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Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes 2021

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Meeting Minutes

01-19-2021 Waterworks Board

January 19, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, attended by its members on-site and virtually, at 7:33 p.m.


Board Members present: Bill Manousopoulos; Vice President, and Ken Gembala, President. Also Present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison. Absent: None. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Gembala requested they hold off on electing officers until the Town Council appoints their third member. Mr. Manousopoulos concurred.


None were available for approval.


A. Consider the Baker Tilly Professional Services Agreement
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the professional services agreement with Baker Tilly for 2021; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

B. SCADA System Proposals – Continued Discussion
Mr. Manousopoulos questioned the possibility of putting out more specific request for proposals. Mr. Valois, Public Works Water Operator, explained the difference between the RFPs where Austgen Electric is building a custom system for the Town and Gasvoda is just bringing in typical radios and antennas and selling it to us. Mr. Dravet, IT Director, explained that while Gasvoda met the minimum RFP, Austgen Electric is familiar with our system and the issues the Town has had with that system and designed their RFP to address those issues. Discussion ensued.

The Town Attorney advised that there is no legal reason that the Board can award the RFP based on the proposals in front of them. He further advised that even if one company provided above and beyond the minimum requested, the Board is within their rights to choose whichever company they wish. It is the sole discretion of the Board.

Mr. Dravet quoted from the RFP, “Alternative process or work elements may be proposed if deemed relevant and not in conflict with the base requirements in this RFP.”

Mr. Manousopoulos stated he feels they should put the RFP back out with specifics anew.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to table awarding the RFP; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Gembala stated if the other company wants to submit something more comprehensive, they need to do it now as time is of the essence.

C. Joint Study Session Follow-up
Mr. Gembala noted that the discussion under Item B is the same.
D. Consider Annual Write Offs
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the write offs as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility APVs of $182,492.70; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District APVs of $13,939.66; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

01-28-2021 Waterworks Board

January 28, 2021 Waterworks Board Special Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Special Meeting to order on Tuesday, January 28, 2021, attended by its members on-site and virtually, at 6:00 p.m.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek; Bill Manousopoulos; Vice President, and Ken Gembala, President. Also Present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison. Absent: None. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Manousopoulos nominated Ken Gembala for President. Mr. Furtek seconded the nomination. Nomination carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Furtek nominated Bill Manousopoulos for Vice President. Mr. Gembala passed the gavel and seconded the nomination. Nomination carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


A. SCADA System Proposals and The RFP Process
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion for requests for proposals to be reviewed by an engineer, this Board, and the Town Council for approval before being put out for proposals; Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Gembala stated that they have received a detailed letter from the Town Attorney regarding the SCADA proposal award not being according to the monetary value and entertained a motion to award the proposal to Austgen Electric or Gasvoda and Associates.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to award the SCADA System Project to Austgen Electric; Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Pondinas thanked the Board and noted this would benefit all the residents.


None was had.


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Gembala adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

02-16-2021 Waterworks Board

February 16, 2021 Waterworks Board Special Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, attended by its members, on-site and virtually.


Board Members present: Ken Gembala, President; Bill Manousopoulos, Vice President; and Nick Furtek. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent: None. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the October 20, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the November 17, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the December 15, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the January 19, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the January 28, 2020 special meeting minutes. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


A. Any Board Discussion or Actions as a Follow Up to the January 28, 2021 Special Meeting
No further discussion was held on the January 28, 2021 special meeting.
B. Consider Service Agreement with Baker Tilly, to serve as Municipal Bond Counsel for the Indiana Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2021.
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to accept the Service Agreement with Baker Tilly to Serve as Municipal Bond Counsel for the Indiana Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2021 and to authorize the Waterworks Board President to sign. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the Water District APVs in the amount of $16,753.30. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the Water Utility APVs in the amount of $505,251.49. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

03-16-2021 Waterworks Board

March 16, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, attended by its members, on-site and virtually.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Town Attorney, Dave Westland. Absent: None. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the February 16, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


A. Consideration of Resolution No. 2021-03-16WW
Mr. Gembala requested clarification from the attorney on section 4 of the resolution regarding the public hearing to be held on April 20th.

Mr. Westland stated that the only action that happens next month is the action on the projects. One thing you’re doing tonight that you’re not doing again in a month is, approval of a recommendation on the rates. He stated that no public hearing is needed for the rate increase but a public hearing is needed for any projects going on.

There were no further questions.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adopt the resolution as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

B. US-41 South 12” Watermain Relocation
There was some discussion regarding the cost of the project. Mr. Pondinas stated the cost went up to 1.5 million which includes the section of water main the State requested to be replaced. There is a 10% contingency built into the bond issue. There is no action required by the board tonight on this matter.


None was had.


Water Utility APVs in the amount of $266,339.31.

Water District APVs in the amount of $26,211.40.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

04-20-2021 Waterworks Board

April 20, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, attended by its members, on-site and virtually.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Dave Westland, Town Attorney; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the March 16, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


A. Consideration of Resolution No. 2021-04-20WW
Mr. Gembala read Resolution No. 2021-04-20WW in its entirety.

1. Mr. Faccenda from Barns & Thornburg, confirmed all Proofs of Publication were in order. The projects that are to be financed by the waterworks bonds are proper and necessary. They are listed as the SCADA System, the new wells #8 and #9, and various water mains located throughout the Town.

There were no further questions or public comments, oral or written.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the Resolution No. 2021-04-20WW as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye


Mr. Manousopoulos would like to entertain the idea of a senior citizen rate on water bills for the next meeting.


None was had.


Water District APVs in the amount of $17,633.36

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Water Utility APVs in the amount of $223,688.12.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Mr. Gembala would like members to consider moving the Waterworks meeting to another night.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos Aye
Mr. Furtek Aye
Mr. Gembala Aye

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

05-18-2021 Waterworks Board

May 18, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Dave Westland, Town Attorney; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison. A quorum was attained.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the April 20, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote 3-0.


A. Emergency declaration for construction quotes for the 12” water main relocation on the East side of US 41, 200 feet south of W. 105th Place to 1,275 feet north of W. 105 Place approximately 1,500 linear feet.
1. A meeting between Town Department Heads, the Town Engineer, the Town Attorney and Ken Gembala was recently held. INDOT wants us to move the water main ASAP. The route has been established. The Town Engineer had a list of reasons for the emergency. There are a number of businesses and homes that rely on that water main, so that’s why we need to move quickly.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to declare the emergency and get a minimum of two contractors to quote the replacement of the 12” water main. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.

B. Invitation to accept three quotes to replace and relocate the 12” water main on the East side of US 41 from W. 101st Place to W. 101st Avenue, approximately 700 linear feet.
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to accept three quotes to replace 12” water main from W. 101st Place to W. 101st Avenue. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion for the water rates to be put on the next meeting agenda. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.


Mr. Pondinas reported that we have the plastic pipe to start the water main project on W. 101st Place to W 101st Avenue, approximately 700 linear feet.

Mr. Pondinas stated Wells #3 and #5 have been lowered 20 feet. Well #3 came in 100 gallons more per minute better. The results for Well #5 are not in yet. The high altitude valve for the Gates Water Tower has shipped. Some old and outdated valves have been replaced at the Gates Water Treatment Plant.

Mr. Dravet reported that the Dell server for the new SCADA system has been delivered to Austgen Electric who is going to install all the software. Some of our Wonderware licensing may have to be upgraded to include an application server. Waiting on a quote from Wonderware. The upgrade will depend on cost.


Water Utility APVs in the amount of $294,375.59.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Water District APVs in the amount of $20,556.68.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None was had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

06-29-2021 Waterworks Board

June 29, 2021 Waterworks Board Special Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Special Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Chris Salatas, Town Manager; Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison is absent.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the April 20, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote 3-0.


A. To award a contract to replace and relocate the 12” water main from W. 101st Place to W. 101st Avenue and authorize the Town Manager to sign contingent upon review by the Town Attorney.
1. Award the contract to Grimmer Construction for $229,582.
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the contract from Grimmer Construction for the said amount. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.
B. Consider Change Order No. 1 for the awarded 12” water main contract and authorize the Town Manager to sign contingent upon review by the Town Attorney.
1. Change Order No. 1 reduces the Grimmer contract to $220,302.
Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve Item B as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

07-20-2021 Waterworks Board

July 20, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the June 15, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the June 29, 2021 special meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


A. Discuss water main upsizing from 8 inch to 12 inch along Parrish Avenue adjacent to the proposed Parrish Woods Subdivision.
State law requires us to make up the difference between the 8 inch and 12 inch water main. The Board is acceptable to the idea of a 12 inch water main along Parrish Avenue.


Mr. Pondinas forwarded an email from Austgen Electric regarding the progress of the new SCADA system.

The 12” water main on US 41 has been put in and pressure tested but needs to be chlorinated. Next Monday it should be tied into the rest of it. In about a week and a half, everything should be good to go so the State can put in the 42” line. The State will then finish up with the curb, road and lanes.

The Board would like a hydrant study for flows to be done in the near future. This needs to be done because our insurance rating dropped.


Water Utility APVs in the amount of $1,135,000.00.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Water District APVs in the amount of $31,563.48.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility APVs as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

08-17-2021 Waterworks Board

August 17, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:11 p.m. on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos, and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the July 20, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Pondinas stated the 12” water main on US 41 has been put in, pressure tested, and chlorinated. The new section they replaced is done. The State is working on the 42” storm sewer line. Hopefully the job will be done by September or October.

Mr. Salatas wanted to let the board know that there is a water operator training class in Michigan City that starts at the end of the month. The Town is going to be offering it to the public works employees because we only have two employees that are trained water operators, Bob Davis the Public Works Director and Bob Valois our current Water Operator. Mr. Valois will be leaving at the end of the month. A replacement for Bob has already started. We would like to get more of our employees trained. It will cost about $750/employee for the class.

We applied for the Swift Grant from the State which was water infrastructure. They have a hundred million dollars that they were funding. It’s a 50-50, so if we’re fully funded by the state, we should be getting 3.5 million dollars from the State on top of the over 8 million dollars that was taken out in the water bond. We will be getting our first distribution of the ARPA money for 4.2 million which the Town is tentatively planning to use for water infrastructure.

Mr. Gembala reported on the insurance rating project. Fire Chief Kevin LaDuke has been in contact with ISO and has received a packet of the necessary information to update our water system. There is one section for the water district to take care of and that’s the hydrant testing, flows and so forth. Chief LaDuke offered his people to do the PITOT testing which would cut down our costs. This is still in the works.


Water Utility Docket in the amount of $827,663.16.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Water District Docket in the amount of $116,435.40.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:21 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

09-21-2021 Waterworks Board

September 21, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek and Ken Gembala. Absent: Bill Manousopoulos. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr. Furtek made a motion to approve the August 17, 2021 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0.


A. Consider proposal in the amount of $43,193 to upsize the water main along Parrish Avenue located in Parrish Woods from 8 inches to 12 inches.
Mr. Furtek made a motion to accept the proposal in the amount of $43,193 to upsize the Parrish Woods water main. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0.


Mr. Pondinas submitted a SCADA update by email to the Board. Mr. Dravet is working on the Verizon part of it. It’s all going together rather well. The Water Operator will be receiving a tablet for use with the SCADA System.

Mr. Salatas stated we are waiting for Haas and Associates to finish their water study so we can start moving forward with planning projects like a water tower or additional wells, etc. We did not receive the SWIF grant that we applied for from the State. No one in Lake County received any SWIF grant money. We will apply again but odds are, we are going to just have to move forward with the projects outlined in the bond that was taken out when the water rate increases happened.

Mr. Pondinas reported that Well #8 is still in limbo, we have 600 ft. to connect to. We are waiting for the property for both wells to be deeded to us. Well #8 will likely be a package plant because the water composition is different than the well water from other wells going into the Gates WTP. To avoid having to make changes to the Gates WTP, we’re going to make Well #8 a small mini plant so it will deposit directly into the system from there. Haas and Associates is redesigning that facility to be like our existing WTP’s so we can order the same products.

Mr. Pondinas stated the 42” storm sewer line on US 41 had a couple of setbacks. Everything has been rectified and is almost complete. Hopefully the job will be done soon.

Mr. Gembala is still working with the Fire Chief for the fire department to do the hydrant testing. We will have to have a couple of meetings on the rest of it. We hope to get our insurance rating back up to 5.


Water Utility Docket in the amount of $763,186.37.

Mr. Furtek made a motion to pay the Water Utility Docket as presented. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0.

Water District Docket in the amount of $15,306.96.

Mr. Furtek made a motion to pay the Water District Docket as presented. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Furtek made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 p.m. Mr. Gembala seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 2-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

10-19-2021 Waterworks Board

October 19, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 5:59 p.m. on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, attended by its members.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas (virtual), Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the September 21, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


All board members received a copy of the 2022 Water District Proposed Budget that the Town Council will be adopting at their next meeting. Mr. Salatas mentioned that there is an increase of just shy of $17,000 to the Water District’s Budget.

Mr. Salatas stated that the Town will be applying for the Excess Growth Levy which will be accounted for in the budget. The Excess Growth Levy is because the Town is growing much faster than the State average. Because our property taxes are capped at 1%, the State recognizes this and limits how fast a community can grow its budget. This will be about $10,000 to the Waterworks District from the Excess Growth Levy funds.


Mr. Dravet stated that the SCADA System is coming along nicely. As part of the implementation, he had Austgen Electric look at the generators for the wells and the water treatment plants to see if variable frequency drives could be installed to help prevent water hammer and decrease our electrical costs a little. With these drives, we will be able to scale the pumps to the demand. Mr. Dravet submitted a proposal from Austgen Electric to install the drives at wells 3, 4 and 5 for a cost of $127,280. The proposed funding would come from the water bond, basically folding this into the SCADA project. As a part of this, Mr. Dravet reached out to NIPSCO regarding applying for rebates. Once we get the rebates from NIPSCO, the money will go back into the account to offset the cost.

The Board will take time to review this information for the next meeting.

Mr. Salatas informed the Board that the State notified the Town that we were in conflict with their US 41 project by the Chop House at 108th Avenue. Our water line was in the way of their box culvert. We had to lower our line about 18” and had to be done within one week. We solicited three quotes from local construction companies and took the lowest one from Grimmer Construction which was just under $19,000. This will probably be on the next meeting’s docket. Everything is complete and the Town is out of conflict.

There is a report from Haas & Associates regarding water main replacements throughout town. These projects were outlined in the water bond. The Board will review it for the next meeting.


Water Utility Docket in the amount of $485,791.68.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Water District Docket in the amount of $21,167.16

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

11-16-2021 Waterworks Board

November 16, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, attended by its members and lead all in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek, Bill Manousopoulos and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr. Furtek made a motion to approve the October 19, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Manousopoulos seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


A. Consider approving the quote from Austgen Electric to install Variable Frequency Drives for Wells 3, 4 and 5, in the amount of $127,280.
Mr. Gembala, Mr. Pondinas, Mr. Salatas, Mr. Dravet and the Public Works employees that are involved with the SCADA System, attended a meeting at Austgen Electric. They showed us all the panels and went through a schematic and how everything gets tied together. Austgen was very knowledgeable in the system and has an impressive track record with other communities like Schererville, Dyer, and East Chicago.

The pumps will be running so they won’t start and stop or won’t ramp up to full speed. They will operate as needed. This is one of the pluses about the variable drive system. It’s easier on the system and the startup power charge, too. Austgen said the Town’s pumps are very capable of handling the variable frequency drives. The drives would be installed on all the pumps. Most of the towns around us already have it.

Mr. Pondinas added that there will be set points for water tower depth. This is supposed to be a lot better on the system.

Mr. Dravet stated the reason the price is so high is because we have to go with the ultralow harmonic VFDs. That means there is going to be very little feedback going back to the generators. Our generators at these facilities are so old that any type of disruption or feedback will basically cause them to blow up. So we have to minimize that risk by using the ultralow harmonics. If we had better generators, we would be able to go with a less expensive model. With the prices of generators, it is less expensive to do the ultralow harmonics.

Mr. Salatas said it will be a really great system once it’s done. It will help get the Town away from the idea of using level in the water towers as our basis of when and where we turn on the water pumps. The way the program is going to work is it’s going to learn the demands of the Town. It will start operating on gallons in the system. It will be programmed in a way that it’s going to know our peak demands. It will be accounting for that demand before it hits so we are not chasing gallons in a water tower. We will be predicting when the gallons need to be in the system, when it can start ramping down so we can do flushes, and when it can start recharging the well field itself. This is going to make our water department’s job a lot easier and should help eliminate stress on the system through its predictive use. It will help us cut what we purchase from Schererville. It will be easily expandable when we add new wells and water towers to the system. Wells 6 and 7 currently have VFDs. VFDs are now the standard.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the quote dated October 18, 2021, in the amount of $127,280 from Austgen Electric for the installation of the drives for the wells. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous 3-0 vote.

B. Discuss water main replacement projects
Mr. Davis, Public Works Director, submitted a list of water main replacement areas for the Town for informational purposes.


Mr. Pondinas stated that the mylars for Well 8 have been signed and recorded and are in the Town’s possession. A decision will have to be made on whether the treatment plant for gas removal from the water will be inside when they build a building there or just let it transition into the Gates Water Treatment Plant.

Mr. Salatas reported that the State has completed the installation of a concrete box culvert on US 41 by The Chop House. The State discovered that our 8” water main was in conflict with that project. The Town had to lower the water main about a foot or two. We had to do an emergency bid. We received three quotes and went with the lowest one from Grimmer for about $20,000. There were also two service lines in the area that the Town will have to cap off.


Water Utility APVs in the amount of $286,437.39.

Mr. Furtek made a motion to pay the Water Utility Docket as presented. Mr. Manousopoulos seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Water District APVs in the amount of $19,004.30.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 3-0.

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

12-21-2021 Waterworks Board

December 21, 2021 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes


Mr. Gembala called the St. John Waterworks Board Regular Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, attended by its members on-site and virtually.


Board Members present: Nick Furtek (virtual), Bill Manousopoulos and Ken Gembala. Also present: Wayne Pondinas, Town Council Liaison; Chris Salatas, Town Manager.


Mr.Manousopoulos made a motion to approve the November 16, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote of 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Yes
Mr. Manousopoulos Yes
Mr. Gembala Yes


A. Discuss the December 10, 2021 quote from Peerless Midwest for construction of Well 9.
Mr. Salatas stated that Peerless Midwest provided an updated quote in order to start moving forward on Well 9. It increased by $15,000 from when they first quoted it about a year ago. The new price is $145,000 and some change. I would be hesitant to approve the entire quote but probably approve Phase One because we do need to get started on it. The Town does not currently own the land that the well will sit on. Given the cost of the entire proposal, I think Phase One is safe to move forward on since it’s less than $8,000. Phase Two which entails drilling the 16” well is about $100,000. I’d say we hold off on that until we have the land deed in our possession.

The land in question was part of the settlement agreement and the developer is currently going through the platting process for the subdivision at the Plan Commission. Once it’s platted, he would then be able to turn the land over to the Town. We should have a better idea at the end of January which shouldn’t hold us up too much. The developer does own the land and he has given us permission to do what we need to make sure that the site is being adequately prepared for the well.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to table Phase One until the next meeting when we will be a little more certain of the land possession. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote of 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Yes
Mr. Manousopoulos Yes
Mr. Gembala Yes


Mr. Pondinas stated that Haas & Associates has been working on water mains to be replaced in Town. Hopefully next month we will have the areas to be replaced. We will have a meeting with Haas in January on the water main project on U.S. 41 and set up bids for construction.

Mr. Pondinas reported the SCADA System is in the same state as it was when we saw it except Austgen has been monitoring and tweeking it. The VFD switches for Wells 3, 4 and 5 have been ordered. Austgen will hook those into the SCADA System when they come in. By March the SCADA System on the water side should be installed.

Mr. Gembala questioned a bill from Grimmer Construction on the lowering of the water main on U.S. 41 by the Chop House. Mr. Salatas stated our engineers confronted Grimmer and sent back what they felt was appropriate. The bill was reduced by $6,000 which is what the Town agreed on.


Water Utility APVs in the amount of $355,643.21.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water Utility Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote of 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Yes
Mr. Manousopoulos Yes
Mr. Gembala Yes

Water District APVs in the amount of $21,978.45.

Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to pay the Water District Docket as presented. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote of 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Yes
Mr. Manousopoulos Yes
Mr. Gembala Yes


None to be had.


Mr. Manousopoulos made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:21 p.m. Mr. Furtek seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote of 3-0.

Mr. Furtek Yes
Mr. Manousopoulos Yes
Mr. Gembala Yes

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerri Kudzia, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Meeting Video Recordings may be found on the Town's YouTube channel

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