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Sanitary District Waterworks District Meeting Minutes 2007

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Meeting Minutes

01-15-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

January 15, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the Minutes – Regular Meeting of December 18, 2006 –

Mr. Wyllie referenced page three of the minutes and the paragraph regarding the extension of the bid for the water tower for Gates of St. John; he stated that the extension of time that was requested should be changed from 90 days to 60. Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the minutes with the noted correction. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Meeting Time Discussion – Mr. Myers mentioned that the Town Council changed the meeting time to 7:00 p.m. from 6:00 p.m. so that all the board and commission meeting times for the town would be at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Wyllie advised that the Town Council cannot legally change their meeting times and presented members a copy of the opinion he had prepared. Discussion ensued. Mr. Myers stated that he spoke with Mr. Fryzel, Mr. Kil and Ms. Teibel and the meetings will go back to 6:00 p.m. starting next month. Mr. Monanteras motioned to move the meeting time back to 6:00 p.m. for the Study Sessions and the Regular Meetings for the remainder of 2007. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion unanimously passed.


Old Business
Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Update
South of 93rd Avenue Extension – Phase III - Interceptor Sewer –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the testing is completed, the restoration is left and there are a couple of drop manholes the subcontractor needs to install.
LS #3 Elimination Project - Payout #2 Partial - $204,877.80 –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the contractor is moving along at a good pace. Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay the Partial Payout #2 to Rex Construction. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
O’Day Easement / Schilling Easement Review –
Mr. Wyllie referenced the recording status of the O’Day easement; he has just received the Schilling easement request and there are some changes that need to be made.
Update – 36” Transmission Sewer Line Project –
Mr. Faberbock stated that he met with the developer and has developed a set of plans to be presented to the railroad for their review. When he receives the plans back from the railroad he can finalize and start the project.
Approval of modifications of 2007 Salary Ordinance #1435 adopted by the Town Council to coincide with 2007 Salary Ordinance #SD95 and #WD62 adopted –
Mr. Myers stated the Town Council eliminated a few unfilled positions in their salary ordinance and that the intention is to have the District’s salary ordinances match the Town’s for each category position. Mr. Monanteras motioned to amend Ordinance #SD95 and #WD62 to make the changes according to the Town Council Ordinance #1435 modifications. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion unanimously passed.


Proposal of Robinson Engineering for 2007 services to Board (for both the Water and Sanitary Districts) -
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the proposals for both Water and Sewer from Robinson Engineering and also to retain the legal services of Wieser Sterba & Wyllie for 2007 for both districts also. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Umbaugh & Associates – Agreement for Analysis of Biennial Rate Report –
Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the agreement from Umbaugh & Associates for the analysis of the Biennial Rate Report. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.
Legal Services Agreement – Wieser Sterba & Wyllie –
Motion combined with Robinson Engineering proposal above.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2000 - #2005 for $83,172.89 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6000 - #6016 for $327,541.68 –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve vouchers #2000 - #2005 for $83,172.89 for the Sanitary District and Wastewater Utility vouchers #6000 - #6016 in the amount of $327,541.68. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –

Mr. Myers stated that there is a request for payment to Clemons’ Tree Service for tree removal and believes it is part of the south of 93rd sanitary project or the LS#3 elimination project. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monanteras motioned to authorize payment in the amount of $8,400 to Clemons’ Tree Service for the removal of trees upon verification of the proper project. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Water Tower for Gates of St. John, Lotton –
Mr. Faberbock stated that there is nothing new to report other than that Mr. Pharazyn and Mr. Kil are in Kentucky visiting the site of one of the contractors that bided the water tower project.
Execution of Master Plan Proposal from Robinson Engineering –
Ms. Sury referenced the approval by the board on December 18, 2006, of this proposal and stated that the document only needs to be executed.
Approval of modifications of 2007 Salary Ordinance #1435 adopted by the Town Council to coincide with 2007 Salary Ordinance #WD62 adopted –
See Sanitary District portion of minutes.

New Business

Proposal of Robinson Engineering for 2007 services to Board –
See Sanitary District portion of minutes.
Legal Services Agreement – Wieser Sterba & Wyllie -
See Sanitary District portion of minutes.

PAYMENT OF BILLS – 3000 - #3003 for $8,121.12 for Waterworks District and #4000 - #4045 for $39,387.50 for Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment of bills #3000 - #3003 in the amount of $8,121.12 for the Waterworks District and bills #4000 - #4045 in the amount of $39,387.50 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board – Discussion ensued regarding the status of the Resolution addressing the bulk water station sales and the declining rate block forwarded to the Town Council including the $5.00 minimum charge for the bulk water sold. Mr. Wyllie stated that he would discuss this item with Mr. Austgen.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

02-19-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

February 19, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President, Alex Monanteras, Vice-President, Kenneth Gembala, Member, Michael Hanlon, Member, Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member, Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering, Jim Wieser for Randy Wyllie, Attorney, and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent was Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Election of Officers

Mr. Monanteras nominated Mr. Myers for the office of President for both the Sanitary and Waterworks Districts. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Mr. Gembala motioned to close nominations. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motions unanimously passed.

Ms. Sims-Smierciak nominated Mr. Monanteras for the office of Vice-President for both the Sanitary and Waterworks Districts. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Mr. Gembala motioned to close nominations. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motions unanimously passed.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of January 15, 2007 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Sanitary and Waterworks Districts. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.


Old Business

Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Update - LS # 3 Elimination Project –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the installation of the pipe would be finished this week.
Payout #3 Partial - $281,275.50 – Rex Construction –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Partial Payout #3 in the amount of $281,275.50. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Schilling Contribution –
Mr. Wyllie stated that he has not received feedback from Mr. Muenich and requested that this item be addressed at the study session.
South of 93rd Avenue Extension-Phase III – Interceptor Sewer – Approval of payment Pay Request #2 -
Mr. Faberbock stated that everything has been installed except the retention and restoration needs to be done. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Payment Request #2 in the amount of $59,069.70 to R&R Sewer, Water & Excavating. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.
Barnes & Thornburg - approval of payment – Service Territory Dispute Matters (Both Districts) -
Mr. Myers stated that this payment is for services rendered in the lawsuit regarding the water and sewer utilities. Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve payment in the amount of $16,615.91 to Barnes & Thornburg to be split equally between the Sanitary and Waterworks Districts. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.
Discussion regarding Utility Expansion –
Mr. Myers referenced a letter he received from Mr. Kil that included a revision of the boundaries that also requested a recommendation from the board be submitted to the Town Council for action along with the preparations for the notices and public hearing to be undertaken at the Town Council level. Mr. Wieser referenced the letter he sent to Attorney Austgen and stated that according to Statute, the Sanitary District, not the Town Council should hold the Public Hearing and after the District has the public hearing and approves the boundaries the ordinance or resolution would be forwarded to the Town Council for ratification. Discussion ensued along with the tentative date for the public hearing to be March 19, 2007, during the Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting.

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to direct the attorney to prepare the public notice and the ordinance and to forward these documents to the Clerk-Treasurer for the public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Faberbock explained the proposed district boundaries on the map he provided to all members that would accompany the legal notice for the hearing. Discussion ensued. (Tape inaudible).

Mr. Wieser mentioned the status of the petition filed by Aqua Inc. and stated that the matter was pending; the hearing was concluded and provided the time line for the filing of objections and for the final determination that could take 60-75 days. Discussion ensued.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2006 - #2023 for $32,346.53 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6017 - #6063 for $682,656.01 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay bills #2006 - #2023 for $32,346.53 for the Sanitary District and Wastewater Utility #6017 - #6063 for $682,656.01. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –

Mr. Faberbock referenced the location of the Golfview subdivision (approximately 158 home sites) and stated that the developer would like to tie into the St. John Sanitary system. Discussion ensued regarding the temporary connection to LS#1.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Award – Water Tower for Gates of St. John, Lotton –
Mr. Myers stated that he spoke with Mr. Pharazyn regarding this item. Mr. Pharazyn would like to defer the award to the next meeting and stated that Mr. Lotton has the letter for credit however it won’t be available for at least another week. Discussion ensued regarding the deletion of the second floor of the water tower and that the special meeting for the award would be prior to the scheduled study session on March 5, 2007.
Update – Status of Quotation – Test Drilling –
Update not available, deferred to the Study Session on March 5, 2007.
Progress on Ordinance of Elimination of Declining Block Rate and Water Station sales –
Ms. Sury stated that the ordinance (#1440) was passed on first reading and the public hearing and adoption will be held on February 22, 2007, with the effective date of March 15th.
Payout #11 – Final – Clarence Monix Water Treatment Plant – Gaskill & Walton - $29,640.00 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the Final Payout #11 for the Clarence Monix Water Treatment Plant to Gaskill & Walton in the amount of $29,640.00. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS – #3004 - #3021 for $30,464.24 for Waterworks District and #4046 - #4124 for $504,459.36 for Water Utility –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to pay vouchers #3004 - #3021 for $30,464.24 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4046 - #4124 in the amount of $504,459.36 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board - Mr. Faberbock referenced the upcoming INDOT project along with the water main replacement project on US #41 & 93rd Avenue. An estimate for the water main replacement project was provided and discussion ensued.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

03-05-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

March 5, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Special Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member, and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.


Old Business -



Old Business

Award – Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John – (Exhibit A) –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to award the bid for the project in the amount of $2,033,000 to Caldwell Tanks and to accept the Letter of Credit in the amount of $1,100,000 from Lotton based on the recommendation of the engineer and staff. Also the recommendation of the staff is not to do the second story and that a proportionate deduction be requested. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Adjournment –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

03-19-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

March 19, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie and Jim Wieser, Attorneys; Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Also present was Michael Fryzel, Town Council President and Steve Carter, Financial Consultant, H.J. Umbuagh & Associates.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 19, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

SANITARY/WATERWORKS DISTRICTS: PUBLIC HEARING - Utility District Expansion – Resolutions #SD 07-03-19 and #WD 07-03-19

Proofs of Publication – Mr. Wieser confirmed that the Proofs of Publication were in order and stated that the statute does not require a public hearing be held, however the utility board wanted to conduct this hearing.

Opening Remarks – Mr. Bob Myers addressed the audience and stated that there is a lot of misinformation regarding this meeting; this is not an annexation meeting. No one is annexing property into St. John; it is an expansion of the utility district. He clarified the purpose of the expansion of the district and this is to protect the boundaries of the Sanitary/Waterworks District. A private utility company wants to provide utilities to areas that are in the master plan (comprehensive plan) of the Town of St. John. (Tape recording of meeting barely audible.)

Mr. Faberbock provided a brief overview of the existing and proposed boundaries of the Sanitary/Waterworks District.

Sanitary District / Waterworks District Comments

Open to Floor – Exhibit A

Mr. Michael Poremba, 9042 Henry Street, Dyer – Asked if St. John proper is interested in taking over his Dyer mailing address and thinks this is the start of them becoming part of St. John. Mr. Wieser responded that this hearing is not for the annexation of property.

Mr. Michael Carlson, 9161 Henry Street, Dyer – Questioned if this is going to turn out like Schererville, where if there is a potential of providing water we are going to charge you? Does Aqua Indiana know about this? Most of the area is developed and have septic; and feels they just want their money. The system cannot handle what they have now, last year St. John had problem with yellow water. Mr. Myers explained that the property owners within the district would receive tax bills and only when service was available and only when the residents would be connected and receiving the service would utility bills be sent out to the customers.

Ms. Connee Trepton, 2504 Kelly Court, Dyer – Referenced the third whereas in the resolution whereby it states that they have entered into certain informal agreements with surrounding communities including Dyer and Schererville and inquired as to when this was. Mr. Wieser explained the history of the service area and the IURC. Ms. Trepton also asked if Schererville has an unlimited capability of accepting waste and stated that she spoke with Glen Eberly (who is deceased) about a gentleman’s agreement of the future of Dyer and the map does not agree with it. She feels this should be presented to Dyer and Schererville and asked if documentation existed. Mr. Wieser explained that the Schererville plant currently has substantial capacity and we have reserved capacity that would serve us and that the plant also has the ability for future expansion.

James DeJong, 12903 West 81st Avenue, Dyer - Stated that he is getting taxed for water from Schererville and asked if he would now receive two bills? (Tape inaudible) Mr. Faberbock stated that these boundaries were discussed with Schererville and believes that this area is included in the Schererville District and if he is included in the district, the northern boundary would be re-evaluated, but they were always told that 81st Avenue was the dividing line.

Ms. Sharon Van Wieren, 8286 Calumet Avenue, Dyer – Referenced two houses that have Dyer sewer (corner of 81st and Calumet) and that they have looked into having Dyer sewer extended to their house on Calumet Avenue. Mr. Faberbock stated that this area has been cut out of the border. Ms. Van Wieren requested clarification of the border and Mr. Faberbock stated that it would be the centerline of the road. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Ronald Reichelt, 8250 Columbia Avenue, Dyer – Said no, thank you.

Mr. Dallas Swift, 10022 Kreitzburg Street, Dyer – Asked if Consumers Indiana is included in the proposition. Discussion ensued. Said no thanks to taxes for something they are not getting and do not want.

Mr. Robert Rybicki, 119 Berens Street, Dyer – Stated that he is a member of the Dyer Town Council, and asked if there was a letter or courtesy call made to Dyer and Cedar Lake regarding this. Mr. Faberbock responded that there was communication on the onset. Discussion ensued. Mr. Rybicki stated that the area south of Sheffield Avenue was always in consideration for Dyer to include.

Mr. Walter Twardy, 8805 Henry, Dyer – Stated he wanted to speak on behalf of himself and his mother. He asked how much more is it going to cost on their taxes and why would he want to pay for something he is not going to get? He stated that he did not sign in to speak.

Inaudible question posed -

Ms. Nan Onest, 3163 Austgen Place, Dyer – Stated that she is a member of Dyer Town Council and is dismayed, the first she heard of this is an article in the newspaper. The Dyer Town Council did not have an opportunity to look at this with the St. John Town Council to determine if it is in the best interest for the community of Dyer and the way they are looking at their growth and development now. She does not believe Mr. Rybicki’s question was answered regarding who was spoken to in the Dyer Town Council office and requested documentation.

Mr. Myers stated that they would take a few more questions and then the financial advisor; Mr. Carter would give a presentation.

Mr. Dan Kortum, 8905 Henry Street, Dyer – Stated that he is not interested in St. John water, he is not interested in St. John sewer and he is not interested in St. John taxes or annexation. It appears the people in the audience are battling a monster and they are not represented by counsel so they are doing what they can. What if any influence does their presence at the meeting have? It appears to be a done deal already. Mr. Myers stated that the board would vote on this tonight, and confirmed that the board is here to protect the interest of the town. Discussion ensued. Mr. Kortum stated that they believe they need counsel.

Inaudible question posed – Mr. Myers responded that there would be a vote taken at this meeting.

Mr. John McDonald, 8901 Henry Street, Dyer – Stated that he read in the newspaper last month that the County Council passed an ordinance that anyone that has septic field will be charged $35.00 because the run off pollutes the ground water. Anyone that has a farm field will be charged “X” amount of dollars because it does the same thing. He sees this council as trying to do the same thing. Reach into our pockets, take the money and try to sell a bill of goods that we don’t want and don’t need. He would like to state that he objects to it.

Mary Lou Hultgren, 14657 West 93rd Avenue, Dyer – Stated that she would like to plead with the board tonight to please table this action until the Town of Dyer gets some sort of written documentation that they have spoken to someone in Dyer. The reply of “I spoke to someone” and it is on the onset; and if it is not written down and wanted this to be on the up on up, they would have documentation. On behalf of herself and her neighbors she would like this tabled until they provide who they spoke with in writing and that they get something in writing to the Town of Dyer that they did speak to someone there and they have responded that they have no intention of blah, blah, whatever you said.

Mr. Dan Fagen, 2240 Hart Street, Dyer – Mentioned that he has some formality questions. What is the process that goes on here? If it is approved where does it go. Mr. Wieser stated that if it were approved this evening, it would be forwarded to the St. John Town Council for their approbation of it. Mr. Fagen inquired as to what objections are allowed? What legal disputes are allowed by the people that this is going to actually effect? Mr. Wieser sated that he was unable to answer this and could not advise other people, only his clients. Mr. Fagen asked how many of these citizens that you are going to impose this on have been talked to? Mr. Myers asked if it was personally, the response was none. Mr. Fagen stated that he is disgusted with the bureaucratic process that is going on here.

Mr. Rich Sommer, 8701 Henry Street, Dyer – Stated his question. They explained that the reason for this is so the other utilities do not come into this area. He lives in the Old Hickory subdivision which is in between Calumet and Sheffield and he has well and septic and he has no intention of dealing with any public utility or private utility, so he does not understand what their concern is unless they are considering annexing this property to St. John. That would be the only reason to protect your interest because that would be the only interest to protect.

Mr. Ron Andre, 8287 Calumet, Dyer – Stated that he does not see what they are gaining because St. John water is no better than what they have got which is well water. If they got Dyer water at least they would have Lake Michigan water, and having lived in Hammond all his life, is very good water. He sees no advantage to this at all. (Did not sign in to speak.)

Mr. Joseph Brzowski, 8201 Columbia Avenue, Dyer – Stated his opinion to be that once the water and sewer come in then they will be annexed. They will be charged for something that none of them want. They’ll get St. John water then they will be subject to St. John’s rules, ordinances, and policies. Now they are unincorporated, they moved out to that area to have their freedom. They did not move into the city to have St. John or Dyer come in and say, “We’re taking over”. Our street and the people here do not want it.

Mr. Kenneth Knoerzer, 8274 Columbia Avenue, Dyer – Stated that he just moved from Illinois and the biggest difference he sees is in Cook County they would not have held this meeting. They chose to have this meeting to hear from the people, they would not have done that, they would have just ran it through.

Mr. Dan Nordyke, 8298 Columbia Avenue, Dyer – Asked when was the initial layout (water shed) created? Mr. Wieser stated that it was the early 80’s and believed the plan was adopted in 1982. Mr. Nordyke stated that it’s been about 25 years and they still don’t have anything. What guarantee is there that they will get anything in 25 more years and pay taxes for 25 more years? Mr. Myers stated that no guarantees could be given. Mr. Nordyke stated that technically you talk about this that it is not an annexation, he lives on a private road and they would claim eminent domain and they would have to annex them to do that. Myers referenced the question to be that the annexation had to take place prior to providing water and sewer service, Mr. Myers stated that the answer is no. Discussion ensued regarding the status of his private road, the watershed and eminent domain. Mr. Nordyke questioned where would the water be brought in from and if he would get low water pressure? He stated that he had a financial question and inquired if it would be addressed later in the meeting. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Paul Meier, 14209 81st Drive, Dyer – Stated that when he bought his house he bought it because it was in an unincorporated area, he did not want to be part of Dyer or St. John. They propose it is only a utility expansion as a selling point but everyone knows it is the first step of an annexation. Mr. Myers stated that this matter had nothing to do with the annexation of property but expanding the utility district. Mr. Meier stated that on behalf of himself and his neighbors that are here, they are not interested and their well water is probably as good as St. John’s public water. What say so do they have here? He appreciates them having the meeting, and questioned if this does take heart with them that they are speaking up and attending the meeting. Discussion ensued. Mr. Meier stated that he is not interested in it.

Mr. Dave Brown, 8906 Henry Street, Dyer – Asked if this went through what type of cost would be incurred for the sewer and water? Mr. Monanteras stated that would depend on the rate of the assessed valuation of his home and after a few more questions are taken, the financial advisor, Mr. Steve Carter, will address the questions that have been asked regarding the impact of the taxes.

Mr. Ed Hendricks, 8813 Henry Street, Dyer – Asked what was the federal grant money received 30 years ago used for? Mr. Wieser stated that it was used to separate the storm and sanitary sewer system. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hendricks stated that they really don’t want any of their utilities. (Did not sign in to speak.)

Mr. Bill Martin, 14913 85th Place, Dyer – Asked if there is any talk of storm water run off? Mr. Myers confirmed that this is strictly for water and sanitary. Mr. Martin asked if any of them seen the conditions of the roadways. He does not see how they can bring in sanitary sewers and water without having to rebuild the entire road system back there. The cost to bring that in would have to include the road structure. Mr. Myers stated that the Public Works Director would address these issues when the time comes.

Mr. (inaudible) Dunn, 9200 Henry Street, Dyer – Asked if the new houses have a choice of water automatically from St. John or will they have a choice of well and septic. Mr. Myers questioned if this referenced the timeframe of service availability. Discussion ensued and Mr. Pharazyn provided a brief synopsis of the procedure for a new subdivision coming into town seeking to get town water and sewer service. Mr. Dunn stated that for where he lives, no thanks.

Unidentified person asked to be heard again and plead that they consider an addendum to the proposition to delete the referenced area for now until they can talk to the members of Dyer that are represented here. They are citizens and they pay taxes. Pretend its you that is effected this way and see what you can draw up.

Public Comment Closed

Mr. Steve Carter, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates summarized what the tax impact would be based on different assessed values, currently on pay 2006, pay 2007 is not finalized yet, and the best information they have available. He stated that the Waterworks District has a tax rate currently of about three cents; the Sanitary District of about six cents and of that, six cents, two cents is debt. The two cents of debt will be rolling off somewhere in the next six to nine years. Combining all of that, it’s a total tax rate of nine cents. The results of trending which would bring this down presumably, are not in here, and the results of the additional assessed value rolling into this would also bring this down. The worst case scenario would be nine cents per $100 of assessed valuation; as an example, a $175,000 assessed valued home would pay approximately $10.00 per month combined, a $275,000 assessed value home would pay approximately $18.00 per month. These are taxes they are not user fees. If and when you are ever to be connected you would pay the rate that’s same as everybody else that is connected to water and sewer per thousand gallons. For the water utility the first rate block is $3.26 per thousand. (Tape recording inaudible).

Mr. Wieser mentioned that when utility districts get expanded it is not a guarantee or an absolute certainty that properties in that area would be served. Ultimately they probably will and would take a number of years. There are a number of public policy considerations that the utility districts have to consider. Among those policy considerations are filings by Aqua with the IURC to substantially expand their district to take in a relatively large potion of this, plans by Cedar Lake to build their own treatment plant and expand. And it’s prudent for any community to have seriously looked at this to see what’s in their communities best interest for not only their future expansion but as to how adjoining properties are going to expand and what utilities they are going to use. In this particular case St. John’s position has been, for most instances, it is in the best interest of those areas to be served by a municipal system of water and sewer and they believe they have an outstanding system that can serve those areas.

Ms. Teibel thanked the audience for coming out on behalf of herself and Mr. Michael Fryzel, Town Council President. (Tape recording inaudible) She asked the audience what their telephone prefix’s are.

Mr. Fryzel addressed the audience (Tape recording inaudible including the discussion that ensued). Mr. Fryzel included in his remarks that they would not have any recourse in Indianapolis if they had problems with a private utility. Discussion and confusion ensued, tape inaudible.

Mr. Myers stated that the public hearing was over and asked Mr. Wieser, Sanitary/Waterworks District Attorney, to read the motion. Mr. Wieser stated that at the conclusion of the public hearing two resolutions were prepared for consideration, one relates to the expansion of the Utility District for the Sanitary Board of Commissioners, the other relates to the Waterworks Board of Commissioners. The Sanitary Resolution is denominated as #SD 07-03-19 and the resolution for the Water District is #WD 07-03-19. This is a resolution to consider the expansion of the boundaries of the jurisdiction of the Sanitary and Waterworks District. All the whereas’s set up what is going to happen. We do need to include in one paragraph that it does show that a public hearing was held on March 19, 2007.

Mr. Wieser referenced the language about what may or may not be adopted, “Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Sanitary and Waterworks District, Number 1. That the following described real estate shall be the Sanitary District, the other one the Waterworks District, of the Town of St. John, Lake County, Indiana, to wit – and it would attach the legal description.

Number 2. That upon adoption of the resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the Sanitary District, other one the Waterworks District, of the Town of St. John, it be submitted to the Recorder of Lake County for recordation and also be submitted to the Town Council for approbation”. He suggested that they adopt these two resolutions which include the legal description that Pete (Town Engineer) has set forth that describes the proposed utility district but that you exclude, at this point in time, from that district that property that is denominated in the northwest corner (that we have all just been referring to) that is bounded by Sheffield Avenue on the West and by the proposed extension of Calumet Avenue on the East, that it be deferred for further study and further indicate that the south side of 81st Avenue has been for 30 years always part of St. John’s sanitary system. He asked for a motion to be made to that effect.

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the above motion stated by the attorney. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2024 - #2037 for $29,654.47 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6064 - #6091 for $252,539.77 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay vouchers #2024 - #2037 in the amount of $29,654.47 for the Sanitary District and for the Wastewater Utility #6064 - #6091 in the amount of $252,539.77. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –


Public Comment –



PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3022 - #3031 for $22,123.40 for Waterworks District and #4125 - #4159 for $138,442.45 for Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay vouchers #3022 - #3031 in the amount of $22,123.40 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4125 - #4159 in the amount of $138,442.45 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –


Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

04-16-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

April 16, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Tape recording of meeting inaudible

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President, Alex Monanteras, Vice-President, Kenneth Gembala, Member, Michael Hanlon, Member, Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member, Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering, Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director, Randy Wyllie, Attorney, and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent was Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the minutes – Special Meeting of March 5, 2007 and Regular Meeting of March 19, 2007 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of March 5, 2007 and the Regular Meeting of March 19, 2007. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.


Utility District Expansion – Resolutions #SD 07-04-16 and #WD 07-04-16 –
Mr. Wyllie stated he had two resolutions for consideration and were the result of the Executive Session that was conducted. No action or votes were taken. He explained that these resolutions repealed the earlier resolutions passed and for the record read both the resolution numbers. The new resolution numbers are #SD 07-16-07 and #WD 07-16-07. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Resolution # SD 07-16-07 and #WD 07-16-07. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.


Old Business

LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Robinson Engineering Services –
Mr. Myers requested to hold this item until the study session. Mr. Monanteras asked if the price for the project went up or down. Mr. Faberbock stated that the price went down and is now $87,500 because they did not have to hire a structural engineer.
LS#3 Elimination Project - Pay request #4 – Rex Construction - $175,702.05 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve pay request #4 to Rex Construction in the amount of $175,702.05. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed. Mr. Pharazyn mentioned that they are waiting for the restoration.
Schilling Contribution –
Mr. Wyllie stated that Mr. Muenich is out of town and that he anticipates that an update on this matter should be available for the study session.
SCADA System – Pay Request #1 – Sweney Electric Co. $146,015.90 –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve pay request #1 to Sweney Electric Co. in the amount of $146,015.90. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2038 - #2051 for $28,556.19 for Sanitary District & Wastewater Utility #6092 - #6123 for $568,366.85 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve payment of vouchers #2038 - #2051 for $28,556.19 for the Sanitary District & vouchers for the Wastewater Utility #6092 - #6123 for $568,366.85. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –


Public Comment –



Old Business

Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that a pre-construction meeting was scheduled for April 17th to set the schedule and he believes that they will be able to start the project within 30 days. He also mentioned the developer is on track with the project.
Dixon Engineering Contract for related work on tower –
Mr. Pharazyn explained that Dixon has done work on the other water tanks and the contract was for consulting and inspection. The contract amount is for $19,946.00. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the contract with Dixon Engineering for consulting and inspection in the amount of $19,946.00. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Update – water main project – 93rd / Joliet – Phase I –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he is seeking permits and is not sure if the Town Council is ready to go forward with this project in relation to the storm sewers. He also mentioned a 6” main will be replaced under the tracks and an application has been submitted. The storm sewer part may be done later this year. When the project is bid out it will be stand-alone.
SCADA System – Pay Request #1 – Sweney Electric Co $146,015.91 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve Pay Request #1 to Sweney Electric Co in the amount of $146,015.91. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business

Proposed Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 in the amount of $5,000,000 –
Mr. Wyllie stated that the bond amount is $4,000,000 and a resolution is not needed, just a motion as a recommendation to the Town Council for the bond issue. The intent is to refund $2.5M for the BANs of Series 2005A and 2005B. The remaining $1.5M would be for the water tower at the Gates of St. John and the line extension. The Bond Council should have this completed by the end of May. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve and recommend that the Town Council approve the issuance of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 in the amount of $4,000,000. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Proposed reimbursement from owner – water main – north of Aspen Café –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he met with Mr. Michael Gelatka who agreed to reimburse the town for the extension of the water main. The executed April 11, 2007, agreement was referenced and Mr. Pharazyn stated that this is Phase 2 of the water main project.
Approval to pay – DMJM Harris – Application Fee of $1,830 for 24” storm sewer, 12” water main & electrical conduit crossing – (Joliet Street) –
Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve payment to DMJM Harris the application fee in the amount of $1,830 to be divided equally and paid from the water and the cumulative sewer funds. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3032 - #3049 for $25,119.14 for Waterworks District and #4160- #4212 for $338,113.17 for the Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment of vouchers #3032 - #3049 in the amount of $25,119.14 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4160 - #4212 in the amount of $338,113.17 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board – It was mentioned that a meeting will be held the first week of May to review the biennial rate.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

05-21-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

May 21, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Tape recording of meeting inaudible

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President, Kenneth Gembala, Member, Michael Hanlon, Member, Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member, Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering, Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director, Randy Wyllie, Attorney, Michael Fryzel for Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent was board member Alex Monanteras.

Approval of the minutes – Executive Session of April 9, 2007 and Regular Meeting of April 16, 2007 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the minutes of the Executive Session of April 9, 2007 and the Regular Meeting of April 16, 2007. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.


Old Business

LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Robinson Engineering Services Contract –
Mr. Gembala asked how much work would be covered under this contract. Mr. Faberbock stated the contract is for the entire project and the force main – option #1 and three pumps. Discussion ensued. Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the Robinson Engineering Services Contract for the LS#1 Upgrade Project in the amount of $87,500. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
LS#3 Elimination Project – Schilling Contribution –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that the restoration is complete and there will be one more invoice to be approved at the next meeting. There was discussion about excess spoil that may need to be cleaned up and hauled away.
Grant of Right Request for water and sewer from Golfview for Phases B and C –
Mr. Faberbock explained that they were a private system and now want to be part of the town. They are not in the utility district but would be by default when connected. The board discussed the county road the golf course is located on, the owners of the golf course and the easement needed around the golf course (which would put them in the district). Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the Grant of Right for water and sewer for Golfview Phases B and C contingent on approval of the engineering plans and other approvals necessary from Public Works and the attorney. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Status of meeting regarding the biennial rate –
It was reported that Mr. Steve Carter is in the negotiation process and the board is waiting for his response.
New Business –
PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2052 - #2070 for $35,582.88 for Sanitary District & Wastewater Utility #6124 - #6153 for $185,465.78 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve payment of vouchers #2052 - #2070 in the amount of $35,582.88 for the Sanitary District and vouchers #6124 - #6153 in the amount of $185,465.78 for the Wastewater Utility. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Any and all business that may come before the Board –
Mr. Faberbock handed out a map indicating a section of land past the Gates of St. John (southwest of Cline and Rt. #231) where a developer wants St. John water and sewer utilities. He stated that he does not know the name of the developer or subdivision; requested that this item be on the agenda for the next study session and that it will be referred to as the Proposed Subdivision of Unincorporated Lake County.

It was reported that Pete answered all the questions for the bonding, it went well and the bond sale would be this week.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that the project would start any day now.
Update – Water Main Project – 93rd / Joliet – Phase I –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he has submitted the permits and that the cumulative sewer account would pay for the other part of the project. He is not sure of the time line; the Town Council may want this part of the project done next year.
Update – Water Main Project – North (Aspen Café) Phase II –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that this project is getting ready to be presented to the Plan Commission and that the water main project on Route #41 to run the additional 1000 feet is complete.

Mr. Pharazyn reported that the 93rd and Route #41, INDOT Project, is now scheduled to be out for bid around May 31, 2007.

Water Bond Update –
Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Faberbock has answered all the questions for the bonding, it went well and the sale will be this week.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3050 - #3065 for $37,516.64 for Waterworks District and #4213 - #4279 for $208,844.53 for Water Utility –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve vouchers #3050 - #3065 for $37,516.64 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4213 - #4279 for $208,844.53 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Pharazyn stated that he would check on the status of the easement with the railway for the Schererville interceptor. The logo painting on the water tower on Hack Street would start tomorrow and that Boender Electric will install lights to light up the tower.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

06-18-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

June 18, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President, Alex Monanteras, Vice-President, Kenneth Gembala, Member, Michael Hanlon, Member, Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member, Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering, Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director, Randy Wyllie, Attorney, and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent was Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of May 21, 2007 –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 21, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with 4 ayes and 1 abstention by Mr. Monanteras.


Old Business

LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Robinson Engineering Services –
Mr. Faberbock explained the design schedule he handed out and pointed out the milestones and land acquisitions of the design schedule. The final design should be complete by October 26, 2007. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pharazyn stated that he would like this to go out for bid reasonably soon so he can get an idea of the finances involved. He mentioned the conversation he had with Mr. Muenich regarding swapping one property for another, land acquisition, (Schilling Contribution – LS#3 project) and obtaining authorization for the soil borings.
LS#3 Elimination Project
Schilling Contribution –
see above
Pay request #5 for $192,595.32 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve payment #5 for Rex Construction in the amount of $192,595.32. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Mr. Pharazyn questioned the amount of retainage held on this contract and asked if this amount is enough to resolve the standing water problem, Mr. Faberbock responded that the retention was $10,000.00 and it would be enough money. Motion unanimously passed.
Pay Request #2 – SCADA System – Sweeney Electric Company for $21,236.67 –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment #2 in the amount of $21,236.67 to Sweeney Electric for the SCADA System. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.
Sewage Capacity/System Development Charges
9431 Joliet Street – business office –
Mr. Faberbock stated that this is behind Dunkin Donuts and is new construction for an office building. Based upon his calculations, there would be a minimal sewage charge and the water bill submitted would indicate a minimal charge under the 7,000 gallons. The sewage treatment capacity charge would be $1,379.00 and the system development charges for a 1” service line for each utility is $1,000.00.
St. Anthony’s Diagnostic Center –
Mr. Faberbock stated that this is a medical arts type building on the corner of Parrish and 109th. They submitted a water bill from their facility in Dyer (Schererville) and it is below the 7,000-gallon minimum. They are bringing in a larger water service line, which is the reason of the increased charge. The sewage treatment capacity charge would be $1,379.00 and the system development charges for a 2” service line for each utility is $8,000.00. Both locations will be subject to a recapitulation charge in one year.

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Robinson Engineering’s recommendations for sewage capacity and system development charges for 9431 Joliet Street and St. Anthony’s Diagnostic Center on 109th and Parrish. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2071 - #2080 for $24,474.55 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6154 - #6174 for $291,843.03 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment of vouchers #2071 - #2080 in the amount of $24,474.55 for the Sanitary District & Wastewater Utility vouchers #6154 - #6174 in the amount of $291,843.03 and vouchers #6175 - #6190 for $81,688.24. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –

Mr. Myers stated that there would not be a study session next month due to the 4th of July holiday.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that the foundation has been installed. He also mentioned that Jennifer (Robinson Engineering) has received word from Caldwell Tank that they do not plan on sending an erection crew until the first week in August and that she will follow up with them to find out why. Mr. Faberbock stated that he is waiting to review the final plat documents and discussion ensued. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the payment of $112,392.90 for Estimate #1 for the Gates of St. John tank once we get the copy of the deed or the plat recorded. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Mr. Myers stated to make the payment subject to the plat recording. Motion passed with 4 ayes and 1 nay by Mr. Gembala. Further discussion ensued regarding the necessity of recording the plat before the payment is released, the schedule, the anticipated cost of the project and the Letter of Credit.
Update – water main project – 93rd / Joliet – Phase I –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that the only thing left to do is to go back and make the connection by Mighty Mike and some restoration needs to be done on the north end.

Mr. Faberbock stated that INDOT (93rd & US #41 project) realized their estimate was real low and the State must go back and find more funds. He added that the State does not tell you what the estimate is so he does not know how much money they are looking for.

Pay Request #2 – SCADA System – Sweeney Electric Company for $21,236.67 -
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve Pay Request #2 for the SCADA System to Sweeney Electric for $21,236.67. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Mr. Pharazyn stated that Siemens (used to be US Filter, Consolidated Electric) would be sending personnel to start the system up on or about July 11th.
Water Bond update –
Ms. Sury stated that the BANs (Series 2005A and 2005B) have been paid in full, the underwriter discount was $39,597.10 and $1,386,217.97 from the bond has been deposited. Mr. Pharazyn stated that the majority of that (1.1M) will go to the tank and the remainder will go towards the SCADA System.
Update – Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that it is time for Mr. Wyllie to write a letter. He has left two phone messages for Mr. McKay and has not had a response. Mr. Faberbock stated that he also spoken to him before the last study session and has not heard back from him.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3066 - #3074 for $15,600.55 for Waterworks District and #4280 - #4316 for $221,764.03 for Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment of #3066 - #3074 for $15,600.55 for the Waterworks District and #4280 - #4316 for $221,764.03 for the Water Utility plus payment memo’s #4317 - #4337 for $28,448.16 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board -

In response to Mr. Monanteras inquiries, Mr. Pharazyn stated that Phase 2 of the water main project is complete however; some minor landscaping needs to be done. He also said the work along Joliet Street and the railroad tracks has been put on hold, the only work that might be done is the under the railroad tracks. If they do the storm sewer project, at a minimum, the pipe would be laid under the tracks. The next water project that he anticipates in July is on 85th Avenue (between Patterson and Primrose) replacing an outdated 6” water main. The tavern north he is hoping to work on this fall and added that all the work for the INDOT project is done.

Mr. Myers reminded everyone that they are on a sprinkler ban. Mr. Pharazyn mentioned that he has contacted the sprinkler companies not to water at 3:00 A.M. and the larger construction companies to alter their times as well. Discussion ensued.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

07-16-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

July 16, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of June 18, 2007 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 18, 2007. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed. Mr. Monanteras mentioned that at the bottom of page 3 of the minutes it should read “Mr. Pharazyn contacted the sprinkling companies not to water at 3:00 A.M.” Mr. Gembala motioned to amend the minutes as stated. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.


Old Business

LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Update –
Mr. Faberbock stated that they completed some additional topo (topography) and it is in design drafting right now so they can take a look at the land requirements for that project.
LS#3 Elimination Project
Schilling Contribution –
Mr. Wyllie said there was nothing to report on the status of the Schilling contribution; however, he and Mr. Pharazyn need to go to the site with Mr. Muenich and find out what his complaint was. Mr. Faberbock stated that there were issues with both projects. The one to the east of them there were trees lying on his property and he wanted them removed and believes that they have been removed since they have last talked to Mr. Muenich. Discussion ensued regarding the land exchange instead of the monetary contribution. Mr. Faberbock stated that he staked out the easement on the west side and believes everything is fine. Mr. Gembala asked where the exchange of properties was and Mr. Faberbock stated that it was at LS#1.
Eastside Sanitary Interceptor Sewer Project –
See above
Pay Request #3 – Final – R&R Sewer $41,769.55 –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay request #3, the final payment to R&R Sewer in the amount of $41,769.55. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Schererville Sanitary Trunk Sewer update –
Mr. Faberbock stated that he spoke with Jim McKay and he is essentially limiting what they can do over there, he does not want them to remove and replace the existing 24” with a larger pipe because of the proximity to the tracks. You can do it but you are going to have to sheath and shore the area. They have two options, either just eliminate that line or run parallel with another sewer, which would be a 36” next to a 24”. Mr. McKay told Mr. Faberbock that the $400,000.00 figure is a very good budget number to use. Discussion ensued. Mr. Wyllie stated that the original license with the railroad is to remove that pipe and now they are saying not to, however it is to the district’s benefit to use both.

New Business

RES #SD 07-07-16 Temporary Transfer & Loan of Funds - $1,500,000.00 – St. John 05 Town Project Fund -
Mr. Myers stated that there is a letter of file from the Town Manager, Mr. Kil. Mr. Wyllie stated that this is a temporary loan that should be paid back by the end of this year. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve RES #SD 07-07-16 authorizing the temporary transfer and loan of funds from the Wastewater Treatment Plants Management Fund to the St. John 05 Town Project Fund. Mr. Gembala questioned if the loan would be paid back with interest, Mr. Wyllie confirmed the interest would be received and Mr. Myers referenced the letter on file from Mr. Kil that stated that interest would be paid. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.
Sewer Recapitulations –
Mr. Faberbock stated that they calculated the sewage capacity fees. The ordinance calls for one year after full water service the revisit and recalculate what the sewage capacity fees would be based on actual water usage. He looked at all the outstanding businesses that had their rates calculated but not recalculated based on the one-year criteria. Ms. Sury stated that the calculations need approval so she can issue refunds and bill the respective businesses. Discussion ensued regarding the time limit the recapitulations are done. Mr. Wyllie stated that there was no time limit to collect or issue a refund and recommended that when future fees are charged and collected to calendar one year to 14 months for the recapitulation. Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve these calculations and authorize payment or collection. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.
Docter Estates – Recapture Agreement – both Districts –
Mr. Myers referenced Exhibit C in the packet he distributed and stated that the developer is talking about running water and sewer lines from Calumet Avenue along 93rd and along Beall Street to where it ends at Lot 111. The developer is looking for recapture for running this for the district and was told he had to receive approval for the agreement. This is the area a lot of people were protesting. Mr. Myers stated that he has a problem with letting him have the water for free that someone else had to run. The recapture agreement is for three parcels: Trails Bend Estates, Lot 1 and Lot 2. If they tie into the existing water and sewer once it is run they must pay a portion back to the Docter Estates Development (the fees are stated in the agreement). Discussion ensued. The agreement is for these three parcels only because the water line will front the properties. If they decide to pay the recapture they must annex into the district. Mr. Hanlon motioned to accept the recapture agreement subject to legal review. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2081 - #2094 for $137,682.74 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6175 - #6220 for $273,759.84 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to pay bills #2081 - #2094 in the amount of $137,682.74 for the Sanitary District and bills for the Wastewater Utility #6175 - #6220 for $273,759.84. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Monanteras stated that they had a biennial survey, the numbers were reviewed and Schererville asked for an 11-cent increase. Mr. Steve Carter thought the rate could be dropped and that is how it ultimately came out. The Town has been paying $1.59 and now it looks like they are heading down to $1.57. Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Carter is going to write a letter to Schererville telling them that although we do not agree with their methodology, in the spirit of cooperation we accept their rate. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the rate at $1.57 and to allow Mr. Carter to communicate with the Town of Schererville’s financial advisor accepting that rate. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Public Comment

Mr. Tom Busch, 10178 Walsh – He stated that he had a question regarding the resolution that was passed and wanted to know what emergency exists for the $1.5M loan and asked for details. Mr. Myers responded that the Town Council asked for a loan of $1.5M, they did not specify what their emergency was to him, but because the Town was paying the interest the Board had no problem doing that. Mr. Busch questioned the current amount of interest earned for this amount and Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Carter advised that we are receiving approximately 5% and we would receive whatever the accrued interest we lost by lending it to them as part of the agreement. Mr. Busch asked if the letter that was referenced could be a part of the minutes and Mr. Wyllie stated that it is part of the meeting minutes and a public record, (Exhibit A).

Mr. Michael Forbes, 12466 West 105th Place – He stated that the purpose of the loan is for the 05 St. John Project Fund, the municipal buildings, and requested confirmation. He stated that they would recoup the percentage of interest and inquired as to when it would start. It was confirmed that it would be immediately. Mr. Forbes asked how much money is left in the fund after the removal of the $1.5M. Mr. Monanteras stated that he is looking at the report for the end of June and this $1.5M would bring the fund down to approximately $1.5M, a 50% reduction in the fund. Mr. Monanteras stated that at the present time, there are no plans on the board’s part to use any of these funds in this time frame. Mr. Forbes stated that it concerns him if an emergency would occur. Discussion ensued. Mr. Myers stated this that fund is only for the Schererville Treatment Plant and if they should expand, it would be years away. Mr. Forbes also asked if there were any other loans or donations for the building fund paid by this board. Mr. Monanteras stated that a loan was made to the town because of the delay in the tax bills and the board paid their portion for the new Public Works Building. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Forbes mentioned the locations of 93rd and White Oak and asked the location of Lift Station #3. Mr. Faberbock stated that it is on Olcott. Discussion ensued. Mr. Forbes also referenced the lift station on Thiel, the bottom of the hill, and inquired if the land was ever dedicated. Mr. Gembala stated he has seen a deed for the land, the only problem was an easement next to the land. The town did find the easement, which apparently was not recorded. Discussion ensued. Mr. Forbes asked if the lift station at White Oak and 101st is going to be eliminated. Mr. Faberbock stated it could be eliminated. Mr. Faberbock stated Mr. Pharazyn is telling the board which ones should be eliminated and that one is not on his list right now.


Old Business

Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John – Deed and Plat –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the foundation is in and they are just waiting for Caldwell to get in about August 1st. Mr. Wyllie and Mr. Faberbock confirmed that the deed would be recorded and the check released.
Lotton area – new well discussion –
Nothing to report
Update – Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville –
See above

New Business

Mr. Monanteras distributed a copy of a Kiplinger Report, which he thought would be of interest to the Board and also stated that Mr. Pharazyn needs to call someone regarding whether they add fluoride to the water. Mr. Gembala mentioned there was enough fluoride in the water already and they did not need to add any.

Mr. Myers stated that for the most part they won the lawsuit against Aqua. Aqua got the Emerald Crossing subdivision but the district got everything else to Cedar Lake. Aqua is going to apply again tomorrow.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3075 - #3086 for $24,500.19 for Waterworks District and #4317 - #4395 for $1,450,963.59 for Water Utility –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve payment of vouchers #3075 - #3086 in the amount of $24,500.19 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4317 - #4395 in the amount of $1,450,963.59 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Ms. Sury asked the Board what dates they wanted the budget meeting so she can get it advertised in the paper. The consensus was August 27th for the budget hearing and that there would not be a study session in September due to the Labor Day holiday. There will be three meetings in August, a study session, regular meeting and a special meeting for the budget.

Public Comment

Mr. Michael Forbes, 12466 West 105th Place – Referenced the well in the Gates of St. John and asked if there would be a filtration plant to go with the well in the Gates. Mr. Myers said they are working on the plans and Mr. Faberbock stated that the engineering is complete. Mr. Myers stated that the well would be on line around May, and Mr. Faberbock stated that the tower would be on line in June. Mr. Forbes referenced a previous conversation he had with Mr. Myers and Mr. Monanteras regarding the wellhead protection area and inquired if the area has been determined yet. Discussion ensued. Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Pharazyn is working on that. Mr. Forbes asked, as a Plan Commission member, if they should be limiting the number of taps for development being issued due to the water limitation right now. Mr. Myers stated that they are not looking at eliminating development it is when people are sprinkling, it is sprinkling systems that all go on at 3 A.M. that are creating the problem.

Adjournment –

Mr. Gembala motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

08-20-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

August 20, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President, Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Michael Hanlon, Member; Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were Kenneth Gembala, Member, Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of July 16, 2007 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.


Old Business

LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Update –
Mr. Faberbock stated that he had nothing to report. He has to meet with Eric and lay out the individual pieces and items as opposed to the entire project.
LS#3 Elimination Project –
Mr. Faberbock mentioned that Steve, project engineer, met with Bob and himself and looked at the site plan layout (as mentioned in LS#1 above) and at different scenarios. Mr. Pharazyn stated that he met with Mr. Muenich last Tuesday and should get some additional information tomorrow (regarding LS#1). Because the lift station is being rebuilt they are going to need some additional property. Mr. Myers mentioned this is why they are not pushing the Schilling contribution. Discussion ensued regarding property ownership and items concerning Mr. Muenich.
Schilling Contribution –
See above LS#3
Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville – update –
Mr. Faberbock stated that he spoke with the engineer last week. The plans were completed last Thursday, should have been sent on Friday and will follow up with the engineer to verify that they have been sent.
Update – Conversation with Lotton –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that there have not been any follow up conversations.

New Business

Grant of Right to Install Sewer/Water Lines – (Both Districts) Request of Jehovah-Nissi, Inc – 13800 W 93rd Avenue –
Mr. Wyllie referenced the call he received from Kim Woods regarding the Grants of Right to Install water and sewer lines. He stated that this group went to the Town Council for annexation and were denied. Then he also received a call from their engineer, V3, they were looking at the maps where this is to be located to determine that there are substantial issues regarding wetland preservations and other things. They simply do not want to go forward with this. (Note: the address should be 93rd Avenue). Mr. Myers suggested they do not act until the Town Council does. Mr. Wyllie requested that this item be removed from the agenda.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2095 - #2112 for $22,311.21 for Sanitary & Wastewater Utility vouchers #6221 - #6285 for $1,756,793.21 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the payment of bills #2095 - #2112 for $22,311.21 for the Sanitary District and Wastewater Utility bills #6221 - #6285 for $1,756,793.21. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –

Mr. Faberbock distributed a letter from St. Anthony’s Diagnostic Center regarding System Capacity and Development fees. They have upsized their line from a 2” to a 3”, which would be an additional $14,000 ($7,000 each) on top of the $16,000 (total) that was approved back in May. This item is informational only for the board and the developer is aware of the additional charges.

Mr. Pharazyn stated that LS#9 on 85th Avenue just outside of Fair Oaks Subdivision is in need of a serious upgrade. It is in the range of 12 years old and is a very small lift station. It needs new guide rail, chains, and misc. clamps. He has a proposal from Gasvoda for $5,227.00 for them to come and rebuild the rail system for the lift station. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the payment of $5,227.00 for LS#9 to Gasvoda and Associates. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Faberbock stated that they were scheduled to be on site today but due to the rain they will be there next Monday.
Pay Estimate #2 Partial for $234,337.50 –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve partial pay estimate #2. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.
Lotton area – Water Treatment Plant/Well -
Approval of plans and specifications for Water Treatment Plant and Well – Gates of St. John – Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the plans for the water treatment and well subject to Public Works and Engineering approval of the specification books and architectural design (for the Gates of St. John). Seconded by Mr. Hanlon Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.

New Business

Mr. Pharazyn stated that the old backhoe has immediate or necessary repairs that total $11,000. He received a proposal from (inaudible) and additional repairs could bring the total to about $20,000. He is looking at the cost of repair versus the machine’s trade in value. Discussion ensued including the pay loader.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3087 - #3112 for $33,398.45 for Waterworks District and #4396 - #4489 for $614,424.48 for Water Utility –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve payment of bills #3087 - #3112 for $33,398.45 for the Waterworks District and bills #4396 - #4489 for $614,424.48 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Monanteras asked Mr. Wyllie if he received a response from Ms. Diana Miller (M & M Development) regarding his letter addressing the private hydrant billing issue. Mr. Wyllie said no.

Mr. Monanteras asked about the bulk water sales and referenced the handout provided. He asked if the sum total was correct. Ms. Sury explained the procedure followed for the receipt of funds. Mr. Monanteras asked if there is anyway of knowing what is being prepaid to use the fire hydrants versus the metered residential sales. Discussion ensued.

Public Comment -


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 3 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

08-27-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

August 27, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Special Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were, Kenneth Gembala, Member; and Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.


Reading of the Budget Estimate for the Sanitary District Operating and Sanitary District Bond and Interest –
(Prior to the meeting and upon review, Mr. Wyllie stated that the Proofs of Publication were in order, published one time each in the Times and the Post Tribune on August 13, 2007, and that the hearing could proceed.) Mr. Myers read the budget estimates for the Sanitary District Operating Fund and the Sanitary District Bond & Interest Funds.

Public Hearing opened and closed to the public. There were no members of the public present.

Ordinance #SD96 – 2008 Sanitary District Budget – First Reading –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to consider Ordinance #SD96 – the 2008 Sanitary District Budget on First Reading. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.


Reading of the Budget Estimate for the Waterworks District - Operating –
(Prior to the meeting and upon review, Mr. Wyllie confirmed that the Proofs of Publication were in order, published one time each in the Times and the Post Tribune on August 13, 2007, and that the hearing could proceed.) Mr. Myers read the budget estimates for the Waterworks District Operating Funds.

Public Hearing opened and closed to the public. There were no members of the public present.

Ordinance #WD63 – 2008 Waterworks District Budget – First Reading –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to consider Ordinance #WD63 – the 2008 Waterworks District Budget on First Reading. Seconded by Alex Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

09-17-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

September 17, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President (arrived at 6:12 P.M.); Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Peter Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Also in attendance was Michael Fryzel, Town Council President.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of August 20, 2007 and Special Meeting of August 27, 2007 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of August 20th and the Special Meeting minutes of August 27th. Motion seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak while noting her abstention to vote on the minutes for the August 20th meeting. Motion passed with a vote of 3 ayes and 1 abstention by Ms. Sims-Smierciak for the August 20th meeting and a vote of 4 - 0 for the August 27th meeting.


Old Business

Ordinance #SD 96 – 2008 Sanitary District Budget Adoption –
Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to adopt Ordinance #SD 96 – 2008 Sanitary District Budget. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
LS#1 – Upgrade Project – Update –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he had a conversation with Attorney Muenich who indicated that he does not foresee a problem but there is a potential buyer for the property and he wants to meet with them to make sure everything is okay. Mr. Pharazyn added that they met last Wednesday and he will hear back from them in a week and does not foresee there being a problem.
LS#3 Elimination Project
Schilling Contribution –
This item can be taken off the agenda until further notice

Mr. Faberbock stated that he had something on this regarding the wetland restoration. It has all been staked out and Rex Construction has been made aware of the areas (along the west line of the town’s property where the treatment plant currently sits and one section just north of Hedwig). He said IDEM was not satisfied with the restoration and Rex Construction will go back and reseed with the wetland mix and put some topsoil down at no additional cost as part of the project.

Mr. Faberbock added that the same holds true for the eastside interceptor sewer with a different contractor, R & R Sewer. Mr. Pharazyn stated that it is his recollection that Attorney Muenich told him not to worry about restoring anything on that project because he would take care of it, if he had to throw some grass seed he would not mind.

Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville – update –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the plans have been sent in and have been accepted by Jim McKay. Mr. McKay is sending them to the Operations and Engineering Division of Norfolk Southern. He advised Mr. Faberbock there would be about a two-month delay for the construction permit for the engineering portion. Mr. McKay will be talking to real estate and will try to work things concurrently with the real estate and engineering. Mr. Myers asked if price negotiations could start and if Mr. Wyllie should send a letter. Discussion ensued. Mr. Faberbock suggested that they wait a couple of weeks.
Update – Lotton Water Improvements –
Mr. Wyllie stated that he was unable to talk to Mr. Muenich. Mr. Myers stated that a letter was sent to Lotton to begin work (get their paperwork signed and sent to IDEM) they want to get the filters ordered by December. They have not heard from Lotton. He added there is conflicting language in the contract and would like Mr. Wyllie to contact Mr. Muenich.

New Business

Sewage Capacity/System Development Charges

Fifth Third Bank – 9805 Wicker Avenue –
Mr. Faberbock stated that the company wanted a 4” water line for fire protection and a 2” water service line for potable water. That comes up to a $33,000 charge for each, which would be a total of $66,000. For the sewage capacity charges Mr. Faberbock mentioned that the company has had a very difficult time getting actual usage data from the old water bills, the bills just showed how much the bill actually was. To assist them and based on his experience with banks, they typically use the minimum amount of water, he has assessed the minimum, $1379.00; knowing that in one year there is a recapitulation so if they do exceed the 7000 gallons per month they do have recourse to go back and seek the difference. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the sewer system development charges for Fifth Third Bank. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2113 - #2127 for $17,125.23 for Sanitary District & WW Utility #6286 - #6313 for $177,528.13 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve bill payment memo’s #2113 – #2127 for $17,125.23 for the Sanitary District and for the Wastewater Utility #6286 - #6313 for $177,528.13. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Wyllie stated that he received a letter from Olthof Homes for another Recapture Agreement for Saddle Creek for the sewer improvement they made. He did not bring the letter with him and that this item will be added to the next agenda.

Public Comment –



Old Business

Ordinance #WD 63 – 2008 Waterworks District Budget Adoption –
Mr. Gembala motioned to adopt #WD 63 – 2008 Waterworks District Budget. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0.
Status of Elevated Water Tank Storage/Well and Treatment Plant – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Pharazyn reported that they poured the first test panel. He and Mr. Faberbock, Jennifer and Derwin inspected it. It was good but it was not great. Since the contract states that the test panel would be the barometer for all future panels they would make them pour a second one. The panel is basically a 9’ high by 6’ wide section of what the whole thing is supposed to look like. If the second one comes out good they will be able to start building the tower immediately as all the equipment is on site.

New Business

Mr. Faberbock stated that he reviewed the Aquifer Map that outlines the geological features within the Town of St. John. There was some discussion during the presentation done on the 27th that the #3, #4 and #5 public wells, and the Lotton public well #6, which is in the Gates of St. John, were on separate aquifers. Referencing the map it does not appear so. And also looking at the 2004 Fracture Trace Analysis done by Peerless Midwest also substantiates that the entire Town of St. John and a larger geographical area that is within the Silurian-Devonian aquifer that happens to be a point where the bedrock comes up and meets the clay, gravel and sand. The wells are drawing from the same pool of water. Discussion ensued.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3113 - #3125 for $18,985.63 for Waterworks District and #4490 - #4547 for $505,847.25 for Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve bill payment memo’s #3113 - #3125 for $18,985.63 for Waterworks District and memo’s #4990 - #4547 for $505,847.25 for the Water Utility. (Note: Between those, APV #4542 is a change order for the 85th & Primrose water main work). Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0.

Mr. Monanteras mentioned that some of the bills being paid at this meeting are from October and November of last year. He suggested that all invoices go directly to the Clerk-Treasurer’s office and not the individual department first. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pharazyn stated that to his knowledge, all the invoices are being sent to the Clerk’s office.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Monanteras asked about the culverts on 93rd coming from Cline Ave. Mr. Pharazyn said this is the county’s project.

Mr. Pharazyn gave an update on the possibility of purchasing a payloader. He stated that he has gotten a couple of preliminary numbers back. The cost will be around $110,000 to purchase a 2.5 yard bucket payloader with a 4 in 1 bucket which would enable them to pick up large branches. He is also looking into doing a 4-year lease to purchase, which would enable them to pay off the equipment in 4 years; this is a 20-year piece of equipment. He also discussed the possibility with Steve Kil of using the solid waste money as this equipment would be used for leaves and wood chips. He would recommend that the water and sewer do the first two years, the solid waste the third year and by the fourth year his MVH budget would be out of jeopardy at that time and could make the final payment.

Mr. Fryzel complimented Mr. Pharazyn on a speech he gave at the monthly Chamber meeting, which was held at the new public safety facility on the 12th of September and mentioned that he sat in on the exit meeting with the State Board of Accounts and they never mentioned what Mr. Monanteras said about the invoices. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monanteras stated that pertaining to the timely payment of bills he does not see this as an audit issue but as a way to streamline the process.

Mr. Gembala asked for a procedure to be put in place so as to notify someone when they go into the dry well and how long they are down there. Mr. Pharazyn said they should not be going down there without a second person there, will look into this matter, and follow up with Mr. Gembala.

Public Comment -


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

10-15-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

October 15, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney; Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison; and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer.

Approval of the Minutes – Regular Meeting of September 17, 2007 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 17, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.


Old Business

LS#3 – Upgrade Project – Update –
Mr. Faberbock reported that Mr. Muenich agreed to the property donation to the town. Mr. Pharazyn stated that they (Mr. Faberbock and Mr. Wyllie) are preparing the legal descriptions and plan to get the papers in Mr. Muenich’s hands as soon as possible for execution. He added that he would like the electrical contractor’s to come in this week and evaluate all the existing electronic equipment in the station and see what can be reutilized in the new station.
Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville – update –
Mr. Wyllie stated that the letter in the packet was the latest thing; he spoke with Mr. McKay who is waiting for engineering to review the plans. Mr. McKay told him they are looking at an initial purchase price of $450,000.
Sewer Reimbursement Agreement – Saddle Creek –
Mr. Faberbock stated that this has been put on hold, the legal description he was presented with needs some fine- tuning.
Proposed purchase of pay loader – both Districts –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that the Caterpillar has been demolished and provided an update on the purchase of the pay loader. He stated that he was writing the specifications, will have the ad placed in the paper as soon as possible and have the bid opening so that the Town Council can award the bid in November. He is going to ask for a bid with cash and with a four to five year payment and is still planning to do the four-way split between departments for payment. After the bids are opened and received, the alternatives would be decided.
SCADA System – Pay Requests #3 & #4 – Sweeney Electric Company – both Districts –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve pay request #3 for $45,338.45 and pay request #4 for $12,073.85 for a total of $57,412.30 to be paid by the utilities. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Acceptance of Timberland/Wellington – Grant of Easement – Both Districts –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to accept the grant of easement for Timberland/Wellington. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business

Recapture/Grant of Right – Administrative fees –
Mr. Myers provided an update on the research Mr. Wyllie and Ms. Sury did on the recapture agreement administrative fees. They are considering for the recapture agreement, the administrative fees to be $1,000.00 each and paid up front for water and sewer and $50.00 per transaction; the grants of right to install water and sewer lines would be increased to $200.00 each. Mr. Wyllie stated that he discussed this matter with Mr. Austgen and was advised that this does not need a public hearing because these are administrative fees.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2128 - #2142 for $25,248.83 for Sanitary District and Wastewater Utility vouchers #6314 - #6350 for $202,305.86 –

Mr. Hanlon motioned to pay bills #2128 - #2142 for $25,248.83 for the Sanitary District and for the Waste water Utility bills #6314 - #6350 for $202,305.86. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board –


Public Comment –



Old Business

Lotton – Water Improvements Update – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Wyllie stated that he has not had a response and cannot provide an update. He has heard unofficially that the law firm is experiencing some problems at this time.

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve pay estimate #3 to Caldwell Tanks in the amount of $8,177.22. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business

Mr. Faberbock explained the handout pertaining to the ISO Hydrant Flow Comparison that was distributed to the members.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3126 - #3141 for $22,320.42 for Waterworks District and #4548 - #4605 for $374,414.37 for Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay memo #3126 - #3141 for $22,320.42 for Waterworks District and memo’s #4548 - #4605 for $374.414.37 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Pharazyn stated that he is going to start back on the U.S. 41 projects.

Mr. Monanteras asked the status of the intersection with the State and the status of the project relative to the light on Wall Street. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pharazyn stated that he and Mr. Kil met with a representative if INDOT three weeks ago and the reason the project went so high was the amount of storm sewer work on the job and there were changes on each leg of the project. Mr. Pharazyn has made some recommendations to INDOT that would take some cost out of the project.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

11-19-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

November 19, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent were member Michael Hanlon and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of October 15, 2007 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 15, 2007. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.


Old Business

Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville – update –
Mr. Wyllie referenced the e-mail that was sent of the offer of $350,000 and asked that they get back to him today and as of yet he did not receive any response.
Update – Heritage Christian School – Grants of Right – Easements –
Mr. Muenich spoke on behalf of the school and stated that they were unable to secure a critical easement on 109th and Sheffield Avenues. As a result the main and force main have been rerouted North on Calumet and then through a pipeline easement going southeast in Saddle Creek and to a lift station being installed by Olthof on Rolling Meadows Lane. The approximate length of the water lines and force main remains the same. He stated that Mr. Faberbock has been provided with and approved the final drawings. He is also aware there will be a 3” connection for the fire protection system, and a 1” connection for the water supply.

Mr. Faberbock stated that regarding the plan he had some comments and reviews for the engineer. He also asked Mr. Muenich about the water main in the rear yards. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Pharazyn stated that he is also concerned about the water lines going through the rear yards. Mr. Muenich referenced the pipeline easements and the 100’ wide strip of ground. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pharazyn stated that he was fine with it after hearing the explanation provided. Mr. Faberbock stated the he would like his concerns put in as a contingent upon approval. Discussion ensued also regarding the placement of fire hydrants and adding the 15’ foot easements on each side of the pipeline easements.

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve subject to final approval by the Public Works Director and the Engineers. Seconded by Mr. Gembala. Discussion ensued. (Mr. Faberbock will submit a review letter to the board outlining all these matters.) Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Grants of Right – Redeemer URC – Both Districts –
Mr. Wyllie stated that both of these grants of rights were approved two years ago and they never came in to sign the papers or pay the associated fees. He advised them they have to start the process over. Mr. Pharazyn stated that they were going to tap into the infrastructure ran by the school. He stated that because of the route change it is farther from them. Discussion ensued regarding the length of time they have to start building, 24 months from the date the grant of right is approved was recommended. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monanteras motioned to withdraw the previous Grants of Rights approved for Redeemer URC for both districts. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Mr. Monanteras motioned to accept the Grants of Rights for Redeemer URC for both Districts with a 24-month period for construction to begin. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Sewer Reimbursement Agreement – Saddle Creek –
Mr. Faberbock referenced the handout he provided that contained a summary of the costs pertaining to the recapture agreement. He stated that he came up with $210,473.00, explained the differences and that Olthof has agreed to this figure. The only outstanding item is the recapture legal description to ensure they do not get onto Aqua’s property. Mr. Myers stated that he would like to wait on the approval for this until they receive the final agreement. Discussion ensued. Mr. Gembala motioned to table this item until the fully executed agreement is received. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Award of pay loader – both Districts –
Mr. Monanteras stated that two of the three bids received required a down payment and he asked Mr. Pharazyn to check with the third bidder to verify if their down payment is part of the proposal to reflect the true cash flow. He also wanted to verify the four way split of the purchase price. Mr. Pharazyn stated that two of the four funds are unable to make the payment today and explained the status of the MVH and Solid Waste Funds. Mr. Myers asked Mr. Pharazyn to submit a letter outlining the payment structure and when payments would be made by the Sanitary and Water and when the other payments would be made from the other two funds. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pharazyn also stated that the delivery time takes ten weeks to arrive from the date of order. Mr. Monanteras motioned to table this item until the next meeting. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Sewage Capacity/System Development Charges – Gardenia Gardens – Both Districts –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the system development and sewage capacity charges for Gardenia Gardens. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Sewage Capacity/System Development Charges – Lake Federal Bank – Both Districts –
Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the sewage capacity and system development charges for Lake Federal Bank. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
RES #SD 07-11-19 – Collection of Administrative Fees for Sewer Reimbursement Agreements –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Resolution #SD 07-11-19 for the Sanitary District as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
RES #SD 07-11-19A – Increase of Administrative Fees for Grant of Right to Install Utilities –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve Resolution #SD 07-11-19A for the Sanitary District as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

New Business

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2143 - #2159 for $21,613.02 for Sanitary District and WW Utility #6351 - #6386 for $98,910.59 –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve vouchers #2143 - #2159 for $21,613.02 for the Sanitary District and for the Waste Water Utility #6351 - #6386 for $98,910.59. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Wyllie mentioned that Ms. Sury received a letter from Van Baren Builders requesting a credit on their sewer bill. They installed a sprinkler system on the property where a house they built was for sale. The water usage was $467.32 and the wastewater was $820.42. They are requesting that the wastewater be credited because there was no wastewater usage, it was just the sprinkling system as it was an unoccupied house. Mr. Wyllie stated that he reviewed the ordinance that states the credit is for single-family users only and they would not qualify, as they are builders. It was agreed that Mr. Wyllie should send a letter to the builder advising them that the credit or adjustment for wastewater/sprinkling is for single-family users only.

Ms. Sury mentioned that M&M and Target have paid their fees.

Public Comment –



Old Business

RES #WD 07-11-19 – Collection of Administrative Fees for Water Reimbursement Agreements –
Mr. Gembala motioned to pass Resolution #WD 07-11-19 collection of administration fees for water reimbursement. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
RES #WD 07-11-19A – Increase of Administrative Fees for Grant of Right to Install Utilities –
Mr. Gembala motioned to approve Resolution #WD 07-11-19A for the increase in administrative fees for the grant of right to install utilities. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.
Partial Pay Estimate #4 – Caldwell Tanks – Gates of St. John -
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve partial payment estimate #4 to Caldwell Tanks for the water tower at The Gates of St. John in the amount of $298,468.53. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

New Business –


PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3142 - #3153 for $25,741.25 for Waterworks District and #4606 - #4680 for $456,495.88 for Water Utility -

Mr. Gembala motioned to approve bill payment memos #3142 - #3153 for $25,741.25 for the Waterworks District and #4606 - #4680 for $456,495.88 for the Water Utility. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

Mr. Monanteras stated that he and Mr. Pharazyn spoke with Mr. Lotton regarding the well and the water filtration plant. They gave Mr. Lotton plans last Thursday and are waiting for his response. Mr. Monanteras also mentioned that Mr. Lotton asked about the payment of the recapture fees that are being collected regarding his development and the fact that he has not received any funds. Mr. Monanteras suggested that a meeting be set up as soon as possible with Ms. Sury, Ms. Michalski, Mr. Pharazyn, Mr. Kil, Mr. Carter and himself to review the entire procedure and other financial matters including the increase in the system development fees. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monanteras stated that he would set the meeting up.

Mr. Pharazyn stated that he gave Jennifer at Robinson Engineering the direction to go ahead and begin, on behalf of the town, the work for acquiring the permit for the well and the water treatment plant. Mr. Myers mentioned that he asked her to do that two weeks ago.

Mr. Pharazyn mentioned that Phase Two of the U.S. 41 south water main replacement project is done; it went very, very well. They went approximately 500 feet and got rid of all the 4” and 6” main and are back to the newer 8” and there is approximately 700 more feet to go.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

12-17-2007 Sanitary District Waterworks District

December 17, 2007 Sanitary/Waterworks District Meeting Minutes

Mr. Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Robert Myers, President; Alex Monanteras, Vice-President; Kenneth Gembala, Member (arrived late); Michael Hanlon, Member; Patricia Sims-Smierciak, Member; Steve Benczik for Pete Faberbock, Robinson Engineering; Bob Pharazyn, Public Works Director; Randy Wyllie, Attorney and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. Absent was Jerri Teibel, Town Council Liaison.

Approval of the minutes – Regular Meeting of November 19, 2007 –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting of November 19, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.

Public Hearing – Waterworks District

Disposal / Exchange of Real (Schilling/Wachter) Property –
Mr. Wyllie stated that the Proofs of Publication were in order. Although Mr. Muenich was not present at the meeting, the board decided to act on this item. Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Pharazyn looked at the property and it was okay.

Open to the Floor – Comments, none

Floor Closed to Public

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to approve the land exchange of real estate with Schilling/Wachter property. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0.


Old Business

LS#1 – Update –
Mr. Benczik stated that they are still shooting for the end of December for getting the design complete with the bid out for the spring construction.
LS#3 – Final Pay Estimate – Rex Construction -
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the final payment, request #6 to Rex Construction for $10,000. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0.
Railroad easement for interceptor to Schererville – update –
Mr. Wyllie stated that he was unable to provide an update; he has been unable to contact Mr. Jim McKay from the company.
Sewer Reimbursement Agreement – Saddle Creek –
Mr. Benczik referenced the revisions and stated that the agreement was ready for action by the board. Mr. Hanlon motioned to accept the Sewer Reimbursement Agreement with Saddle Creek and the payment of the $1,000 administration fee. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.
Sewage Capacity/System Development Charges – Heritage Christian School – both Districts -
Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the Sewage Capacity Charges and the System Development Charges as outlined in the letter from Mr. Faberbock to Mr. Myers for the Heritage Christian School. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.
Recommendation of award – Wheel Loader – Both Districts –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he did not prepare a formal letter regarding his recommendation for this purchase. He did reference a letter that he received from Mr. Kil, Town Manager, (Exhibit A) pertaining to the utilization of funds for this purchase and recommended that the award go to Patten Cat in the amount of $108,875.00. Mr. Hanlon motioned to purchase a wheel loader from Patten Cat in the amount of $108,875.00. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Discussion ensued regarding the payment schedule with the first payment paid by the utility and due within a month upon delivery and the three subsequent payments. Mr. Monanteras amended the motion to include the payment schedule of the districts splitting the cost in 2008 (50% water utility and 50% sewer utility); the town makes the 2009 payment and the districts split the cost again in 2010 (same, 50 – 50% split) with the town making the final payment in 2011. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Monanteras referenced, Republic First National, a finance company that specializes in municipal leasing and asked Mr. Pharazyn to explain the financing arrangements. He stated that he was impressed with their knowledge and their interest in getting the business. Discussion ensued regarding the interest factor of 4.23% to be paid. (Motion to approve and utilize this finance company is referenced below)

Purchase of new vehicle for Public Works – Both Districts –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that he failed to bring the paperwork, however, the purchase amount is $26,762.00; the districts’ two-thirds share is $17,840.00. The purchase, dark grey Durango, is through Thomas Dodge as part of the Indiana State Police Vehicle Purchase Program. Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the purchase of a 2008 Durango from Thomas Dodge in the amount of $26,762.00 of which the water and sewer share would be $17,840.00 split 50/50. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve and use Republic First National financing company for the wheel loader purchase. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

2008 Salary Ordinance SD#97 – Adoption –
Mr. Hanlon motioned to consider the 2008 Salary Ordinance SD#97. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Hanlon motioned to adopt the 2008 Salary Ordinance SD#97. Seconded by Ms. Sims- Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Grant of Right to Install Sewer/Water Lines – Land Tech – Both Districts –
Mr. Wyllie reported that the water and sewer district lines are adjacent to this property at Tiburon. Discussion ensued about running water lines down 93rd Street and capacity. Mr. Myers stated that he is concerned about the subdivision tying into the system without incurring any cost. Discussion ensued regarding the need for another lift station. Mr. Monanteras motioned to grant the right to install sewer and water lines subject to the terms and conditions of the December 6th, 2007 letter from the Panagakis’, signed by them, as well as the terms and conditions of the December 11th, 2007, letter (Exhibits B & C) from Land Technology, signed by them, and is subject to the final approval from Robinson Engineering. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.
Resolution #SD 07-12-17 – Extension of Sewer Loan –
Mr. Myers stated that this is the $1.5M loan to the town, the town has paid $300,000 back recently. Originally the total amount was to be paid by December or get a six-month extension. They are asking for a four-year extension with the ability for the Sanitary District to ask for the money if they need it and the town would have 180 days to make payment and they are paying 5% interest. Mr. Hanlon motioned to approve Resolution #SD 07-12-17. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business

Schedule 2008 monthly meeting dates and times – The meeting dates and times of the study sessions and meetings were confirmed to remain the same and remain in effect.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #2160 - #2174 for $26,928.11 for Sanitary District and WW Utility #6387 - #6431 for $240,826.07 –

Mr. Monanteras questioned APV #6400, payments to Robinson Engineering, for bills going back to May and July. Discussion ensued pertaining to the necessity of timely submittals of invoices and other questionable APV’s listed on the docket explained. Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay bill memos #2160 - #2174 in the amount of $26,928.11 for the Sanitary District and Wastewater Utility vouchers #6387 - #6431 in the amount of $240,826.07 subject to Ms. Sury checking the vouchers in question. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

For informational purposes only, Mr. Pharazyn distributed a handout about the study done by the Town of Schererville regarding the potential upgrade to their Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Ms. Sury stated that she has another request from a builder asking to waive the sewer charges for watering the lawn for his vacant new house that is for sale. Discussion ensued whether the board’s ordinance/policy should be the changed and allow such adjustments for summer sprinkling rates that are available to residential customers. Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned that the Board’s standard policy is not to waive the summer sprinkling fees for empty houses that are for sale. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Monanteras asked Mr. Pharazyn to prepare a report on how much water has been billed and pumped in contrast to what is being sent to Schererville as a way to recap the year. Mr. Pharazyn stated that he would have the water comparison reports prepared and ready for distribution by the next study session.

Public Comment


Old Business

Lotton – Water Improvements Update – Gates of St. John –
Mr. Pharazyn stated that Gaskill & Walton is moving ahead on the plant specifications and providing the cost of construction and that Peerless Midwest has been sent a set of the well drawings.
Partial Pay Estimate #5 – Caldwell Tanks – Gates of St. John -
Mr. Monanteras motioned to pay Estimate #5 a partial payment in the amount of $150,110.55 to Caldwell Tanks for the Gates of St. John. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.
2008 Salary Ordinance #WD64 – Adoption –
Mr. Monanteras motioned to consider 2008 Salary Ordinance #WD64. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Mr. Hanlon motioned to adopt 2008 Salary Ordinance #WD64. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed.

New Business

Permission to delete customer accounts paid in full and approval for write off on specified accounts – Both Districts - Mr. Hanlon motioned to delete customer accounts paid in full and approval for write off on specific accounts. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

PAYMENT OF BILLS - #3154 - #3171 for $32,879.31 for Waterworks District and #4681 - #4752 for $406,931.65 For Water Utility –

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve payment of vouchers #3154 - #3171 in the amount of $32,879.31 for the Waterworks District and vouchers #4681 - #4752 in the amount of $406,931.65 for the Water Utility subject to Ms. Sury’s review of the vouchers in question. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Any and all business that may come before the Board

(The public hearing – Waterworks District - was advertised for 7:00 P.M. instead of the 6:00 P.M. meeting start time. Discussion ensued and the public hearing will open again at 7:00 P.M.)

Mr. Monanteras motioned to open the public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Hanlon. Motion unanimously passed.

Opening Remarks - Mr. Muenich provided the opening remarks and gave a brief overview of the documents he distributed. Discussion ensued regarding the need for an additional 20’ foot easement on the west boundary line.

Waterworks District Member Comments – None

Open to the Floor – Comments, none

Floor Closed to Public

Mr. Monanteras motioned to approve the transfer/exchange of real property (Schilling/Wachter) subject to Mr. Muenich supplying the extended easement to the council on Thursday. Seconded by Ms. Sims-Smierciak. Motion unanimously passed.

Public Comment –


Adjournment –

Ms. Sims-Smierciak motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Monanteras. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

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