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Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes 2022

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Meeting Minutes

01-26-2022 Redevelopment Commission

January 26, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Schilling

Roll Call:

Members present:
Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Mr. Schilling
Also present:
Stacy Daniel, Cindy Sues from Lake Central, Mr. Westland, Attorney; Mr. Salatas, Town Manager;
Ms. Hernandez, Clerk Treasurer
Also present:
Cindy Sues from Lake Central

Election of Officers

Mr. Schilling stated they needed a nomination for President of the RDC
Mr. Blazak nominated Michael Schilling for the position. Mr. Swets seconded the motion.
Aye - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Ms. Daniel, Mr. Schilling
Nays – None
Motion approved unanimously

Mr. Schilling asked for nominations for Vice-President of the RDC
Mr. Blazak nominated Mike Aurelio for the position. Mr. Swets seconded the motion.
Aye - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Ms. Daniel, Mr. Schilling
Nays – None
Motion approved unanimously

Mr. Schilling asked for nominations for Secretary of the RDC
Mr. Swets nominated Bryan Blazak for the position. Mr. Aurelio seconded the motion.
Aye - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Ms. Daniel, Mr. Schilling
Nays – None
Motion approved unanimously

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Schilling stated that you have the meeting minutes for the following meetings in front of you at this time:
• July 28, 2021 Regular Meeting
• August 25, 2021 Regular Meeting
• September 22, 2021 Regular Meeting
• November 23, 2021 Regular Meeting
• December 22, 2021 Special Meeting
Mr. Aurelio asked to defer the Minutes until the next meeting as he hasn’t had adequate time to review them. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion.
Aye - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Ms. Daniel, Mr. Schilling
Nays – None
Motion approved unanimously

Public Comment


New Business

A. Consider approving the Façade Rebate Agreement
Mr. Salatas gave a brief update: Mr. Westland drafted this agreement for the Façade Rebate Program. The program was approved last year and an agreement needed to be created and to be signed between the Town and the person or company receiving the grant. That agreement is in front of you tonight for approval.

Board Discussion/Questions/Comments
Mr. Aurelio stated the EDC worked on the program and it should be a useful tool for our town.

Board Action
Mr. Schilling asked for a motion.
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the Façade Rebate Agreement. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion.
Board Discussion/Questions/Comments
Aye - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Mr. Swets, Ms. Daniel, Mr. Schilling
Nays – None
Motion approved unanimously

Reports and Correspondence

Mr. Salatas stated that at the Plan commission meeting on Wednesday they will be taking up the Age-Restricted Housing Component as the next process in the multistage project according to the Planning Calendar Barnes and Thornburg has drafted for us.
Ms. Daniel gave a brief personal background and stated she was happy to be here and was looking forward to working with the Board. The Board members welcomed her to the RDC.

Payment of Bills

Mr. Schilling stated the docket was in front of members. Mr. Swets motioned to pay the bills in the amount of $1,930.50. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. *Video recording was turned off at this point, consequently no documentation exists for Roll Call votes on Payment of Bills or Adjournment.*


Respectfully submitted,

Jan Barry, Recording Secretary
Town Council

02-23-2022 Redevelopment Commission

February 23, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to Order:

Mr. Schilling called the meeting to order

Roll Call:

Members present:
Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Ms. Daniell, Mr. Schilling. Mr. Swets
Also present:
Jason Dravet, IT/Interim Town Manager; Mr. Westland, Attorney; Cindy Sues, Lake Central Liaison, Ms. Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

Approval of Minutes:

• July 28, 2021 Regular Meeting
• August 25, 2021 Regular Meeting
• September 22, 2021 Regular Meeting
• November 23, 2021 Regular Meeting
• December 22, 2021 Special Meeting
• January 26, 2022, Regular Meeting

Board Action
Mr. Schilling asked for a motion to approve the listed RDC Meeting Minutes, as they were deferred from last month.
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the minutes from the listed RDC Meetings. Mr. Aurelio seconded the motion.
Ayes - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Ms. Daniell, Mr. Schilling, Mr. Swets
Nays – None
Motion carried unanimously

Payment of Bills

Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the Payment of Bills in the amount of $289,074.40.
Mr. Swets seconded the motion.
Ayes - Mr. Aurelio, Mr. Blazak, Ms. Daniell, Mr. Schilling, Mr. Swets
Nays – None
Motion carried unanimously


A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Barry, Recording Secretary
Town Council

03-23-2022 Redevelopment Commission

March 23, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes


Mr. Schilling called the St. John Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.


Members present: Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Gerald Swets; Stacy Daniell, Member; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; David Westland, Town Attorney; Cindy Sues, Advisory Member

Absent: Michael Aurelio, Vice President; Tracy Haskell, Advisory Member


  • December 29, 2021 Special Meeting
  • December 29, 2021 Regular Meeting
  • February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting

Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the December 29, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes, the December 29, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes and the February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


None was had.


A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-03-23B, a resolution of the St. John Redevelopment Commission confirming amendments to the Declaratory Resolution and the Economic Development Plan for the St. John Economic Development Area II, and all matters related thereto.

Attorney Westland confirmed the proofs of publication are in order and compliant. The floor was turned to Attorney Phil Faccenda of Barnes & Thornburg, via phone. This confirmatory resolution is the last step under Indiana law to achieve the amendments to St. John Economic Development Area II and TIF Area II.

The project is the expansion of Economic Development Area II to add the new NE portion, NW portion and SW portion and to establish the Orchard Gate/Sterling Gate allocation area, which is an Age-Restricted Housing TIF area. It will allow the Commission to declare and collect incremental property tax revenues on Age-Restricted Housing. The original declaratory resolution, which amended the area added this real estate and declared this new allocation area and adopted amendments to allow the Age-Restricted Housing to the Economic Development Plan.

Mr. Swets made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-03-23B. Stacey Daniell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


A. Review 2021 RDC Annual Report
Steve Dalton, Financial Advisor with Cender/Dalton, presented the Annual Report for 2021. Per statutory requirement, the data has been added to Gateway, currently in draft form, to be reviewed by the Commission, prior to requesting the Clerk-Treasurer release it.

Mr. Swets made a motion to accept the report and request the Clerk-Treasurer submit the report to Gateway. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Consider Resolution 2022-03-23C, a resolution of the St. John Redevelopment Commission concerning the 2023 budget year determination for tax increment for the St. John Redevelopment Commission allocation areas.
Mr. Blazak made a motion to adopt Resolution 2022-03-23C. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Swets made a motion to adopt the vouchers payable in the amount of $64,866.85. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

04-27-2022 Redevelopment Commission

April 27, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes


Mr. Schilling called the St. John Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 7:02 p.m.


Members present: Michael Aurelio, Vice President; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Gerald Swets, Member; Stacey Daniell, Member; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; David Westland, Town Attorney; Cindy Sues, Advisory Member

Absent: Tracy Haskell, Advisory Member


  • March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Aurelio seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


None was had.


There was no new business.


Town Manager – Joseph Wiszowaty provided a status update on the Riverfront. He noted that there should be something ready for the next RDC meeting agenda.


Mr. Swets made a motion to pay the vouchers payable in the amount of $48,227.04. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

05-25-2022 Redevelopment Commission

May 25, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on May 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell, Member: Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer and Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager, and David Westland, Town Attorney was present virtually.

Absent: Michael Aurelio, Member and Cindy Sues, Advisory Member

Mr. Schilling conducted a moment of silence for the shooting victims at the Texas elementary school.

Approval of Minutes:

  • April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting minutes. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

New Business:

>A. Consider , a resolution of the St. John Redevelopment Commission Designating and Declaring a Certain Area as an Economic Development Area to Amend the St. John Economic Development Area I and Its Allocation Area and Amending the Economic Development Plan for the St. John Economic Development Area I and All Matters Relating Thereto

Mr. Wiszowaty deferred to Mr. Faccenda, who was present virtually. Mr. Faccenda stated that the Redevelopment Commission followed a very similar procedure when creating the age-restricted housing area a few months ago. This would be a similar process for the establishment of a Riverfront District, which would provide for economic development as required by statute that this area be developed as an economic area and a TIF area. It would provide for very competitive liquor license cost to vendors that would be located within the area so it would cause economic development for retail establishments and the like along those lines. The declaratory resolution, which amends TIF Area I to add the geographic area that’s laid out in the exhibit, would be the Riverfront District. Procedurally, if the redevelopment commission considers the resolution and adopts it tonight the process would be to send it to the Planning Commission, which is scheduled for June 1st. The resolution would be presented to the Town Council at the June 22nd meeting, followed by a public notice. The resolution would then be sent back to the Redevelopment Commission in July for a confirming resolution declaratory. It would then establish the area as an economic development area as required by Statute. Finally, additional action would be required by the Town Council at the end of July through adopting a resolution that would establish the Riverfront Development District.

It was advised procedurally, that there would be a motion and a second and an adoption of the declaratory. Mr. Swets made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-05-25. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Reports and Correspondence:

There were no reports.


Mr. Swets made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 22nd Day of June, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

06-22-2022 Redevelopment Commission

June 22, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on June 22, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member, Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer, Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager, and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Absent: Stacey Daniell, Member

Approval of Minutes:

  • May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Reports and Correspondence:

There were no reports and correspondence.

Payment of Bills:

Mr. Blazak made a motion to pay the docket for a total of $36,298.49. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The Redevelopment Commission Regular meeting for June 22, 2022 was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 27th Day of July, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

07-27-2022 Redevelopment Commission

July 27, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on July 27, 2022 at 7:02 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell; Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member, Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer, Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager, and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

  • 06-22-2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the June 22, 2022 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Consider Resolution No. 2022-07-27 a Resolution of the St. John Redevelopment Commission Confirming Amendments to the Declaratory Resolution and the Economic Development Plan for the St. John Economic Development Area I, and all matters related thereto

Mr. Wiszowaty stated that this Resolution had been previously adopted by the EDC and that this action delineates the area for the Riverfront District. This will go before the Town Council tonight if adopted.

Mr. Westland confirmed that the proofs of publication are in order.

Mr. Schilling opened the floor to public comment. There was no public comment and Mr. Schilling closed the floor.

Mr. Swets made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-07-27. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Schilling asked Mr. Wiszowaty to contact Bruce Boyer of Shops 96, to provide a progress report on his development at the next RDC meeting. Mr. Aurelio added that the Shops 96 are included in the resolution area.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to pay the docket in the amount of $2,898.50. Ms. Daniell seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Aurelio seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission Regular meeting for July 27, 2022 was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 24th Day of August, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

08-24-2022 Redevelopment Commission

August 24, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on August 24, 2022 at 7:01 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell; Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member, Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer, Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager, and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

  • 07-27-2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the July 27, 2022 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


A. Consider Change Order No. 2 for the W. 96th Place Roadway Extension - Phase 2 from $1,385,047.23 to $1,399,989.99, an increase of $14,942.76.
Mr. Schilling explained that the increase is due to some instrumentation and boxes needed to monitor the road for the years ahead, as well as some items in the retention pond areas.

Mr. Swets made a motion to approve Change Order No. 2 for the W. 96th Place Roadway Extention-Phase 2 and authorize the Town Manager to sign. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $332,218.59. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission Regular meeting for August 24, 2022 was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 28th Day of September, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

09-28-2022 Redevelopment Commission

September 28, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC Member, Michael Aurelio called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on September 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell; and Gerald Swets.

Michael Schilling, President, was absent.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member; Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

  • 08-24-2022 Regular Meeting
Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the August 24, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


A. Consider Change Order No. 3 for the W. 96th Place Roadway Extension - Phase 2 from $1,399,989.99 to $1,244,025.29, a decrease of $155,964.70.
Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve Change Order No. 3 for the W. 96th Place Roadway Extension-Phase 2 from $1,399,989.99 to $1,244,025.29, a decrease of $155,964.70 and authorize the Town Manager to sign. Ms. Daniell seconded the motion. Motion called by roll call vote: Mr. Aurelio, aye; Mr. Blazak, aye; Ms. Daniell, aye; and Mr. Swets, aye. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Ms. Daniell made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated September 28, 2022 in the amount of $19,714.13. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion called by roll call vote: Mr. Aurelio, aye; Mr. Blazak, aye; Ms. Daniell, aye; and Mr. Swets, aye. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting for September 28, 2022 was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 26th Day of October, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

10-26-2022 Redevelopment Commission

October 26, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on October 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell, Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member; Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

A. Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2022

Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the September 28, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Aurelio seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Bill Manousopoulos, 10011 Parrish Avenue – Mr. Manousopoulos referred to a topic brought up in previous RDC meeting with respect to Shops 96.

Mr. Schilling asked if Bruce Boyer had provided any update on the project. Mr. Wiszowaty responded that he had not but was to have a meeting with the owner and the engineers.


There was no new business.


Mr. Swets made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated October 26, 2022 in the amount of 11,717.01. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. The Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting for October 26, 2022 was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 22nd Day of November, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

11-22-2022 Redevelopment Commission

November 22, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on November 22, 2022 at 7:05 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak, Secretary; Stacey Daniell, Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Also present: Cindy Sues, Advisory Member; Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

A. Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – October 26, 2022

Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the October 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


There was no new business.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated November 22, 2022 in the amount of 2,937.50. Ms. Daniells seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. The Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting for November 22, 2022 was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 29th Day of December, 2022:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

12-29-2022 Redevelopment Commission

December 29, 2022 Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

RDC President, Michael Schilling called the Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting to order on December 29, 2022 at 7:05 p.m.

Roll call:

Members present: Michael Aurelio; Bryan Blazak; Gerald Swets; and Michael Schilling, President.

Members absent: Stacey Daniell

Also present: Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer; Joseph Wiszowaty, Town Manager; and David Westland, Town Attorney.

Approval of Minutes:

A. Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – November 22, 2022

Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the November 22, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


There was no public comment.


A. W.96th Place Roadway Extension (Ph.2) & Other (Joliet, Thielen) Paving Project: Walsh & Kelly, Inc. Pay Request No.9 (FINAL REQUEST) – Engineer’s Recommendation for Final Payment of $34,075.00
Mr. Aurelio made a motion to approve the final payment of $34,075.00 to Walsh & Kelly. Mr. Blazak seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable Voucher dated December 29, 2022 in the amount of 4,232.00. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Mr. Blazak made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Swets seconded the motion. The Redevelopment Commission Regular Meeting for December 29, 2022 was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Anastasia Lowery, Recording Secretary
St. John Redevelopment Commission

Approved This 25th Day of January, 2023:

Michael Schilling, RDC President


Beth Hernandez, Clerk-Treasurer

Meeting Video Recordings may be found on the Town's YouTube channel

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