval, Sanitary District approval and Town Council approval to start the bidding process. All three Council/Boards meet one time a month, therefore, with the buy-in of the Clerk’s Office and the Town Council, they are looking to open the bids on July 17th or the morning of July 18th, in order to have recommendations to the Waterworks Board and the Sanitary District Board at their regular meetings that evening. At this time, the cost estimate is $1.35 million of which $1 million is the water main portion and $350.000 is the sanitary sewer portion. If approvals are achieved, it can go to the Town Council on July 26th for approval. The other option would be to hold a special meeting on July 19th for the Sanitary and Water Boards. He reminded the Board members that the water is coming out of the Bond issue and he wasn’t sure where the sewer funding was coming from. If the approvals are not done on this schedule, we would have to wait until the August meetings. Mr. Nagle explained that, typically, bids are opened at a Town Council meeting and that the Town Council and both Water and Sanitary Boards need to agree to a change in the process in this case. Mr. Czarnik stated that his opinion on the matter is for Robinson to be present for the bid opening, complete the evaluation and provide a recommendation. Mr. Wiszowaty reported that he would be present for the opening as well as a member of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office. Mr. Nagle reminded everyone that it would be a public bid opening. Mr. Nagle stated that the benefits for this process are that the project could begin and would be completing this year.

Mr. Nagle reported on the Pilot Study, which was finished last week. He reported that the hydraulic numbers it is loading is 6 gallons per square foot. Mr. Nagle reported that the Town was experiencing a sulfur smell in the water system over the last several years. It was decided to try to change the media out from sand to an oxy plus 12 media to see if it could absorb the sulfur as well as load it at a higher hydraulic loading rate. This change would create additional capacity by changing the media out. He explained the process of the testing in the Pilot Study. He reported that the study shows the system loading at 6 gallons per square foot, while at present time, it is loading at only 3 gallons per square foot. He reported that the cost is about $450,000.00 per treatment plant, however, the capacity would be doubled. Building additional treatment plants could cost up to $8 million, whereas this option could be about $900,000.00. However, there are contingencies, such as, not know what the interiors of the filters look like, and they won’t know until the current media is vacuumed out. They can then do an inspection on them to determine the need for improvements. The Town will need IDEM’s approval for the 6 gallons per square foot rate. They had a meeting with Peerless Midwest about the tactics of addressing the project with IDEM and explained that they engaged IDEM early on in the process. He stated that the goal is to have something for IDEM by the middle of July. He reported that they are at the preliminary stage, having received the reports, and offered to distribute the reports to the Board. The treatment plant capacity is the major factor in the system’s water capacity, not the wells. At the completion of this process, the Town would not be dependent upon Schererville’s connection. He reported that in the last year, the Town spent about $600,000.00 on water purchased from Schererville. Mr. Gembala explained that the reason they connected with Schererville was for emergencies. Ms. McInerney asked what IDEM’s concern was with going from 5 gallons per square foot to 6 gallons per square foot. Mr. Nagle responded that it was a concern about the quality of the water, but noted that the operators would control the backwash and controlling the output at different times of the year, based on need. He explained about the differences between the capacities of the treatment plants versus the capacity of the well systems. Mr. Nagle explained the breakdown on the cost estimate. The assumption is that there will need to be some maintenance done on the filters. The filter media would be changed out one at a time. The anticipation is to start the process in the fall and be done by the spring. Ms. McInerney asked if Peerless has any other customers using the same media, to which Mr. Nagle responded that Peerless had provided a list of several other towns. Mr. Wiszowaty added that Peerless has been an excellent and impressive partner in this process.

Town Council Liaison: Mr. Pondinas updated the Board on the altitude valve project.


A. Requests to Purchase – 3 Requests to Purchase in the combined total of $375,308.30
Mr. Gembala reported that staff asked the Board to table the Requests to Purchase. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that the Town may need to move forward with getting a sleeve/connection before the next meeting. He added that he would contact the Board members, if required.
B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated June 20, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $31,723.52
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated June 20, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $31,723.52. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
C. Accounts Payable Voucher dated June 20, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $468,306.45
Mr. Czarnik asked about releasing the retainage on the SCADA project. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that Robinson looked at the entire SCADA project and confirmed there were no problems and all deliverables complete. Mr. Dravet added that Verizon confirmed that they received the ten year prepayment. Ms. McInerney asked about the item called Water B & I Fund for $52,316.66 and what it is. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that it was the water bond payment and interest. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated June 20, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $468,306.45. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks Board regular meeting was adjourned at 5:44 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 18th Day of July, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

07-18-2023 Waterworks Board

July 18, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney and Ken Gembala, President

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering; and Daniel Dalton, Cender Dalton


A. June 20, 2023 Regular Meeting

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the June 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


A. Motion to Approve Resolution No. WW2023-07-18 2023 Water Utility Budget
Mr. Dalton explained that they discussed creating the Water Utility Budget which has never been done for the Town and used the spending numbers through June 30, 2023. The Bond projects provided by Mr. Pondinas have been implemented and included some new projects. He asked the Board to provide a Budget recommendation to Council so a budget could be added to the Appropriation Reports. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve Resolution No. WW2023-07-18 resolution of the St. John Waterworks Board setting the annual budget for 2023. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Bid Recommendation for Acorn Water Main Project
Mr. Nagle reported that the bid opening was publicly advertised and done on July 17th at 10:00 am in the Town Hall Meeting Room. There were three (3) bids received. One was from M&J Underground $1,344,853.25. Second bidder was Grimmer Construction at $1,631,293.50. The third bidder was Gatlin Plumbing at $1,650,000.00. Robinson reviewed the details behind M&J Underground and their past work and are confident they could complete the project. The project was broken up with the water main portion and the lift station abandonment portion. Mr. Nagle explained that out of the $1,344,853.25, water should be paying $1,121,008.75 and sewer should be paying $233,844.50 based on the pay items provided in the cost breakdown document created by M&J Underground. Mr. Nagle reported that it is Robinson’s recommendation that the bid is awarded to M&J Underground for $1,344,853.25. Mr. Nagle explained that the bid will need to be approved by three (3) different Boards, the Water Board, the Sanitary Board and the Town Council. Concerns about the timeline on the restoration of the project was discussed. Mr. Nagle explained the process on how they checked on the background of M&J. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve a recommendation of the project award to M&J Underground contingent upon approval from the Sanitary District and the Town Council. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
C. Motion to Approve Robinson Invoices

a. Invoice numbers 23030181 and 23040129 for Task Order 22-07 b. Invoice number 23030182 for Task Order 22-08 c. Invoice Number 23030183 for Task Order 22-09

Mr. Gembala referred to previous minutes regarding the approval of these invoices. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that these are the invoices previously discussed in the meeting with respect to paying for the work that is already complete. These Task Orders have been halted and are not moving forward. Mr. Pondinas said the question was “who authorized the work”. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that he did and explained the agreement with Robinson. Mr. Pondinas expressed his concerns with the approval process on these task orders. Mr. Czarnik asked Mr. Nagle when the work was done to which Mr. Nagle responded it was done in February and March. He also explained some of the field and topography work. Mr. Gembala stated that he agreed with Mr. Pondinas on the process, however, if work has been done, it should be paid for. Mr. Czarnik agreed that these invoices should be paid, but in the future the task orders must be approved before any work moves forward. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that the task order process was new to the Town and the benefits of having them. Ms. McInerney added that sometimes preliminary work is necessary. Mr. Wiszowaty suggested the preliminary work is done on time and billed outside of the task orders. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve invoice numbers 23030181 and 23040129 for Task Order 22-07, Invoice number 23030182 for Task Order 22-08, and Invoice Number 23030183 for Task Order 22-09. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


Robinson Engineering: Mr. Nagle reported that they planned on presenting their ideas to IDEM in regard to loading the existing filters at a higher rate of 6 gallons per square foot by changing out the media. The Town hired Peerless Midwest to do a pilot test and confirmed it. He explained how a team from the Town met with IDEM, who reviewed all of the documents and findings and they provided preliminary approval of the 6 gallons per square foot. This means that the Town doesn’t need to build a regional treatment plant. The Town can upsize the existing filters now for about $.15 on the dollar and by changing the media out on all of the filters, the Town may no longer need Schererville water by next summer. IDEM requested more data which will be supplied to them this week, and will return with a formal request and follow IDEM’s lead on the process. Ms. McInerney asked about the timing on approval and upgrade. Mr. Nagle could provide a broad based timing, such as, if IDEM brought back the approval in August, they will need to prepare plans for specifications and changing media out of the filters, which could be a couple of months. They would then get the permit and do the work over fall and winter. In the springtime they would start running those plants, as the filter media needs to settle. Mr. Nagle reported that they will come back with a cost estimate as well as a task order for approval. The concern they have is the interior piping of the plant as there will be more water running through it and the effect on the well capacity. He added that the time they’ve been spending on that task is under the Regional Treatment Plant task order. Mr. Czarnik asked about a pilot study line item. Discussion on some of the unknown expenses that could occur ensued. Mr. Nagle added that the media will take out any sulfur that’s in the water. Mr. Czarnik stated that the accounting needs to be separated out and not recorded on another task order. Work being done needs to be billed and can be billed by time separately.

Mr. Nagle then reported on the Acorn project and how the project had multiple components to it. They will get the preconstruction meeting started as soon as possible, then they will get a schedule from the contractor. They can then announce to the residents what will be happening. He suggested a ground-breaking with the Water Board, the Sanitary Board and the Town Council there.

Town Council Liaison: Mr. Pondinas explained that the contractor can’t shut the water off on West 93rd Avenue due to connections at US-41. He stated that the water samples from US-41 to the tracks haven’t passed yet. They are changing out different material to determine the cause.

Town Manager: Mr. Wiszowaty referred to a quote for the cleaning of the water towers and was seeking a consensus from the Board. He explained that cleaning the Kilkenny, Gates and Hack towers would be about $34,500.00. He asked if they wanted to clean one a year or all at once. The Board agreed to clean all three of the towers now and to submit to the Town Council for approval on July 26th.


A. Accounts Payable Voucher dated July 18, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $28,915.38

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water District for $28,915.38. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated July 18, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $632,527.09

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water Utility for $632,527.09. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks Board regular meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 15th Day of August, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

08-15-2023 Waterworks Board

August 15, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney and Ken Gembala, President

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering; and Daniel Dalton, Cender Dalton


A. July 18, 2023 Regular Meeting

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the July 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


a. Water Utility Budget – Cender Dalton
Daniel Dalton reported that the document proveded is a Monthly Cash Flow Report that will be updated and reported each month. He recapped the Operating Fund reporting that the spending is under budget. Ms. McInerney asked about the difficulty putting the document together based on the information about the budget being locked. Mr. Dalton responded that he is able to re-enact the information from the Clerk-Treasurer’s reports.
b. Acorn Drive Updates – Robinson Engineering
Tom Nagle reported on the preconstruction meeting. He announced the resident informational meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. on Acorn Court and invited the Board members. He explained that the intent of the meeting is to set the expectations on hours of construction and provide an opportunity to ask questions. He explained that the contractor will have their trucks for identification as well as the type of uniforms to expect the workers to be wearing. The meeting is expected to be about 30 minutes and plays a big role in the public relations.


Robinson Engineering: Mr. Nagle reported on the Pilot Study and provided the status on the IDEM permit. Mr. Nagle reported that the Sanitary/Sewer Board is in the process of negotiating a contract with Schererville for additional treatment capacity and explained that it is based on the population growth. They will also be watching the water needs of the Town. Mr. Gembala asked if they had the capacity to which Mr. Nagle responded that Schererville confirmed they do and are willing to work with St. John. The status on the IDEM permit was discussed. Mr. Nagle explained the process and timing once the final approval is received for changing out the media. He stated that the goal is to be ready by spring.

Town Council Liaison: Mr. Pondinas asked Mr. Nagle about the altitude valves for Kilkenny. Mr. Nagle responded that they have to get the written approval from IDEM. Mr. Nagle added that he will need to have a Task Order approved, which he should have at the next meeting. Mr. Pondinas asked about the lead time on receiving the media. Mr. Nagle responded that he does not have that schedule but he will email the Board with the information.

Town Manager: Mr. Wiszowaty reported that the Town is off Schererville water at this time and saving some money. On the W. 93rd Avenue project, the water portions are done on the north end but will need to tie into the south end. Discussion on the W. 93rd Avenue project continued. The job is on schedule. Mr. Gembala stated that the water towers look good.


A. Accounts Payable Voucher dated August 15, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $23,081.42

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water District for $23,081.42. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated August 15, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $1,362,349.52

Mr. Czarnik asked about the Peerless Midwest charge. Ms. McInerney said that is was the stress test on the system. Mr. Wiszowaty added that it was the interference test. Mr. Nagle reported that he read the test which was about the sequence of operations and they came up with a recommendation of how to operate the wells in The Gates Well Field. It was determined not to add any more wells in that area. Mr. Pondinas added that the Town should continue to look for water. Discussion about well 10 ensued. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the Town should also be looking for storage capacity. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water Utility for $1,362,349.52. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks Board regular meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 19th Day of September, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

09-19-2023 Waterworks Board

September 19, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney and Ken Gembala, President

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison;


A. August 15, 2023 Regular Meeting

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the August 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


A. 2024 Water Utility Budget – Daniel Dalton, Cender Dalton

Mr. Dalton reported that for 2024, the Water District and the Water Utility funds will have budgets. The Form 3, the advertisement to the tax payers was released with a $350,000.00 budget in the Water District Fund and asking for about $355,000.00 in the property tax levy. In addition, they are looking to request a levy excess appeal for $25,000.00. The Water Utility Operating Fund, which is in-house, they are looking at a $4.6 million Budget for 2024 which is in line with the monthly cash flow. The 2023 cash flows through August are at 65%. He listed off the remainder of the funds and how the 2024 Budget reflect the 2023 numbers. Ms. McInerney asked about allocated versus direct expenses. Mr. Dalton responded that all of the expenses are allocated. Mr. Czarnik asked about the Bond proceeds that need to be spent down and what obligations they have. Mr. Dalton responded that he did not have the details on the specific items. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that they have the US41 Water Main, Well houses, and Wells 8 & 9. Discussion on the status of the Well Houses and the media change out continued. Mr. Czarnik asked for a confirmation of when it needs to be spent and Mr. Dalton confirmed it was by 2024. Mr. Czarnik asked for a list of projects. Mr. Pondinas added that the delay on the wells was whether IDEM was going to approve the media change out. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that his understanding is that as long as the projects are determined and the funds are appropriated, it can be spent in 2024. Mr. Dalton will confirm this information. Ms. McInerney asked if the Department Heads and the Clerk-Treasurer reviewed the budget. Discussion on approval of the Budget continued.

B. Service Line Material Inventory Proposal – Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering

Mr. Shilling, Robinson Engineering, explained that they have a Task Order for the Service Line Material Inventory which is a result from the Flint, Michigan lead issue. The State of Indiana requires that the inventory be completed by October, 2024. Robinson is proposing a fee not to exceed $6,000.00, without field inventory, to review records, work with staff, determine the inventory and submit it by the deadline. If field work or other outreach is necessary, it could be an additional $5,000.00. This is specifically for the lead lines. The State wants the materials of the lines from the main to the homes. According to staff, no one has seen any lead service lines in the Town of St. John. Mr. Gembala asked Mr. Davis, in audience, for possible location of lead lines. Robinson is not recommending the field investigation. Mr. Czarnik referred to the Task Order and the verbiage with regards to unknowns by 2027. Mr. Shilling explained that if it is determined there are lead service lines, they need to be replaced by 2027. Mr. Gembala asked if there is any need to replace any lines, who would be responsible for the expense. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to execute a contract with Robinson Engineering for the Service Line Material Inventory for $6,000.00. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 3 ayes and 0 nays.

C. Update GIS Atlases for Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Sewer Proposal – Tom Nagle, Robinson Engineering

Mr. Shilling explained that their proposal is to update the atlases for all three (3) utilities, Water, Sanitary and Stormwater. The Water portion is estimated to be $32,000.00. The number is based on economies of scale and doing all three (3) at once. Mr. Wiszowaty asked about the $1,500.00 subscription as the Town already has a GIS subscription. Mr. Shilling explained that the subscription cost is separate and would be directly between the Town and GIS. Mr. Shilling referred to the Water portion (page 5) of the proposal, which provides subdivisions that are currently not on the Town’s atlas. Robinson would contact the developers of the subdivisions, get their CAD plans and convert it to a GIS format. If they are not able to get those, they would need to do the field work at an additional expense. Ms. McInerney asked when the last time the Town updated the GIS Atlas. Mr. Dravet responded that his predecessor did some but that it was not viable. In about 2012, Robinson Engineering converted the Town from CAD to GIS. Mr. Dravet reported that he updates the Atlases when he gets the data and when time is available. Discussion on the fire hydrants ensued. Mr. Dravet reported that the fire hydrants have to be flushed and pressure tested and that the Town is behind on that. Discussion ensued. Ms. McInerney asked how the systems will remain current after the Town is up to date and who will be responsible. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that developers are required to provide the “as builts” so they could be incorporated into GIS and automatically updated by Robinson as part of the plan review process. Discussion about completion time continued. Ms. McInerney asked if the Town had any leverage with developers that may still have open bonds. Discussion on the current projects and completion time ensued. Ms. McInerney made the motion to approve the GIS Atlas for the Water System with Robinson Engineering for a total of $32,000.00. Mr. Czarnik seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 3 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Pondinas asked Mr. Shilling about the permits for the altitude valves. Mr. Shilling responded that the focus is on the filter media at one to two weeks. Once done they will move to the altitude valves, which would be about three to four weeks to submit to IDEM.

D. 10920 Thielen Street Water Consumption Summary
Mr. Gembala read off the summary provided. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that going back and charging the owner for all of those years would not be the right thing to do. The water meter has been replaced and the situation has been corrected. Ms. McInerney noted two issues, one being what to do about this one gentleman in this situation and the other thing is whether there is any audit in place to alert when a significant reduction in water consumptions occurs. If there is nothing in place, should there be? Mr. Dravet stated that a system already exists as part of the MDM Harmony Website. He added that you can run reports to check for leaks and tampering. Staff was reporting information from the audience. The Board agreed it is Town equipment that failed. Ms. McInerney noted that having some type of flagging system in place is suggested to monitor to the exception. Russell Vogel stepped up to the podium and explained that he does all of the customer service with the meters. He reported that the meters being installed today are all computerized. The new meters send out readings every twelve hours. Mr. Vogel reported that there are about 1,700 of the old meters remaining. Those old meters will be replaced as they die. Explanation on how the meter replacement process is managed was provided. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to issue a credit to the account of $623.66. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


Robinson Engineering - Mr. Shilling reported on the Acorn Water Main project. The main water main has been installed and they will now be moving on to the side streets. The project is on schedule.

Town Council Liaison – Mr. Pondinas provided some updates on the W. 93rd Ave project.

Town Manager – Nothing to report.


A. Accounts Payable Voucher dated September 19, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $33,030.20
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water District for $33,030.20. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated September 19, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $684,667.57
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water Utility for $684,667.57. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks Board regular meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 26th Day of October, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

10-09-2023 Waterworks Board

October 9, 2023 Waterworks Board Special Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Special Meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. on Monday, October 9, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik, Joan McInerney and Ken Gembala, President

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison;


A. Consider Change Order – West 93rd Avenue Project – Evan Laviolette, First Group
Mr. Laviolette provided some background on the reason for the Change Order and how the existing water main on Keilman is experiencing water breaks. He described the process in the project. Mr. Wiszowaty reminded the Board that this was all part of the original design, but it was pulled because of cost. Mr. Laviolette explained how the roadway will have a temporary fix until the spring. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the expense will come out of the bond. Discussion on the materials of the project continued. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that this Change Order requires action from the Town Council as the Council approved the original project on W. 93rd. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve Change Order #3 for the additional water main under the F.H. Paschen contract. Mr. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Consider Request to Purchase for Water Surplus (Gates) $127,315.38 (Bond)
Mr. Wiszowaty explained that there are two (2) RTPs before the Board, one for the Gates and one for the Monix treatment facility for the media change out. One is being considered for the bond and the other for utility. The motion for Robinson would be to put the bid together to change out the media. Mr. Nagle explained that the Town will be pre-purchasing the media and described the process intended for the change out of the media. The installation is the portion that will be going to bid which would be greater than $150,000.00. Discussion about the product purchase and storage continued. Mr. Nagle stated that they used the Water Surplus product for the pilot study. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Request to Purchase for Water Surplus for the Gates treatment plant in the amount of $127,315.38 coming out of the bond fund. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
C. Recommendation to Town Council to approve a request to Purchase for Water Surplus (Monix) $127,315.38 (Utility)
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to recommend to the Town Council, the Request to Purchase for Water Surplus for the Monix treatment plant in the amount of $127,315.38. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
D. Motion to Authorize the Robinson Engineering to prepare and advertise for Request for Proposals for media change out at the Gates and Monix Treatment Plants
Mr. Nagle explained that it will be billed as time and material and spread equally among the bond and utility. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to authorize the Robinson Engineering to prepare and advertise for Request for Proposals for media change out at the Gates and Monix Treatment Plants. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McInerney seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0. The Waterworks Board special meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 26th Day of October, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

10-26-2023 Waterworks Board

October 26, 2023 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Special Meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. on Tuesday, October 26, 2023.


Board Members present: Jim Czarnik and Ken Gembala, President

Board Members absent: Joan McInerney

Also present: Joe Wiszowaty, Town Manager. Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison was absent.


A. September 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
B. October 9, 2023 Special Meeting

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the September 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the October 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


A. 2024 Water Utility Budget Approval
Mr. Wiszowaty reported that Cender Dalton presented the budget at the last regular meeting and the budget is before the Board tonight for final approval. Mr. Wiszowaty reported on the details of the budget for the Water Utility. Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the 2024 Water Utility Budget. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.
B. Wells 8 and 9 Engineering
Mr. Nagle, Robinson Engineering, explained that Robinson has been working with Haas to get permission to use their plans and specifications. The Town requires an agreement between Haas and the Town.
C. Interconnecting Water Main for Wells 8 and 9
Mr. Nagle reported that this is the same situation. As Haas started the project, Robinson would like their plans to finish it. Mr. Gembala noted that they had bought pipe for it. Mr. Wiszowaty added that the pipe is at Public Works under a tarp.


Robinson Engineering – Mr. Nagle provided an update on the Acorn Drive Water Main project. Mr. Nagle provided an update on the Media Replacements.

Town Manager – Mr. Wiszowaty reported that the pressure test on the new pipe on Keilman is complete. The bacterial test is still in progress. He provided additional updates on the Keilman project.


A. Accounts Payable Voucher dated October 17, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water District in the amount of $26,437.72
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water District for $26,437.72. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.

B. Accounts Payable Voucher dated October 17, 2023 representing payment for payroll, purchases, supplies, equipment, services rendered to the Water Utility in the amount of $346,893.17
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to approve the Account Payable Voucher for the Water Utility for $346,893.17. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.
Mr. Gembala reported that the Clerk-Treasurer sent out notice on the Robinson payments for the water bond. Mr. Wiszowaty explained that it was suggested that the expense for the Watermain and resurfacing design and construction engineering be moved to the water bond for a total of $238,800.00 of which $131,700.00 has been expended. The Clerk asked the Town Engineer if the engineering would fall under the water portion of this project and that was confirmed.
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to move the Acorn Water Main, Resurfacing, Design and Construction Engineering for $238,800.00 to the water bond. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to move the Study Assistance for Wells 7, 8 and 9 Pilot Study in the amount of $20,000.00 to the water bond. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.
Mr. Czarnik made a motion to move Wells 8 and 9 Interconnect Arterial Raw Water Main Design and Construction Engineering for a total of $429,000.00 to the water bond. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried with 2 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Czarnik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0. The Waterworks Board meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Approved This 21st Day of November, 2023:

Ken Gembala, Waterworks Board President

Meeting Video Recordings may be found on the Town's YouTube channel

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