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Police Commission Meeting Minutes 2013

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Meeting Minutes

01-14-2013 Police Commission

January 14, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The January 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on January 14, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. Commissioners Donald Farris and Robert Long were not present. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting. Commissioner Dodaro commented that Commissioner Farris recently had surgery and will not be available for the next couple of months.


Commissioner Dodaro stated he would like to table this item as the Town Council has not made appointments to the Commissions as of this date, as well as the rest of the Commission is not present. Commissioners Hejl and Vale agreed to table this matter until next month’s meeting.


December 10, 2012 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the December 10, 2012 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for December 2012. Chief Frego stated that from December 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 16,317 miles and responded to 485 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 29 adult arrests with 41 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 4 charges being filed. There were 132 traffic citations issued along with 42 written warnings for a total of 174 citations being issued during the month of December 2012 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of December, vehicle thefts totaled $9,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $5,835.00. The total value of recovered property was $300.00. The total number of citations and warnings issued, through both duty and grant activity, for the month of October was 428. The total number of Citations and Warnings issued, through both duty and grant activity, for the year to date is 6,693. The total number of traffic stops, through both duty and grant activity, for the month of December was 404. The total number of Traffic Stops year-to-date is 6,860.


There were no matters of “Old Business” discussed at tonight’s meeting.


Request to Promote to Position of Corporal –
Commissioner Dodaro stated the Commission has a request from Chief Frego to promote the next eligible candidate on the Corporal’s Eligibility List to the position of Corporal. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to authorize Chief Frego to promote the next eligible candidate on the Corporal’s Eligibility List to the position of Corporal, with the offer being made to the first person on the list and proceeding down the list until the position is filled. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).
COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Chief Frego requested permission to proceed with hiring an officer through the COPS Grant so that the Department can meet the timeline for putting a School Resource Officer (SRO) in the high school. Chief Frego stated the St. John Town Council, along with the Lake Central School Corporation and the Towns of Dyer and Schererville, have approved the SRO position. Chief Frego stated it is planned to have the SRO in the high school in August for the 2013-2014 School Year. Commissioner Dodaro stated with the Town Council’s approval to accept the COPS Grant to hire a veteran, the Commission needed to begin the process of establishing a list for the hire of a veteran. Town Councilman Gembala stated a term of the Agreement with the Lake Central School Corporation for the SRO is the School Corporation will be included in the interview process for the selection of the officer who will be the SRO. Much discussion then ensued to determine a timeline for the hiring process. As a result of that discussion, the Commission prepared the following agenda for the hiring process:


Applications Available January 16 – 31, 2013

Applications Due Friday, February 15, 2013 by 4:00 P.M.

Mandatory Orientation Saturday, February 16, 2013 - 9:00 A.M. St. John Police Department Training Room

Physical Agility / Written Test Saturday, February 23, 2013 - 9:00 A.M. Location to be determined

Interviews Week of March 4, 2013

Commissioner Hejl made a motion to proceed in formulating an Eligibility List for hiring a veteran per the conditions of the COPS Grant. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Creation of New Eligibility List –
This item has been tabled until the process for hiring a veteran has been completed.


There were no items of “New Business” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego advised the Year End Report will be available at next month’s meeting. Chief Frego commented Year 2012 was a good year. Chief Frego stated he is hoping 2013 is a better year and with the hiring of an additional officer and putting a SRO in the high school, it will be a better year. Chief Frego stated the ILEAC Accreditation is moving forward, and Sergeant Turturillo is doing a great job, and he already has the first section done. Sergeant Turturillo will be going to Indianapolis next Tuesday for an Accreditation Management Meeting.


Town Councilman Gembala stated he would like to reiterate the fact that the Lake Central School Corporation will need to be included in the Executive Sessions held for the purpose of interviewing the potential candidates for the hiring of an officer through the COPS Grant. This is part of the Agreement with Lake Central regarding the SRO. Chief Frego advised Councilman Gembala the veteran who will be hired through the COPS Grant will not be the officer going into the high school as the SRO. Chief Frego stated one of the Department’s existing, current, experienced officers will be selected to be the SRO. Chief Frego commented he has been in contact with the School Corporation regarding this matter, and he promised he will keep the Town Council apprised of all developments.


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, February 11, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

02-11-2013 Police Commission

February 11, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The February 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on February 11, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala arrived shortly after role call was taken. Commissioners Donald Farris and Robert Long were not present. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting. Commissioner Dodaro commented that Commissioner Farris recovering from surgery and hopefully, he will be present at next month’s meeting.


Commissioner Dodaro stated due to the lack of a full Commission in attendance at tonight’s meeting, this matter would be deferred until next month.


The following firms had representatives present: St. John Auto, Stan’s Towing, Kubiak Service, and Emerald Towing. Mr. Tim Rosinko, of St. John Auto, questioned if it is always necessary to have a tow release in order to let people into their vehicle to remove personal items, because he has been told that without a release, no one is supposed to be allowed to enter the vehicle. Chief Frego stated normally the occupant(s)/owner(s) of the vehicle will contact the Police Department asking if they can retrieve personal items from the vehicle. The Police Department, usually Dispatch, will then contact the appropriate tow firm and advise them that a certain subject is coming to their business and it is okay to allow them to retrieve personal items. Chief Frego stated that this usually pertains to tows due to accidents. However, if there is an arrest involved or an officer has placed a hold on the vehicle, then it is handled differently. Some discussion ensued. Chief Frego advised Mr. Rosinko if he ever has any questions on whether to let someone into a towed vehicle, he should contact the Police Department and ask for direction.

Mr. Joe Kubiak, of Kubiak Service, requested verification regarding whether there must be a tow release for every towed vehicle no matter what the circumstances are. Mr. Kubiak stated he has been told at the scene by officers that he will not need a tow release to release the vehicle. Some discussion ensued. Chief Frego advised that a tow release is always needed, and he would get this matter straightened out internally.

Mr. Tim Rosinsko, of St. John Auto, asked the Commission what is the deal with the policemen and firemen escorting all the buses from Lake Central when they win a game or something. Mr. Rosinko stated he has had customers ask him why the Department was doing these escorts, and he just wanted to know what this was all about. Commissioner Dodaro directed this question to Chief Frego. Chief Frego stated the Department firmly believes in Civic Pride, and when a local team wins a championship, or a sectional or regional, the Department receives requests to escort the team in and/or out of town. Chief Frego stated he has received phone calls as well about the escorts. Councilman Gembala stated the escorts are a practice that has been done for at least 30 years. Some discussion ensued. Mr. Rosinsko commented the escorts are being done at 6:00 P.M., which is one of the worst times to be on US 41 due to the heavy traffic. Mr. Rosinsko further stated he has heard the Town is broke, yet it has the money to provide these escorts. Chief Frego stated the escorts are done in the interest of civic pride, and it does not cost the Town any money to provide the escorts. The officers involved are already on duty and on patrol. More discussion ensued. Chief Frego and the Commission agreed the escorts are reasonable, and they are appreciated by the schools, the children and the families of the children. Mr. Rosnisko stated the escorts were not done when he was in school. Chief Frego stated the Police Department will continue to do the escorts. Commissioner Dodaro stated common sense does prevail wherein should there be an emergency, the officers would be called off the escort and they would immediately respond to the emergency situation. Mr. Rosinsko stated he did not agree with the escorts being conducted. Some discussion ensued.


January 14, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the January 14, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for January 2013. Chief Frego stated that from January 1, 2013 through January 31, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,879 miles and responded to 474 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 27 adult arrests with 44 charges being filed, and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed. There were 251 traffic citations issued along with 63 written warnings for a total of 314 citations being issued during the month of January 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of January, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $2,444.00. The total value of recovered property was $500.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of January was 367.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Commissioner Dodaro stated the Police Department has received a COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran. The agenda for this process is as follows:


February 15, 2013 Last day for applicants to turn in their application packets.

February 16, 2013 Mandatory Orientation at 9:00 A.M. to be held in the St. John Police Department Training Room.

February 23, 2013 Physical Agility Test at 9:00 A.M., location to be announced.

March 16, 2013 Written Test at 9:00 A.M. to be held in the St. John Police Department Training Room.

Some discussion ensued regarding reviewing the turned in application packets, and the ordering of Written Test.


There were no items of “New Business” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego advised there were a series of thefts from vehicles and burglaries of garages last week. The Department received a call regarding a suspicious male walking around a complainant’s house. The officers responded to the call and upon arrival, the officers followed tracks in the snow, and did a lot of investigative work, which resulted in the capture of the suspect. The suspect was charged with 9 or 10 felonies. There was a lot of property recovered (i.e., phones, laptops, money, clothes, chargers, etc.). The officers involved in this case did a good job, namely: Corporal J. Dahlin, Officer S. Adams, and Officer E. Andersen.


Commissioner Vale complimented Chief Frego on the Year End Report stating it was excellent. Chief Frego commented the computer keeps the stats and his secretary puts it all together. Some discussion ensued. Chief Frego stated he wanted it noted the Year End Report does not include the Grant Activity conducted throughout the year, nor does it reflect the patrol activities done by the officers for Vacation Checks or Extra Patrols. Chief Frego stated these patrol activities are not truly reflected in the Number of Incidents for the Year. Some discussion ensued regarding the calls per day and the workload of the officers.


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, March 11, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

03-11-2013 Police Commission

March 11, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The March 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on March 11, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. Commissioners Donald Farris and Robert Long were not present. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting. Commissioner Dodaro commented that Commissioner Farris will be released from the doctor later this week, and will be back next month. It should be noted that Commissioner Long did arrive after the meeting was adjourned.


Commissioner Dodaro suggested the Commission table appointments until next month when all Commissioners would be present. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to table appointments until next month’s meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


February 11, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the February 11, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for February 2013. Chief Frego stated that from February 1, 2013 through February 28, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 17,675 miles and responded to 428 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 25 adult arrests with 41 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 6 charges being filed. There were 217 traffic citations issued along with 70 written warnings for a total of 287 citations being issued during the month of February 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of February, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $50,657.00. The total value of recovered property was $1,370.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of February was 329.

Chief Frego explained the large dollar amount on “Other Thefts” is due to a resident in the Saddlecreek Subdivision, who had a service truck that contained a lot of expensive electronic equipment. This resident reported the theft of that electronic equipment, which was contained in the service truck. The resident indicated he had worked in several Chicago suburbs, and he did not know when the items were stolen. There were no signs of forced entry on the vehicle. The St. John Police Department took the theft report; however, Chief Frego stated he highly doubts the theft occurred in St. John.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Commissioner Dodaro stated the Written Test for the applicants is scheduled for this Saturday, March 16, 2013. Regarding the sequestration and funding of the COPS Grant and in response to Commissioner Dodaro’s inquiry, Chief Frego stated he received a fax from the COPS Office inquiring about the Department’s progress and intentions on the Grant. Chief Frego stated he made a phone call to the COPS Office and informed them that we are currently in the hiring process and everything is being taken care of. Chief Frego stated that hopefully, on completion of the hiring process, the funds will be available. Some discussion ensued regarding an e-mail that Chief Frego received from the COPS Office advising that the Justice Department received a $1.6 million cut, and part of those cuts were the Grants; however, those cuts only affected Fiscal Year 2013. The Vets to Cops Grant is from the Fiscal Year 2012, so were are not affected by those cuts.

Chief Frego advised he has met with Superintendent Larry Veraco and Principal Robin Tobias, of the Lake Central School Corporation, regarding the School Resource Officer position. Chief Frego stated he sent an e-mail out to the officers requesting all officers interested in the SRO position to submit a resume. Chief Frego stated they will conduct interviews after Spring Break. Chief Frego stated that to date, he has only one (1) officer interested in the position. Some discussion ensued.

Back to the COPS Grant to Hire a Vet, Commissioner Dodaro stated that the results from the written tests should be available in a week to 10 days. At that time, letters will be sent to the applicants and the interviews will be scheduled. Chief Frego stated pending on who the Number 1 candidate is, if they are a certified police officer, the Department could hold off hiring for a little while. Either way, Chief Frego stated they would like to have the new hire in place by the beginning of the school year.


There were no items of “New Business” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego advised he had no further comments to make at tonight’s meeting.


Town Councilman Gembala stated Animal Control Officer Rick Conaway should receive a Purple Heart after his recent bite from a cat. Mr. Gembala stated Officer Conaway’s hand was very swollen from the bite. Commissioner Dodaro stated the community is very happy with the Police Department, which is always good to hear.


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, April 8, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

04-08-2013 Police Commission

April 8, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The April 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on April 8, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. Commissioner Robert Long was not present. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


Chairman – Commissioner Farris made a motion to nominate William Dodaro as Chairman. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Vice-Chairman – Commissioner Farris made a motion to nominate Rose Hejl as Vice-Chairman. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Secretary – Commissioner Farris made a motion to nominate Ronald Vale as Secretary. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Recording Secretary – Commissioner Farris made a motion to nominate Joan Gorcos as Recording Secretary. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


March 11, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the March 11, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for March 2013. Chief Frego stated that from March 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,476 miles and responded to 452 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 36 adult arrests with 59 charges being filed, and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed. There were 314 traffic citations issued along with 49 written warnings for a total of 363 citations being issued during the month of March 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of March, vehicle thefts totaled $8,500.00, and all other thefts totaled $9,817.00. The total value of recovered property was $8,500.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of March was 835.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Commissioner Dodaro stated the Commission is currently in the process of hiring a veteran through the COPS Grant. To date, they have completed the orientation, physical agility and the written test. The written test results have been received, and the Commission is now moving forward with the oral interviews. Commissioner Dodaro stated it was his recommendation to schedule the interviews for as soon as possible. After some discussion, it was agreed the oral interviews would be scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2013, starting at 8:00 A.M., with interviews being scheduled every 20 minutes. A half hour break would be scheduled in for lunch. Tuesday, April 16, 2013, was selected as the alternate date for applicants who are cannot make an interview appointment on Saturday. Tuesday’s interviews will begin at 6:40 P.M. Some discussion ensued.

Chief Frego stated he felt the Evaluation Forms, which are utilized during the interviews, needed to be revised. Chief Frego stated the current form is not reflective of what they are looking for in the applicants, plus he feels the criteria and the order it is listed in is confusing. Chief Frego stated that most likely time would not allow for the form to be modified by the interviews on Saturday, April 13th, but he would like the form revised before they begin another hiring process. Chief Frego stated this matter could be discussed further in the Executive Session immediately following this meeting.


New General Order 18.00 – School Resource Officer –
The Commissioners advised they had an opportunity to review the proposed new General Order 18.00 – School Resource Officer, with one area needing clarification. Regarding the first page, under Section II - Objectives, Item C, which reads, “School Resource Officers shall offer individual counseling to students who are in need of crisis intervention, legal advice, …, Commissioner Dodaro stated he assumed the “legal advice” was on a law enforcement basis. Chief Frego advised it was. Commissioner Dodaro stated he was clear on this matter, but he was concerned the other commissioners possibly were not. Commissioner Farris then asked if there would be any training for the School Resource Officer. Chief Frego stated training was required, and the officer would be going to the training provided by the National Association of School Resource Officers. This particular training, which is a 40-hour training course, would be in June, and it will be held in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Chief Frego stated the Department has already reserved a spot for the new School Resource Officer to attend this course. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve new General Order 18.00 – School Resource Officer as written. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (4-0). Commissioner Hejl then made a motion to approve the revised Table of Contents as presented. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Chief Frego advised he had no further comments to make at tonight’s meeting.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, May 13, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

05-13-2013 Police Commission

May 13, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The May 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on May 13, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:32 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, Robert Long, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


April 8, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the April 8, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (5-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for April 2013. Chief Frego stated that from April 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 17,718 miles and responded to 444 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 34 adult arrests with 51 charges being filed, and 5 juvenile arrests with 5 charges being filed. There were 266 traffic citations issued along with 56 written warnings for a total of 322 citations being issued during the month of April 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of April, vehicle thefts totaled $38,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $14,096.00. The total value of recovered property was $510.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of April was 461.

Commissioner Farris queried if there were any issues at Lake Central High School reference theft from the construction site. Chief Frego stated he was not aware of any issues reference theft from the construction site at the high school. Chief Frego commented he believed they (the Lake Central School Corporation) have hired their own Security for the construction site.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Chief Frego stated the applicant has been hired with a projected start date of July 1, 2013. The subject has completed his physical examination, and the psychological examination is scheduled for this Wednesday. The applicant’s background investigation will be started, and the paperwork will be forwarded down to PERF for their approval.


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego stated everything is going well, and the Accreditation is going forward. Chief Frego commented he was sure the Commission was aware of the pursuit that occurred last week and the results of that incident. In response to Commissioner Farris’ question, Chief Frego advised it was Officer David Rybicki who was involved in the pursuit. Commissioner Dodaro explained Officer Rybicki was attempting to stop a crotch rocket (sport styled motorcycle) when it took off. Officer Rybicki went after the crotch rocket, which resulted in a 4-car accident, including Officer Rybicki’s car. People went to the hospital, the motorcycle got away, and the squad car is totaled. Chief Frego stated Officer Rybicki was released for duty starting tomorrow. Commissioner Hejl was not clear on this matter, wherein Chief Frego explain that Officer Rybicki was released by the doctor to return to work. Chief Frego stated the other injuries were not serious; however, he anticipates hearing more on this incident in the future. Commissioner Dodaro advised there was an internal investigation on going at this time.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, June 10, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried (5-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

06-03-2013 Police Commission

June 3, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The June 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on June 3, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Robert Long, Ronald Vale, and Frank Chapranda. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


May 13, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Long made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the May 13, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Resignations of Commissioners – Commissioner Hejl advised that William Dodaro and Donald Farris have resigned from the Police Commission. Commissioner Hejl stated she would like to acknowledge their service and dedication to the Commission for the past nine (9) years, and on behalf of all the present commissioners, she would like to thank them.

New Commissioner(s) – Commissioner Hejl stated the Commission would like to welcome its newest Commissioner, Frank Chapranda. Commissioner Chapranda was present and acknowledged the welcome.

Chief Frego stated he spoke with Attorney Timothy Kuiper earlier today regarding the Chairman’s position of the Police Commission due to the resignation of the Chairman, and Attorney Kuiper advised that Commissioner Hejl does not automatically assume the position of Chairman. Attorney Kuiper stated once the Board is full again with five (5) Commissioners, then they re-elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. Until then, Commissioner Hejl will assume of the position of Interim Chairman. Commissioner Hejl queried as to when the Commission would be getting its fifth member, and Chief Frego stated he did not know at this time.


Due to re-scheduling the monthly meeting of the Police Commission to a week earlier and being the month of May did not end until just this past Friday, there was not sufficient time to compile the Monthly Report for tonight’s meeting. The Monthly Report will be compiled as usual and will be distributed upon its completion.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Chief Frego stated he has extended a Conditional Offer of Employment to Applicant David Wortsman pending his successful completion of the medical and psychological exams and PERF approval. Mr. Wortsman has completed both his physical and psychological examinations, and is currently waiting for PERF approval. Chief Frego stated he does not foresee any problems obtaining PERF approval, and is still hoping to have Mr. Wortsman on staff by July 1, 2013. Chief Frego stated he would like the Commission to make a motion to approve the hiring of David Wortsman effective July 1, 2013. Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve hiring Applicant David Wortsman effective July 1, 2013, pending PERF approval. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego stated Officer Brett Sidenbender has been selected to be the Student Resource Officer (SRO) at Lake Central High School. Later this month, Officer Sidenbender will be attending a 40-hour NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers) course in Fort Wayne, Indiana. At the completion of the 40-hour course, Officer Sidenbender will be a Certified School Resource Officer and will attend continuing education classes after that. Officer Sidenbender is looking forward to his training and getting settled over at Lake Central High School. He will begin his duties on or around August 12, 2013. Chief Frego stated he is looking forward to having Officer Sidenbender in the school.

Regarding the new officer, Chief Frego stated David Wortsman will be attending NILEA on or about August 5, 2013. The physical agility test is on July 29, 2013. The Academy will last 16 weeks, and Mr. Wortsman will not be back at the department until almost January, 2014.

Chief Frego stated he would like to welcome Commissioner Frank Chapranda to the Police Commission. Chief Frego commented he worked with Frank for a long time, during which time Frank was a Sergeant, a Commander, and the Assistant Chief while employed by the Department. Chief Frego stated Frank served the department and community well, and he feels Frank will do the same as a Commissioner.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, July 8, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

07-08-2013 Police Commission

July 8, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The July 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on July 8, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Hejl called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Robert Long, Ronald Vale, and Frank Chapranda. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala was not present due to a family emergency. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


June 3, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the June 3, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of “Correspondence/Communications” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for June 2013. Chief Frego stated that from June 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,177 miles and responded to 578 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 22 adult arrests with 32 charges being filed, and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed. There were 230 traffic citations issued along with 57 written warnings for a total of 287 citations being issued during the month of June 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of June, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $6,917.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of June was 597, for a year-to-date total of 3,307 traffic stops.


Commissioner Hejl queried whether Officer Sidenbender had completed his training to become a School Resource Officer (SRO). Chief Frego advised that Officer Sidenbender attended a 40-hour training class to become a SRO in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and he successfully completed said training. Chief Frego stated that Officer Sidenbender is currently conducting Active Shooter Training at the high school. This is the department’s second time around conducting Active Shooter Training with other departments.

Chief Frego advised the department’s new officer, David Wortsman, was sworn in at the Town Council’s last meeting. Officer Wortsman started work a week ago today on July 1, 2013. Officer Wortsman is scheduled to attend the Physical Agility Assessment on July 29, 2013, and he will start the Academy on August 5, 2013.

In response to Commissioner Long’s question, Chief Frego advised the Department currently has eight (8) active Reserve Officers.


COPS Grant to Hire a Veteran –
Chief Frego stated regarding the COPS Grant, a Progress Report is due by July 30, 2013. At this time, we will be able to report we have, in fact, hired an officer, which will enable them to begin the payout on the Grant.


Commissioner Long made a motion to approve the Organizational Chart presented by Chief Frego to add the position of Commander. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried (3 in favor / 0 against / 1 abstaining; namely, Commissioner Chapranda).

Commissioner Vale made a motion to begin the process to establish an Eligibility List for Police Officer with advertising for applications in August. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously. Much discussion ensued, after which the Commission agreed to the following agenda for the process:

Advertise for Applications: August 1, 2013
Accept Applications: August 1-16, 2013
Applications Due: Friday, September 20, 2013 by 4:00 P.M.
Orientation: Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 9:00 A.M.
Physical Agility / Written Test: Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 8:00 A.M.
(Locations to be announced)

Commissioner Long made a motion to conduct a Sergeant’s test on a date to be determined. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Chief Frego had no further comments at this time.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, August 12, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Long made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

08-12-2013 Police Commission

August 12, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The August 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on August 12, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Hejl called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Ronald Vale, and Frank Chapranda. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala. Commissioner Robert Long was not present. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


July 8, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the July 8, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of “Correspondence/Communications” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for July 2013. Chief Frego stated that from July 1, 2013 through July 31, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,251 miles and responded to 509 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 20 adult arrests with 30 charges being filed, and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed. There were 170 traffic citations issued along with 26 written warnings for a total of 196 citations being issued during the month of July 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of July, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $18,601.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of July was 641, for a year-to-date total of 3,948 traffic stops.


Commissioner Hejl queried whether the availability of applications for the Police Officer Eligibility List was advertised as specified. Recording Secretary Joan Gorcos advised they were and to date, 46 application packets had been given out. Commissioner Hejl requested Ms. Gorcos check the Town website to make sure the advertisement for the hiring process was posted there as well. Chief Frego advised the application packets will be available until Friday, August 16, 2013.

Chief Frego advised that the Department’s new officer, David Wortsman, is currently in the Academy at NILEA and doing well.

Regarding the Interlocal Agreement for the School Resource Officer (SRO), Chief Frego stated the agreement has been signed by the Lake Central School Corporation, as well as by the Towns of Dyer, Schererville and St. John. SRO Sidenbender was in the high school today, and the first day of school for the students is tomorrow, August 13, 2013.


Eligibility List – Commissioner Hejl inquired as to which Eligibility List this item referred to, and Commissioner Vale and Chief Frego advised it was reference the application packets that had just been discussed.


Chief Frego stated the Department received approval from the Town Council for the purchase of two (2) new vehicles, and he wished to thank the Town Council for their approval. The vehicles are 2014 Ford all-wheel drive vehicles that look like Explorers. The vehicles were ordered Friday, and it will be approximately eight (8) weeks before they arrive.


Chief Frego had no further comments at this time.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, September 9, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

09-09-2013 Police Commission

September 9, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The September 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on September 9, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Hejl called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Ronald Vale, and Frank Chapranda. Commissioner Long arrived shortly after the start of the meeting. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala was not in attendance. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


August 12, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the August 12, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of “Correspondence/Communications” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for August 2013. Chief Frego stated that from August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,287 miles and responded to 502 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 30 adult arrests with 48 charges being filed, and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed. There were 204 traffic citations issued along with 45 written warnings for a total of 249 citations being issued during the month of August 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of August, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $6,280.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of August was 531, for a year-to-date total of 4,479 traffic stops.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Eligibility List – Chief Frego advised 115 applications were taken out and to date, 8 application packets have been returned. Applicants have until September 20th to return their packets. The Mandatory Orientation will be held on September 21, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. Chief Frego commented that the application packets will need to be checked for compliance after the Orientation as letters will need to be sent out at the beginning of the week to those applicants who did not comply. The Physical Agility Test and Written Test will be the following Saturday, September 28, 2013. Discussion was held regarding the location of the Mandatory Orientation, which was determined to be in the Training Room of the Public Safety Facility.


There were no matters of “New Business.”


Chief Frego advised there was a meeting last Wednesday at Lake Central High School. This meeting is the monthly meeting with the principals, superintendent, and the Schererville, Dyer and St. John Police Departments. SRO Brett Sidenbender was also present. Lake Central is very happy with having a School Resource Officer. They stated Officer Sidenbender is doing a good job, and everything is going real smooth.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, October 14, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

10-14-2013 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
11-11-2013 Police Commission

November 11, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The November 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on November 11, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Hejl called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Ronald Vale, and Robert Long. Commissioner Frank Chapranda arrived shortly after the meeting adjourned. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala was not in attendance. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


September 9, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the September 9, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of “Correspondence/Communications” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for October 2013. Chief Frego stated that from October 1, 2013 through October 31, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 16,998 miles and responded to 423 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 14 adult arrests with 19 charges being filed, and 3 juvenile arrests with 3 charges being filed. There were 206 traffic citations issued along with 20 written warnings for a total of 226 citations being issued during the month of October 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of October, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $4,040.00. The total value of recovered property was $17,500.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of August was 301, for a year-to-date total of 5,515 traffic stops.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Eligibility List –
Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the Eligibility List as written. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). Some discussion ensued later in the meeting regarding notifying the candidates on the list, and it was determined letters would be sent to the 12 candidates on the list notifying them of their position on the list. Letters would also be sent to the candidates who did not make the Eligibility List.


There were no matters of “New Business.”


Chief Frego thanked the Commission for the time and effort they put into compiling the Eligibility List. Chief Frego stated he believes they made wise choices when compiling the list, and he looked forward to working with whichever candidate off the list that is hired.


There were no items brought up during “Any and All.”


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, December 9, 2013. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Long made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

12-16-2013 Police Commission

December 16, 2013 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The December 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on December 16, 2013 at 6:30 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Hejl called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Rose Hejl, Ronald Vale, and Frank Chapranda. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Commissioner Robert Long and Town Council Liaison Kenneth Gembala were not in attendance. No legal representation was in attendance at the meeting.


November 11, 2013 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the November 11, 2013 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of “Correspondence/Communications” at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for November 2013. Chief Frego stated that from November 1, 2013 through November 30, 2013, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,876 miles and responded to 399 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 20 adult arrests with 37 charges being filed, and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed. There were 157 traffic citations issued along with 36 written warnings for a total of 193 citations being issued during the month of November 2013 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of November, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $2,809.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The total number of traffic stops for the month of November was 685, for a year-to-date total of 6,200 traffic stops.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Eligibility List – Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the Final Register as presented. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no matters of “New Business.”


Chief Frego advised the Department’s new officer is in field training at this time, and is doing well. Chief Frego stated it is going to take a little bit of time for this officer to learn the streets, but he felt everything was going to be okay.


Commissioner Chapranda asked Chief Frego is there was anything more regarding the position of Commander such as duties, responsibilities, etc. Chief Frego advised that a job description exists for that position, and it’s the same job description as when Commissioner Chapranda was a Commander. Commissioner Chapranda stated he does not have a copy of that job description in his manual. Chief Frego presented Commissioner Chapranda with copies of both the Administrative Commander’s and the Patrol Commander’s job descriptions. In response to Commissioner Chapranda’s question, Chief Frego confirmed that the Commander position will be for Patrol when it comes about.

Commissioner Chapranda queried as to the progress of the new policies and procedures. Chief Frego stated they were being worked on and developed. Chief Frego stated that as he explained before, there are 172 standards which have to be met for accreditation and some of our current policies meet those standards, some of them do not, and there are some policies that we currently do not have. Chief Frego gave a verbal example of a policy. Chief Frego advised all the policies have to be completed and then presented to the accreditation company for approval. Once the accreditation company approves them, the policies will be provided to the Commission for adoption. Some discussion ensued. Chief Frego said it takes about a 1-1/2 – 2 years to get the policies written and then approved.


There were no matters of “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting should be held on Monday, January 13, 2014. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 6:30 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.

Commissioner Chapranda stated he would like to schedule an Executive Session just for the Commission for the purpose of getting some matters cleared up as to what the Commissioners can and cannot do, and then possibly a second Executive Session that would include the Chief. After some discussion regarding the date and purpose of the Executive Session, it was determined an Executive Session would be scheduled for 5:30 P.M. on January 13, 2014.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Chapranda, the motion carried (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Ronald Vale, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

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