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Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes and Recordings 2019

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Meeting Minutes

01-22-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
02-26-2019 Waterworks Board

February 26, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on February 26, 2019, at 6:07 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Kenneth Gembala, Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: None.



Nomination for Michael Forbes as President by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic.

Motion to close nominations for President by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Mr. Forbes called for a vote on the standing nomination for President. Nomination carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


Nomination for Kenneth Gembala as Vice-President by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Nomination carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the December 18, 2018 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


A. Discussion and Update on revisions to the Well Head Protection Plan
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is a discussion and update on the revisions to the Well Head Protection Plan and that the members have plan drawings in front of us.

Mr. Kil advised that the drawings are the second item he was going to talk about as it ties together with the Well Head Protection Plan. Part of the Well Head Protection Plan update is that we added a new production well, which is reflected on the plans.

Mr. Forbes asked if the new well is on the east side of Cline Avenue. Mr. Kil responded in the affirmative.

Mr. Kil stated that the document sent to them earlier in the day is the update to the Well Head Protection Plan. Mr. Kil advised that the purpose of the Well Head Protection Plan is to know what is going into the area feeding the aquifers. When you have the underground well system with the aquifers, like we do, you want to make sure to regulate any underground storage tanks and identify existing issues that may pose a potential conflict.

Mr. Kil stated that since we added a well, we had to expand our Well Head Protection Districts and add another district. He further stated that the plan before them is being presented to IDEM; and once IDEM signs off on it, the final plan will be presented to this board for adoption.

Mr. Kil advised that, because we draw our water from an aquifer system, we have to monitor what goes on; the Well Head Protection Zones are the areas that feed into the aquifers.

Mr. Forbes stated that the different zones are calculated by how quickly something may get into the water in terms of years. Mr. Kil added that the soils are analyzed for permeability, depth of the wells, and other factors, and each well has a unique district, based on the number of years the water takes to permeate down to the aquifer system.

Ms. Popovic asked if there is a timeframe that IDEM usually takes to approve the plan. Mr. Kil responded that they usually take a few months to look at it.

Mr. Kil noted that the members have the initial draft plans in front of them for the extension of some raw water main, and he indicated certain items on the drawing and explained where the new well, the line route, and the treatment plant were located. Mr. Kil advised that we are going to use our existing treatment plant for the new well, which has the capacity to handle it.

Mr. Kil commented that, when all is said and done, the well in the Gates will be putting out about 3,000 gallons a minute, and could probably go up to approximately 4,000 gallons per minute.

Mr. Kil, along with the returning members of the board, briefly summarized the history of what the board has done, including the process for the new well and related materials, for the edification of the new member and those in attendance.

Mr. Kil advised that the final plans will be done in about a month and presented to the Waterworks Board with the engineer’s estimate of cost for the board to authorize the project to go out to bid.

Mr. Gembala asked if the treatment plant will be able to handle it. Mr. Kil responded that the system is capable of pumping 9 million gallons a day, so there is plenty of capacity now; the reason we keep digging wells is IDEM’s standards require us to keep maximum peak demand with our largest well out of service.

Mr. Kil stated that the next one we will need to do will likely need a water tower and a treatment plant, which will be a large investment; however, there is a long-range plan in place.

Mr. Kil announced that we have a guest tonight.

Ms. Lauren Varga with Commonwealth Engineers, Inc., introduced herself. She stated that her position is a new position for water resources and that Commonwealth Engineers’ office is in Crown Point. Ms. Varga said it was a pleasure to meet everyone.

Mr. Forbes asked if there were any further questions or comments on this topic.

Mr. Gembala asked Mr. Kil if he needs the board to take any action on this tonight. Mr. Kil responded in the negative, that it is just an update.

Ms. Popovic asked if there is a well by The Preserve. Mr. Forbes responded that we drilled a well there; however, the iron content was very high, so it was capped off.

General discussion ensued.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is Reports and Correspondence and asked for the same.

Mr. Gembala asked if there are plans for any water main replacements this summer. Mr. Kil asked for a month or so to answer that as he needs to get the engineer’s cost estimate on the project that is being worked on first.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for January and February 2019.

Motion to pay the January Utility APVs in the amount of $339,223.38 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Motion to pay the January Water District APVs in the amount of $4,898.96 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Motion to pay the February Utility APVs in the amount of $579,050.14 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Motion to pay the February Water District APVs in the amount of $11,130.10 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

03-26-2019 Waterworks Board

March 26, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on March 26, 2019, at 6:18 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Kenneth Gembala, Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: None.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2019 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


A. Presentation by M.E. Simpson – Water Valve and Mapping Water System
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is a presentation by M.E. Simpson regarding water valve and mapping of water system.

Mr. Forbes turned the floor over to Mr. Randy Lusk of M.E. Simpson to present their proposal for the Water Distribution System Valve Assessment and Exercising Program with GPS Program and Water Atlas Update Program.

Mr. Lusk stated that they have been working with the town for over 30 years, and he is here regarding a new program that they have where they would come out and do valve exercising and assessment on all the valves in town and map them. They will determine which ones work, which ones do not work, where they are located, and which direction the lines are running, including the size and depth. After all that data is collected, they will take the information and put it into a field-based, work-order GIS system.

Mr. Lusk advised that this system allows work orders and projects to be assigned to crews through it, and the crews in the field can actually update and change information as they work, either internally or with M.E. Simpson. Those things don’t have to be stored and recorded for someone else to do at a later time.

Mr. Lusk noted that there are two formats for the program: a desktop version, for administrative use, and an app-based mobile version, for use of smart devices in the field. The mobile app-based version is downloadable for both Android and Apple IOS devices and is more powerful to run since it is a field-based program.

Mr. Lusk stated that workers in the field can trace mains, take photos, and other things that the desktop version can’t do. The desktop version is designed more for planning out work orders, updating and moving structures, changing water mains, and so forth. Mr. Lusk advised that they will teach the crew how to do something called a “red line” feature to draw in a new water main and map it in. After the crew calls it in, M.E. Simpson will change the water mains in the program at no cost to the Town; there are many things that will be done for free for the Town as part of this program.

Mr. Lusk displayed various features of that system on the viewing screen in the room from his iPad to show how the integrated programs allow for instant information display and reporting in the field. He demonstrated how the app version allows for zooming into structures, hydrants, valves, and water mains.

Mr. Lusk explained that Esri is the underlying mapping system for GIS, geographic information system, and displays the parcels and the shapes of the buildings on those parcels. One great feature is that everything is color coded; so if a valve is color-coded green, it means everything is good; yellow means there is a minor problem; and red means the valve doesn't work. This allows the crews in the field to see right away which valves or hydrants have issues. Once the work order is created and the assets are fixed, the color will change. For example, if there is a red valve and a work order is created and it is fixed, the color will change from red to green. This gives you an instant snapshot of what’s going on, what’s working, and what isn’t working.

The program has the ability to have leaks put on there, so every time there is a water main break, they will be able to pinpoint and plot every main break to keep track of where those occur. It can track residential meters, commercial meters, and B-boxes.

It shows the NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, coded in blue, green, orange, and red, so it can help the fire department with a read-only access to see the flow rates in town instantly before going to a fire.

Mr. Lusk advised that with the Town doing ISO ratings, the Town gets credit by having a GIS with the color coding for part of the ISO.

Mr. Kil stated that this means painted caps would no longer be required. Mr. Lusk concurred and stated that as long as the Town uses this program, it eliminates that cost or upkeep.

Mr. Lusk showed the fire-hydrant information display and stated that they haven’t been flow tested in about 5 years. They would use the data that they currently have on file and upload everything into the program. As they do the valve program, they will update the information and create the base layer of the Water Atlas.

The information feature shows the current data. If someone in the field uses the Locate feature, it will walk them to the valve; so even if the ground is snow covered or a valve is buried, someone can use their phone or tablet and walk right to the valve. If you have a new employee, the GPS locator will guide them to drive to the correct location by clicking on “Driving Directions”.

Mr. Kil asked if it will do that for fire hydrants as well. Mr. Lusk responded in the affirmative and stated that any asset that is in the community will use that same feature.

Mr. Kil commented that the fire department likes that capability. If they have to get to a house and aren’t sure where it is, they enter the address and the map opens up and directs them to the closest fire hydrant.

Mr. Gembala stated that the fire department is using Outlook Hydrants on the board now and Google it from the fire station.

Mr. Forbes asked what system is being used at the fire department now. Mr. Dravet stated that it is an app on the phone; and the fire hydrant data is loaded into a variety of sources such as Spillman.

Mr. Gembala asked if we need to get additional equipment for the Public Works or apps for them to be able to use this program. Mr. Kil responded that everyone has a smart phone now, and they can download the app to their phone. Mr. Kil stated that many of them already have iPads that they use now.

Mr. Lusk stated that they download the app and log in. One feature of the program allows for changing information on the fly and updating from the field. If you don’t have a wireless connection in the field, the updates will upload to the system when you get back to a location with a wireless connection.

Mr. Lusk stated that it is data information that can be used in the field, after which M.E. Simpson would update the information based on field verification.

Mr. Lusk demonstrated the isolation tool feature, which is a tool that instructs the user which valves to shut off in the event of a main break, based on operability.

Mr. Kil asked Mr. Lusk to discuss the actual field work that they would be doing for the Town.

Mr. Lusk advised that they will do a valve assessment where they physically turn all the valves by hand. They will get data on depth, left-handed, right-handed, butterfly, gate, and box valves and import it.

Mr. Lusk explained that they will also do a massage method where they exercise the valve down 5 turns and back up 2, back down another 5 turns, and back up 2 in order to massage the valves without putting too much torque on it. The guys can typically tell when a bonnet is getting ready to blow or is loose because they can feel it.

Mr. Lusk further advised that they will check to make sure where all the valves are by looking for valves that are not denoted on any atlas or data anywhere. If they get to areas that don’t make sense, they are going to line locate those areas because they will be drawing a new atlas for the Town as part of the program, including redoing any GPS points that need redone as well.

Mr. Forbes asked if the GIS layer is going to be a standalone layer or incorporated into what we have. Mr. Lusk responded that it can be both.

Mr. Lusk noted that for now, it would be a standalone program for the water department to use it; however, more features can be added to this and make it an all-encompassing GIS. It can be used for the water, like the current plan right now, and take the shape file from all the data for Mr. Dravet to put in his GIS to update it based on all the actual field data.

Mr. Kil advised that we use Esri already for the GIS, so Mr. Dravet sat in on the initial presentation to ensure that this could migrate with what we already have.

Mr. Forbes asked for confirmation that we do have data already. Mr. Dravet responded that we do have data; however, it is very old data and we don’t get As-builts, so we don’t know where water mains are. Mr. Kil stated that we get As-built drawings, but they are not GPS located.

Mr. Kil stated that M.E. Simpson will go out and GPS every one of them; and if they are buried, they will be uncovered and a field order will be submitted for them to be raised.

Mr. Lusk advised that they will dig up to 12 or 13 inches. If it gets too far, they would need help with a backhoe. They will dig them up and mark them; and they will install risers for the Town as long as the Town has them in stock.

Mr. Lusk commented that they work with As-builts all the time; and even though they are created, they aren’t always followed because they find changes in the field. Most As-builts are done at a desk and don’t take into account what is really out there.

Mr. Lusk advised that everything will be field verified by them; they will create a map; the Town’s crew will review that map to make sure they agree with what was found; and if any changes are noted by the Town, they will be updated right away.

Mr. Lusk stated that now Public Works can do work orders and change things on the go instead of waiting.

Mr. Forbes stated that he likes the fact that a pin can be placed on a main break, and if there are consistent line breaks along there, you know that’s the next set of main to be replaced.

Mr. Lusk stated that if there is a main break, a work order is created, they repair it, and the data can be updated with the main size, the repair clamp information, who did the work, and any photos taken of the break; so there is historical data of everything that has been done.

Mr. Kil stated that he likes the feature of the photos. Every locate we do, we take a picture of it now. With this program, we will have an electronic record including photos.

Mr. Lusk advised that they will take a photo of every valve and fire hydrant as well as part of the program.

Mr. Gembala stated that we used to get As-builts on everything. Mr. Kil noted that we still do, but it isn’t the same as a field verification, and nothing beats field verification.

Mr. Kil advised that one of the most important things is exercising the valves.

Motion to approve the agreement with M.E. Simpson for Valve Exercising with GPS Program and Water Atlas Updating, in the amount of $63,700, by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Ms. Popovic asked how long the process takes. Mr. Lusk responded that they typically will do between 23 to 30 valves a day, depending on how everything goes. Some days it may be only 15 valves depending on what they line locate.

B. Consider Approval of Financial Consulting Services Agreement with Cender & Company
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is to consider the approval of the Financial Consulting Services Agreement with Cender & Company for the Waterworks District.

Motion to approve the Financial Consulting Services Agreement with Cender & Company for 2019 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is Reports and Correspondence and asked for the same.

Mr. Kil asked the members for ideas for the cover photo for the Water Quality Report. Mr. Kil stated that he was thinking maybe the inside of the water treatment plant showing the big filters. Mr. Forbes stated that he doesn't believe that has ever been done. Ms. Popovic agreed that it would be a good idea to use the water treatment plant.

Mr. Kil stated that he will shoot the information out to the members when we get a couple of ideas.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for the Water District APVs in the amount of $2,883.43 and the Utility APVs in the amount of $109,428.69.

Motion to pay the Water District APVs in the amount of $2,883.43 and the Utility APVs in the amount of $109,428.69 by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

04-23-2019 Waterworks Board

April 23, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on April 23, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Kenneth Gembala, Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: None.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the March 26, 2019 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


A. Review of Capital Improvement Expenditures for 2019 and 2020
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is a review of the capital improvement expenditures for 2019 and 2020.

Mr. Kil advised that the Capital Improvement Plan is always done two years in a row, and reviewed the Schedule of Forecasted Capital Improvements for the Municipal Water Utility and the Sanitary District. For Water Utilities for 2019-2020 the rates are as follows and are applicable to both years included in the forecast:

  1. New Well Building and Site Work are $340,000 per annum;
  2. The Gates Water Plant piping modifications are $232,500 per annum, which is for the raw water main and the like;
  3. The Gates Water Tower piping modifications are $27,500 per annum, which is for a new valve and the like;
  4. The Valve Exercising and Assessment Program is $31,850 per annum, which is the plan the board just approved;
  5. Other Capital Improvements are $100,000, which is for various miscellaneous things that need to be done.

Mr. Kil advised that the Sanitary District doesn’t really have improvements. Once the sewer system is in place, it is typically fine. Lift Station 1 and the treatment plant are done, so the only thing that is ongoing is the water system.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is Reports and Correspondence and asked for the same.

Mr. Kil reported that the water main has not been started yet because we need the final easements, and we won’t know the location all of those easements until more of the property is platted. He advised that the well is working, but only one section of water main has been installed.

Ms. Popovic asked what the timeframe is for the water main. Mr. Kil responded that it is dependent upon when Mr. Lotton plats more phases, which is when he will plat the roads, the right-of-way, and all the easements. Mr. Kil advised that plans are subject to change, and can change multiple times when it gets to the Plan Commission.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for the Water District APVs in the amount of $5,450.03 and the Utility APVs in the amount of $209,400.11.

Motion to pay the Water District APVs in the amount of $5,450.03 and the Utility APVs in the amount of $209,400.11 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.

Motion to move the Waterworks Board meetings to follow the Sanitary District meetings by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. The motion was agreed upon unanimously.

Mr. Kil stated that he would alter the Meeting Notice.

Mr. Forbes noted that the new order of the meetings would be Waterworks, Sanitary, and then Park Board.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

05-28-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
06-25-2019 Waterworks Board

June 25, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on June 25, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Kenneth Gembala, Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: None.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the April 23, 2019 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.

Mr. Kil advised the board doesn't have any new business until the new water main project is ready to go, which is down in the southeast quadrant; and as soon as that process gets further along, we will get a lot busier.

None was had.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills.

Motion to pay the June 25, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $226,645.89 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $5,179.26 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

Mr. Forbes then entertained a motion to pay the May bills as there was not a May meeting.

Motion to pay the May 28, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $495,272.42 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $9,446.20 by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:04 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

07-23-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
08-27-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
09-24-2019 Waterworks Board

September 24, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on September 24, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Kenneth Gembala, Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: None.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the June 25, 2019 meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


A. Consider Award of 18-inch Water Main to R & R Sewer
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is to consider award of 1760 feet of 18-inch water main to R & R Sewer in the amount of $143,809.60. This is the second section of the raw water main to the treatment plant. Mr. Forbes advised that this is one of the new wells on the east side of Cline Avenue.

Mr. Kil advised that the well is in the field and needs to be connected to the treatment plant approximately 3/4 of a mile away to treat the raw water; and going through an empty field will cut about 1000 feet off the main. He noted that the next project will be a retrofit of the treatment plant, construction of a well house, backup generators, and the like.

Mr. Forbes entertained a motion.

Motion to authorize the award of the installation of the 1760 feet of 18-inch water main to R & R Sewer in an amount not to exceed $143,809.60 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

B. Consider Award of 3-inch Schedule 80 Conduit and Handholes to R & R Sewer
Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is to consider the award of 1760 feet of 3-inch PVC, Schedule 80 conduit and handholes to R & R Sewer in the amount of $28,089.60. This is required for the SCADA system to the new well.

Mr. Forbes asked if that will run alongside the water main. Mr. Kil responded in the affirmative and stated that it makes sense to install it while the trench is already open.

Mr. Forbes entertained a motion.

Motion to authorize the award of the installation of the 1760 feet of 3-inch PVC, Schedule 80 conduit and handholes to R & R Sewer in an amount not to exceed $28,089.60 by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


Mr. Kil asked the board if they would be interested in doing a residential-size test well near the hobby farm on Cline Avenue, which is Site A that was identified by the geologist when the fracture analysis was done. If so, he would ask that the board approve Sheehy Well to drill a 4-inch well hole in the ground for quality testing on the water.

Mr. Gembala asked if all the easements are acquired for the large well. Mr. Kil responded that the Plan Commission will plat them for us. All the easements for the main are acquired; however, another 100-foot radius, 200-foot diameter around our well site, as per IDEM requirements, is needed.

Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to authorize a 4-inch test well to be drilled by Sheehy Well at Site A.

Motion to authorize Sheehy Well to drill a 4-inch test well at Site A by Mr. Gembala. Seconded by Ms. Popovic. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for the September 24, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $349,780.98 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $23,351.60; the August 27, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $166,744.15 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $6,164.98; and the July 23, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $166,744.15 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $6,164.98.

Motion to pay the bills by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion carries 3 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

10-22-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
11-07-2019 Waterworks Board

November 7, 2019 Waterworks Board Special Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Special Meeting to order on November 7, 2019, at 6:52 p.m.


Roll call was taken and the following members were present: Libby Popovic and Michael Forbes. Staff Present: Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Absent: Kenneth Gembala.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the September 24, 2019 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for the October 22, 2019 dockets for Utility APVs in the amount of $585,672.70 and Water District APVs in the amount of $32,127.82.

Motion to pay the bills by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

11-26-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled
12-17-2019 Waterworks Board

December 17, 2019 Waterworks Board Meeting Minutes

Michael S. Forbes, President Libby Popovic
Kenneth Gembala, Vice-President Stephen Kil, Town Manager


Mr. Forbes called the St. John Waterworks Board Meeting to order on December 17, 2019, at 6:43 p.m.


Roll call was taken by the recording secretary with the following members present: Libby Popovic, and Michael Forbes. Also Present: None.

Absent: Kenneth Gembala and Stephen Kil, Town Manager.

Mr. Forbes declared the presence of a quorum.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the November 7, 2019 meeting.

Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes advised that the next item on the agenda is the payment of bills for the December 17, 2019 Utility APVs in the amount of $490,575.10 and the Water District APVs in the amount of $67,237.64.

Motion to pay the bills by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.


None was had.


Mr. Forbes entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Ms. Popovic. Seconded by Mr. Forbes. Motion carries 2 ayes to 0 nays.

(Mr. Forbes adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m.)

Respectfully Submitted:

Margaret R. Abernathy, Recording Secretary
St. John Waterworks Board

Meeting Audio Recordings

02-26-2019 Waterworks Board

03-26-2019 Waterworks Board

04-23-2019 Waterworks Board

06-25-2019 Waterworks Board

07-23-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled

08-27-2019 Waterworks Board-Meeting Canceled

09-24-2019 Waterworks Board

11-07-2019 Waterworks Board

12-17-2019 Waterworks Board

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